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18 Feb 2024



Im trying to run from some evil man thats trying to kill me. But its like my legs were moving in slow motion, and im screaming for help at the top of my lungs but no one can hear me.

18 Feb 2024



This dream took place in a hospital or a place that seemed like it could've been. I don't remember much but I do remember going into like a small bathroom/room and there was a dark brown beatiful girl wearing a green outfit. When I opened the door she pulled me in and asked me something that I can't remember but I do remember us in an a hugging position with me rubbing her booty and while in or embrace i backed up towards the wall ans almost fell into as it had a hole in the wall but was covered. Also, it was another girl in the dream and me and her actually kissed in the dream but as her and another guy was leaving...they were already outside and it was dark and i was entering the building she just looked at me and shook her head no or either she mouthed it I'm not sure




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18 Feb 2024



I was in juvie but it was weird because it was in my school but the upstairs half was the juvie. Well basically, I had gotten in there due to unknown reasons and the floor was falling apart really badly and I was scared I was going to fall. My brother and mom were there to say their goodbyes because I was going to be in here for a while and I told my brother my account password because I wanted him to tell my boyfriend that I wasn’t going to be texting him for a while. Although I sneaked in my phone because they never asked to take it away. I was being a big trouble maker because they were holding me against my will and for no reason , so I called my boyfriend and told him everything that was going on and he said he knew because my brother had told him already. After that It was “outside time” so I went outside (I was no longer on the phone with my boyfriend) that’s when I saw my boyfriend there standing before my eyes , he had said on call that he was going to come for me but I didn’t think he’d be serious (me and my boyfriend are long distance so it was so surprising to see him). After I was with him and so happy, this “boy” was about to beat me up and my boyfriend defended me and we made a run for it from the place. We went behind this alley way were this trailer park was located where he was staying. We sat on the floor and talked, I told him how scared I was and he hugged me so tightly it felt so real. I could feel his and my own heartbeat beating together. I was so happy to be in his hands, we finally let go and I told him I was going to escape. I had to escape without him, I made a run towards these local shops that I know in real life. When I got there , there was two cars. One was this expensive looking car with this guy who seemed like he was trouble and these two girls, they both had guns. I believe they had told me a insult and I insulted them back. The guy disliked that I was roasting him infront of these two girls. He decided to point the gun at me and I moved away and he missed his shot. I laughed and told him “you missed coward.” for some weird reason I didn’t care if I died at this moment. It was like my world felt so empty from being in the juvenile place. The other car whom also looked expensived was impressed, he also was with two other girls. The guy had tried to shoot again , that’s when he was so close but I took it as a joke. I got down and started acting injured dramatically. He knew I was just clowning him and I laughed and made a run for it. I went to one of the local shops that was empty , he kept missing all his shots ending up shooting at the wall instead. One of the shops was connected so I left through the back door , the other guy and girls who were on my side started following me to defend me. I made a run into this ice cream shop I know, in my dream my mom worked there. I tried hiding in the back but had a feeling they’d know by all the windows, I wasn’t going to put my mother at risk of getting shot. The guy and girls helped me hide, I hid behind them as they guarded me by pretending they were going to order. The evil guy was outside by a outside table waiting for me and looking for me while the other two girls sat at another table. They got tired of waiting and were leaving but one of the girls saw me, I was praying she was not going to rat me out and she didn’t. Everyone was so astonished by what had just happened and that’s when I woke up.

18 Feb 2024



I was at uncle David and aunt Cathy’s house, and I think I was a little girl, but there were A LOT of people there- more than usual for our family get togethers. We usually only get together with that side of the family for important events, like graduations, funerals, or holidays, so I assume it was one of those reasons. I feel like Seth’s extended family was there, too, but like I said I was younger in the dream, maybe 10ish or younger? So I’m just snooping around the house and it looks like they’re packing it up. I keep trying to avoid people because they’re annoying me and I’m just tired, but I also keep getting these hairball type things stuck in my throat. I have to keep pulling them out with my fingers, but the more I pull out, the bigger they keep getting. I’m starting to get worried that something is seriously wrong with me, but no one seems to notice that anything is off. Everyone just keeps talking amongst themselves and the boys are all happily playing together and running around, and as I’m the only girl, I’m left alone to kinda fend for myself. I make my way through the crowded, messy house until I find a quiet, dark room to kinda hide in and get rid of this stuff in my throat. I feel a HUGE hairball get stuck as two little boys run past me and say something unintelligible as I grab a string of hair and start pulling and gagging as I try to get the hairball out of my throat. I start choking as I wake up in a sweat

18 Feb 2024

New Job


I arrived at work at 9 am, but I didn't turn on the computer to start working until 11:30 am. It took me a very long time to come in, hang up my coat and make coffee, which is why I only started work so late. I went all day at work with long breaks. I had to drop off the mail, which is around the corner, but it also took me an hour. Then I came back to the office for a moment but immediately left to get lunch. I wanted to get sandwiches from a new place in town. Here they had special Katsu sandwiches, those Japanese sandwiches with schnitzel. I ended up being gone until 2 in the afternoon. Then I went back to work and had to do something outside the office. After that I never went back to work. Then I went for a walk with Mounya. I was afraid the whole time that my boss would call me because I had to come back to work. We were a bit debating whether we should eat together or whether we should both go home. Then we went to Jollibee to eat chicken, because it was suddenly in Amsterdam. Then I announced at the last minute that I would not be joining my parents for dinner and my father was very annoyed.

18 Feb 2024

New Job


I was in the jungle with a lot of people around and there was this big huge slide that you go on that takes you through the jungle and for some reason I kept hearing that it was going over Ibiza Falls but I don't think that was accurate. So I put on a life jacket and I go down the slide and it was so fun and beautiful sliding down to the jungle and then I ended up in this big huge area where there's little slides that go down into the ocean or water and it depends on how far down you go of which one you fall over. And so I finally landed and while I was going into the ocean I saw, I thought I saw huge fish that were sharks in there and I panicked for a second but I saw someone that worked there that was just hanging out in the water so I realized it was probably safe. And then I quickly swam over to the area that you come out at and I found my son Fred swimming with me too and we had to get up on this big raft to get out but if we both went on the same side the raft would tip over so I swam around to the other side so we both could hop up onto it at the same time together. And then we went to take our life jackets off and I went to hang mine on the rack but the rack was full and I started a new line of life jackets. And then we went into our room with people sitting around chatting about it and they were very friendly from all over the world and someone said that they had met someone from Philadelphia that was really great recently from the United States.

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