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31 Dec 2023



I was sleeping in bed and I when I woke up I realized that I had been sleeping on maggots this whole time. I was so disgusting and looked at my back and saw red spots. I started freaking out and telling my dad.

31 Dec 2023



We were in a large car and it was me and my friend Jennifer, in the front and my ex Stephanie and her new girlfriend in the very back. It made me angry to see them happy but I left it alone at first. Suddenly we see my coach from college, who I hate, and the setting changes to an empty version of my parents room. Coach was sitting at a table and I was in a line with everyone else closest to the Wall to the right of coach. For whatever reason I was worried about what flats to wear and my friend Crystal had let me borrow some however I hadn't made a decision by the time I was at the front of the line. My gift was a boxing fight and I was excited to let my anger out. I start to pace with a smile waiting to find out who I get to fight. They announced my foe would be my exes current girlfriend, Victoria, and as much as I wanted to kick her ass I couldn't bring myself to. I demanded I fight Stephanie and they allowed me. I landed 2 good punches to her face and one weak punch and then all my anger vanished and I knew if I kept going I would seriously hurt her so I stopped throwing punches. I begged for them to stop the fight while she weakly tried to hit me. They finally did and they gave me my reward of food and other things. We get transported back into the car an I go through the stuff I got. I gave most of it away as I wasn't going to eat or use it. Some of those things I gave to Stephanie and Victoria since they were still in the back. All it took was a little bit of attitude from Stephanie to fire me up again. I turned around and stood as best I could in this car and I yelled "Look I'm sorry". I was met with more attitude so I screamed "I WISH THINGS WEREN'T LIKE THIS BUT I MADE SOME DECISIONS THAT I CANT TAKE BACK EVEN THOUGH I WISH I COULD". At this point I'm more angry than I was before and Victoria popped in with a "wow talk about mood swings" and I lost it. I saw red and the last thing I remember about the dream was that I was beating the shit out of Victoria.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

31 Dec 2023

Being Late


I was in school and I ended up being late to class because the doors to the classrooms all changed. Apparently, the name of the teacher whose class I was late for was my old art/theatre teacher. I don't know what the class was about but when I found the room and entered it, the desks were all over the place. All of my classmates were people that I was briefly acquainted with and names I didn't know because they seemed untrustworthy. The teacher had changed to my current psychology/sociology teacher as I sat down in a desk near the classroom door. Some of the kids moved their desks closer to mine, which made me uncomfortable but I said nothing, so that they could bring me into the conversation. I bent down to pick something up from off the floor and then my dream cuts to an in-progross carboard plus popsicle stick project on my desk. Three weird looking spiders were crawling around on it, going between cardboard pillars and on top of a fake popsicle stick spider, which I apparently made when starting the project. I freaked out a bit, scooching my chair back and wondering why no one else was freaking out over the spiders. I didn't know what to do with them, but since I assumed the live spiders had something to do with the project for some reason, I didnt mention anything about it. Scared and anxious, I reached out to my project and a centipede-like spider tried to cling to my finger. I bit back a scream and shook it off, the spider landing back on the cardboard just before I woke up.

31 Dec 2023



I had a dream that I was in a college and I was with a couple friends just trying to find Something to do for the night From a long week of schoolwork. Stumbled upon a trailer/mobile gaming arena that is full of games and has a bar inside of it and really futuristic looking has a glass window that you can see out of it but you can’t see in it. I still happen to be the owner of it, but I didn’t tell anyone that I was the owner of it. I was just acting like I was a regular person in there that had access to all the administrations and gadgets and everything. One day, the trailer broke down not literally but the configurations turned into a different language and we were having technical issues. I had a helper she was a work girl, but very helpful. She would help out with anything around. We were trying it out. I remember a lot of moments where we were just playing the games and enjoying it, and all the features are so futuristic just really having a good time. As we were in there, I close and locked everything. We spent some hours in there just try to figure it out how to change it and we wanted to move to a different location, but we weren’t able to because the seat to the driver seat went back, we were trying to put it back to normal and there is a button for acceleration and reverse hand. Stop we couldn’t read, which one was which. There was a panel inside the trailer of the vehicle, and a customer/pedestrian came and open the panel and walked inside and grabbed a cloth inside and saw me then went back out there so I followed him and grab my clothes right out his hands and I said don’t come back. Then I looked around and realized that I was in the middle of the city like a Manhattan feeling. then very shortly later. I opened up the doors to get people in to see what’s going on not literally but I just started to see people inside and we started to play the games and drink the drinks and enjoy the time inside there. I realize it was upstairs and a downstairs, and it was very innovative, and there was even a small dance floor . I was too busy with the games and I wanted to play this one soccer game. Then I walked into a room and people were just waiting for this game to come on. Nobody was doing nothing so I went and grab the remote that nobody knows about and started to talk with The Futures trying to get the game on, but the configurations was in a different language and I didn’t want to toggle it too much. Then I started to realize that I should charge people to come in this trailer because I can be very successful with this. I realize that I had a customer trying to help me out. He was very helpful and we were getting somewhere but he was very talkative and kept talking about he’s gonna bring all his friends every time . then I went back onto the driver seat, trying to move the trailer and was getting closer to fixing it. Then I woke up.

31 Dec 2023



my face peeling, it got so bad to the point my skin began peeling off, then My dad, Alaina, Darian and I got in the truck to go to the store while we were at the store waiting on darian to come out we sat down at a bench I made the suggestion to do something as a family like go to the movies. It was dark out. My dad and alaina didn’t like the idea so I went to use the bathroom when leaving the store the cashier waved at me so I smiled when I walked out the store alaina was walking out ahead of me and it was light out as if it was getting dark I went and sat back down and stayed quiet, Darian decided to go back in the store and my dad went too this time, when they got back we all got in the truck but this time Candice joined us. Candice decided she wanted to drive so they decided we should go visit uncle Ralph, while we were leaving the parking lot I noticed some crew people cutting down a tree. She turned down the road to head to uncle Ralph’s house, she missed the turn to his street and alaina was telling her, she said yeah I figured it feels like I drove further, so she turned down another road where her dads house was in another dream I had, his house was basically like in the Everglades, it was a 2 story home on a huge dock sitting above clear water alaina and I knew what animals were around us because im a previous dream I went to visit here while she was there it was ton and tons of gators,so the road come to a curve and Candice lost control of the truck because she was distracted and ended up driving into a pond, my dad took over to get the truck out the pond but it was a little too late as there was water in the truck so he drove out the pond and turned the truck off I checked what percentage I had as we dont know how long we’re going to be stuck, i roll my window down enough to stick my arm out and Candice rolls her window down all the way as I’m trying to tell her that’s not a good idea alaina come from the middle and tried to sit my the window so I tell her she has to stay in the middle the truck is completely off and my dad decided to get out to try to fix the truck or dry it so we can leave, before he gets out alaina and I yell telling him there are gators he still gets out leaving his door open a little, since he got out Candice and alaina decided to get out too, Darian is sleeping in the front seat in assuming, Candice walks to the trunk with my dad and alaina is by the door watching them, I decide to look around and i see a bunch of baby gators around where we’re stuck at and bigger gators further away, then i look at alaina and see a huge green snake that blended in the ground almost right behind her, i yell to warn her, shes begins panicking yelling where and her mom say calmly right behind you, alaina took a step back out of panicking and accidentally stepped on a small part of the snake, it then woke up and bit her leg, i began panicking so I looked for something in the truck to hit it with, i don’t know what I found but when I went to get out and help her the snake had her feet and legs in its mouth, i then hit the snake with what ever I had I look back and see Candice and my dad just standing there watching, while Candice says she can’t be saved I continue to hit the snake and it let her go, and began slithering towards me I hit it again and ran to get back in the truck I turn around and alaina found a huge branch and started hitting it, as I’m getting back in the truck there are some white small snakes in the truck im panicked because no one is help us so I pick the up and throw them out the truck one by one while screaming. I then woke up to my heart racing at 5:55am

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