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18 Feb 2024



I had this dream that my boyfriend and I and my old friends went to this party and he had a baby blue shirt in and then he had a bright pink and white shirt on suit on and I wasnโ€™t dressed fully a girl told him to Put his shirt down and it changed a little after going into the patty I felt as if people will in to him and he forgot about me




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18 Feb 2024



Had a dream that I was saying goodbye with my ex boyfriend on the crossroad. Heโ€™s going to work while I was going to drive an jeep home. I got on the car not knowing there was a stranger in the back seat. I was kidnapped and panicking but still managed to called my ex boyfriend that just left for help. He had my location so he came and rescued me. But by the time he arrived it was at my house with my family and the stranger that kidnapped me had gone. Fast forward I know that my mom is going on a vacation to Japan in a few days. I was planning on going to see her but my grandmother said she wanted to take me somewhere so we were in the car driving to this parking lot. My grandmother is 80 years old but in the dream she knows how to drive a car very well. I was on the car on the phone with my mom while my grandmother was trying to find the best parking spot. My mom told me that sheโ€™s going to Japan in a few hours and I knew I couldnโ€™t make it to see her because of how far I was from her. She said she has hotel coupon that she wants to give me and it was a place where we could see the ocean and coral. All of a sudden grandmother was not the one driving anymore but instead the ex boyfriend that came to rescue me was driving the car and we were going to the ocean and see coral just like my mom said. I was still on the phone with mom and she asked: โ€œare you with the person I am thinking of right now?โ€ I knew she knew I was with my ex boyfriend so I blushed and said yes. It started raining so much and I WOKE UP.

18 Feb 2024

Getting Married


In this dream, I was on a vacation and work trip for a conference, and I was helping a friend with some work, and we were working early in the morning, and I was extremely tired. I went to his room, and I had on a three-piece suit. He noticed that there was food stains on my vest from the last time, I had the suit on, so I decided to remove the vest and wear iit as a two-piece suit. After I' was done helping him, I was going to go back to my room and sleep for an hour from eight to nine in my suit. On the way to my room a passed by the front desk. I stopped to order breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal it was $10.99, As I was getting out my debit card to pay for it, another guest accidentally paid for it with his card. The lady didnt know how to refund him. She said it was $10.99. I gave him $10, by putting two $5 bills in his front shirt pocket while on the elevator. His back was towards the door and I was facing the door. He was actually trying to get on the elevator with us, and it was full. There was a lot of people on there. It looked like it was overcrowded, and when we started to go up, there was so much weight on the elevator that the elevator actually jerked down down like we were going to crash. Then we started to drop, we could see the inside walls of the elevator shaft because the door didn't close all the way, and we were scared we could die from the fall. And then once the elevator dropped to the bottom, it recalibrated, and measured our weight to determine that it was safe to work. I didnt ask anyone to press the 3rd floor button so I missed my floor. I wanted to go to my room, it was almost nine o'clock, and not enough time to sleep. My oatmeal was supposed to be delivered by room service. Surely it was cold by now. I ended up on the wrong floor. I was on one floor where I saw room 387, the first and last numbers were really small and the middle number was huge. So I thought it was on the 8th floor which would have been the wrong floor for me. The elevator started to move again and then I realized I was actually on the third floor, which was the correct floor. I thought it was the eighth floor because of the huge number 8. So after getting lost, I was kind of on this adventure. The next thing I know, I was helping this young and beautiful woman. We were in the hotel and the adventure took us outside. We got on a bus, and I was following her to make sure she was going to be safe. She had her sister with her. And then all of a sudden, the bus driver had to leave and go pick up someone. The driver was counting down the seconds he had to get there before it was too late. The bus driver was speeding and got to the bus stop just in time. There was a man sitting at the bus stop and he looked nervous. The bus driver picked up the guy waiting and he was wearing a disguised. It looked like he was a white guy wearing black makeup and a black afro wig like a Llionel Richie hair cut. Now we were going to drive the guy in disguise back somewhere, and out of nowhere, this lady steps in front of the bus while it's moving and yrlls stop. The bus driver would have run over the lady if he did not stop. she got on the bus as if she was undercover CIA or FBI agent. She was in disguise also following the guy the bus driver picked up.. We made it back to the hotel, and by that time, it was too late for me to take a nap, or go to the first session of the conference. I didnt want to walk in late, so I finished the hotel adventure with beautiful woman and her sister. There was a couple that was going to get married, but for some reason, they called off the wedding, The musicians were still practicing for the wedding, anticipating that someone else would get married. At one point, there was this guy, and he must have been like a leprechaun or something like that, and beautiful woman discovered him, she was whipping the leprechaun with a belt, getting him to say some words, so he would turn blue. She was hitting him with the belt, and his skin was starting to turn blue a little bit. He had to say the words in order to turn 100% blue, and he wouldn't say the words. At one point, as she was trying on wedding dresses, there was like a centipede that was on the floor, and it was moving on the floor and on the lower rail of a chair. The yellow and black centipede jumped and as the beautiful woman tried on anorher wedding dress, the centipede jumped, and it separated and turned into like a seahorse, and the other part was still a centipede. The seahorse and half of centipede both landed on the bottom of her dress. The centipede turned into a leprechaun. Then I remember trying to get back to my room, and one of my work colleagues from another school wanted to meet with me to talk about work, He was sitting at a small table for two that overlooked the hotel lobby. I was trying to get to him, but I had a lot of distractions nterfering with me getting to him.

18 Feb 2024



I was seeing demons and crazy things on people. It felt like I had schizophrenia, and I had mentors that were like witches and wizards helping me โ€˜harnessโ€™ this power in seeing these demons. It started to get really bad where everywhere I went I saw them and I felt like I was going insane so I want back to mentors for help and I started to see them change and their faces look different and scary and I kept screaming and screaming and they tried telling me what to do but their faces just kept scaring me so I just closed my eyes and tried not to think about it but the demons were in my head too when I closed my eyes. And then the mentors said that one of the other mentors that touched my hand was evil and made the visions I saw worse so they lured him in to try and capture him and kill him so I didnโ€™t see the demons so much anymore but everything was scary and I couldnโ€™t focus on anything I just screamed and curled into a ball because I didnโ€™t want to see the demons and scary faces of the people around me

18 Feb 2024



I had the most crazy dream. My husband, myself, and daughter were in our apartment watching tv at night. Then, in slit second someone had broken in. It was a man with dreads, but he was wearing a black hoodie. My husband seemed to know him. He pulled out his gun on my husband and that's when I took our daughter and ran to the apartment apartment lobby, which was Luckily open but dark inside. I was so frozen I struggled to know what to next... so I just stood there with our daughter in the dark lobby. Then that same guy found us there. He kept saying as he waved his gun... "how could you use those points like that." I replied by saying that I didn't know what he was talking about because my husband was the one who handled all of our finances. Then he said, "I know, and that's why he's dead." At that point I broke down crying and kept thinking about if my husband was scared to meet God. He pointed the gun at me and my daughter. I pleaded with him not shoot me because I had my baby with me. He seemed unsure of what he wanted to do, but finally left. I immediately ran back to the apartment to find my. I knew that I was going to find just his body, and preparing myself for what I would see. When I first entered, the apartment was trashed and I saw no body. I saw his legs and he was cover with a bedsheet. He was wearing, black and gray army sweats with a gray shirt. Then I lifted the bedsheet and I confirmed that it was my husband. I could see I tiny dot of read on his shirt and I knew that he had been shot in his right chest area. His face was also bloody. To my surprise he was still alive and a little out of it. I kept telling him that we have to get him to the hospital. But my husband kept saying that he didn't want to go to the hospital. He said that he could just talk to the guy about things and that I didn't understand what game they were all apart of. He went on to mention something about points. All of a sudden we were on my parents country property outside. We went outside to find our cars, but couldn't locate the key. This is where I kept losing My daughter and then finding her again on my parents property, running in between the parked cars. For some reason, all three of us were now laying back in our apartment bed. My husband wanted go to sleep in the bed with him, even though he was still injured. When we woke up, he stayed sleep. Next thing I know my whole family, his whole family, and myself is wearing black. I just kept thinking how he was doing on the other side and if it was scary to meet God. I remember his cousin coming up to me and saying sorry. His aunt was there too. His mom came up to me saying that I wasn't staying in this apartment. My mom agreed. My dad assumed that I would just move back with him. But then my mom walks up to his mom and says, "they need to live with you and would be best there.โ€ As the funeral is about to begin, I started bawling and I could see that my eyes were super red. I know it's just a dream, but could feel the knot in my throat and stomach in real life... I felt what the dream version of me was feeling... that's weird. At that point I told my mom that couldn't live without my husband, but could barely make the words out. His cousin came to me and said "I know and I'm sorry" as I covered my eyes feeling the warm tears on my eyes. I don't usually remember my dreams, but this one felt more like vision and I saw every detail.

18 Feb 2024



I had a dream last night that I was in a shopping centre and I had to go to the toilet and there was a queue of people and I noticed all of the toilets wasn't being used so I went and used it and I shut the door and there was a gap under the door and the toilet was metal and it wasn't overly clean so I thought I'd just kind of hover over it and go to the toilet but there wasn't actually a toilet pole, it kind of just went on the floor and I didn't want to pull my trousers down to have them touch the floor because I thought they'd get soaking wet so I had to take my shoes and my socks off and my trousers off while I had my way and I noticed as I was having my way it was going under the door and I could see there were people queuing and I was like oh no this is awful. Anyway, I finished my way I noticed that my watch that I'd also taken off was kind of like flowing out so I picked that up and then I had to try and get my shoes and my socks and my trousers back on without getting them wet and as I was getting dressed the door seemed to open for some reason so I was trying to keep it shut while I was also getting dressed and not get covered in this river of wee.

18 Feb 2024



I am swimming in dives above sharks, behind Rachel. The sharks emanate a deep grumbling, and embody satan. When we dive in I disturb them, and they begin to chase after me. Iโ€™m taken out of my body and shown a third person view, I follow Rachel up through an exit tube. I just hold on and breathe through a tube until she lets me up. Iโ€™m looking from the outside in, and the tube is reminiscent of a throat, breathing. Just before this I was washing my feet with seals, because I had just run through the mud. My friend found some of my rave goggles and I couldnโ€™t see I was stepping on sage sprouts. She said โ€œwhereโ€™s the sage?โ€ Continually. I was coming from a huge buffet and school event, where David from class was invited for Air karate, and my grandfather was still in construction. I remember driving past huge tractors taking up most of the road. It was like I was in Africa, because David from the education pillar was in love with me. Also I was buying alcohol for my friends Salva and Reed, although the store was packed and I donโ€™t remember if we got it. Somehow we drove with Cameron to the wake up calls, and they had sold Richland to this diner. This dumb fucking girl who I hated started bad mouthing roasters and so I destroyed their entire store. Amen. We ended up in a holding cell where bail was $1350 or we had to write a 20 page essay. She came a sat right in front of me and I told her to move bc I hated her. Also very early in the dream, I was going up to this food truck court, and I went up to one with the pastor who didnโ€™t like my dress and he was selling hot dogs or ice cream or something for $6, because as a mom-profit they can only have transactions for under $10. So I celebrated, because that means we can sell coffee. I walked back and passed Siah and Seven and was walking behind this loop. He was flamboyant and I already knew what he was gonna say. He was describing an outfit, boots up to the thighs, with a heel sharp as a boxpick. Going up within it formed a skirt. Me and another girl repeated this, and I went to the buffet. I also woke up with the worst headache.

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