Dream interpretation about Work, Clean, Siblings
I was at my grandma's house that I also lived in. It was cleaner than I remember it. There were lots of snacks. My little siblings were there doing their own things. I knew I had to get up early for work and the neighbors parked their car behind, blocking me in because they have guests. I asked them if we could switch because I'm leaving very early. I don't think they complied, but I don't remember. When my siblings and I were walking out the door my mom was there and I felt she wasn't our real mom. When I questioned her she grew two heads and became very scary and chased me through the house. I think she caught me because I started to see a vision of a colorful farm with oranges holding up a fence and eggplant, and something else the same way. When I came out of the vision I was really submissive to the skinny mom monster
Dream date:
11 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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