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6 Mar 2024

My crush


my friends and i were on a bus going on vacation. The friends were my old band mates. My band director was taking us to san francisco. I was sitting with my crush. The trip ended early for me because I couldn’t get in contact with anyone. I went home a day early. I told my mom that I wasn’t having a good birthday.

6 Mar 2024



I was in a hallway watching a family walk towards me with a little girl. A man walked behind me and said "that's my daughter". I recognized the man and the girl but they aren't actually related. I walked to a bathroom To get a shower. The bathroom was long and skinny. I looked out of the shower curtain and I saw 3 men talking about a show. I got out and followed them to a mall. I saw one of the men building a mannequin display. He was stuffing the female mannequin with cotton so she would look pregnant. When I looked at the female mannequin, I saw that her face was a penguin face. One of the dog mannequins came to life and started chasing me. I was told by the man "just hit him with a screwdriver and he will turn back into a mannequin. This happens a lot". So I threw a screwdriver at the dog but his legs turned into large drill bits




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6 Mar 2024



My boyfriend had let a bunch of strangers move into our house and told them all they could stay in my personal room that has all my things in it. These strangers had 4 or 5 grizzly bears as pets and 5 or 6 HUGE aggressive dogs that they brought with them. All these animals were trying to attack me and/or my dogs so I would put them outside but when I would try to separate my dogs from their dogs and grizzly bears they would all try to get in and my dogs would be blocked from getting past them and as I'm trying to kick them and push them back outside, rats are crawling into the house. The whole time the strangers are arguing with me and stealing all my stuff out of my room and my boyfriend is nowhere to be found. Then I screamed at them to GET OUT OF MY HOUSE and I ran to get my gun but it was gone too. Then the cops showed up to arrest me and I woke up

6 Mar 2024

New Job


Title: Just a Nibble? Date: March 6th, 20224 I think we were on some sort of family vacation. At the beginning I was at grandma Robie’s New House, and I think Renn was with me, too. Later, my aunt Mariah, younger cousin Tyce, and little cousin Marley, were the ones going on the vacation. Renn came along, to be with me. We had arrived to a forest. If I remember correctly, it was called Caroline’s Forest. The reason being that at night, with the wind passing through its branches, it would moan. Not sure what “Caroline” has to do with wind moaning, though. I remember having a conversation with my cousin Tyce, asking if all his old toys were in storage. He didn’t know. As far he he knew, they were gone. Either in the trash, or with some other kid who would use them more than him at some point. After that, Renn and I walked through a path in Caroline’s Forest. It was a cute, small, path, and the trees and branches were kind of low hanging, and tight-knit, except for the available path. The branches were so low that sometimes, one could accidentally scrape us. We noticed it was getting dark, and heard the forest moan. It was a high pitched scream produced by the air blowing through the trees, but it was frightening, nonetheless. On the other side, there was a little clearing we could sit on. Behind that there was a barbed wire fence, on the other side of which there was a much bigger grassy clearing. The grass growing-semi tall. However my back was to that clearing for the rest of the dream. I faced the forest while I sat, Renn right in front of me. At some point, I realized that Renn was hungry, and needed to eat. It wasn’t a desperate hunger, though. That’s when I was made aware of a bunny rabbit that was with us. I know it belonged to someone, but I don’t remember who. Maybe a personification of the forest, Caroline. “I kinda wanna nibble on the bunny,” He told me. I knew he was being serious. This is when I realized that Renn was a vampire. However, in the dream, I already knew. I had known the whole time. The word “vampire” never crossed my mind, but I knew. “No!” I exclaimed. “You can’t do that!” “I’m not going to kill it, it’ll just be a nibble. It’s gonna be fine, promise.” Renn tried to persuade me. “No, it’s not a good idea,” I said. Renn sighed. “Fine. Then, will you let me nibble on your nose, instead?” My face flushed. “U-Uhm, s-sure…” I stuttered. I hadn’t expected that, but I was okay with it. I was just nervous with how much my nose getting bitten would hurt, and wasn’t excited about that particular area of my face getting bitten. I got out some food, and started eating what I think was a pint of chocolate ice cream. Vegan, I think. After having and savoring a few bites, Renn spoke. “Can I have a bite, now? Just a nibble?” I put the ice cream down, and prepared myself for what was going to happen. “S-Sure, go ahead.” Renn slinked over, smoothly, then, put one gentle hand on the side of my trembling face to calm me, and bit the right side of my chin. I gasped as the feeling of a sharp, biting numbness spread throughout the area. “Th-that’s so much better…” I stuttered out, referring to the fact that he had bitten the side of my chin, instead. I could feel him smile as he continued. It did hurt, but I liked it. Especially since it was Renn. I was nervous, and a bit scared, but I knew I was safe with him. I woke up with a flushed face and a heart pounding in my chest. Holy shit.

6 Mar 2024



head lice was going around around school and i was so worried that i was gonna catch it, since i previously had lice half of my childhood. i was always washing my hair 2, sometimes 3 times a day, scrubbing my scalp in the shower to the point it burned, putting my hair in the tightest buns and pony tails, and brushing through it every chance i got throughout the day. it got to the point i was trying to convince my mom to check my head for lice 3 times a day, and my mom would always say “you’re fine jamie, you’re not gonna get head lice. stop overreacting.”. i eventually went to one of my co-workers (zach) to check my head for lice since i had a hard time doing so. he told me “why are you so scared of getting it? it’s just lice”. i then said “just lice?! dude i have a phobia of bugs, its just lice?? i’m not tryna get lice again.”. he then caved in and checked my scalp for me, and questioned me about my phobia. i told him i was mostly scared of stink bugs, thats the main part of my phobia. other bugs remind me of stink bugs, so when i think of getting lice, im worried that im gonna get stink bugs in my scalp too. he then said “oh that’s understandable. i’ll check your scalp for you anytime you need me to.”. i just felt relieved in that moment that someone finally understood me, and didn’t brush it to the side. i invested in a lice comb (it was the same one i had when i was a kid), and i was going through my hair at work, and i was telling zach and brandie that i was so worried a stink bug was gonna be in my hair. i got through 3 brushes, and i heard a big zap. i quickly got the lice comb away from me worried that a stink bug got caught in there. zach said “it’s a lice comb, what stink bug is gonna fit in that thing lol”. i picked up the comb with two fingers, and looked inside. it was a weird looking bug with 3 long legs. i sat it back down on the counter and said “no but that thing can fit into it.”. zach emptied the comb for me and assured me there wasn’t gonna be any stink bugs on my head, so i picked the comb back up and started going through my hair again with it. i heard a few more zaps from the comb, but they were tiny ones so i kept going. when i got finished going through my hair, i looked inside the comb, and there was lint balls and dandruff in it. i emptied the comb feeling really glad it wasn’t lice or stink bugs. i brushed my hair out with a normal brush, and put my hair up really tight in a claw clip. i was really worried brandie and zach were gonna laugh at me for my phobia and ‘overreacting’, but when i realized they were just trying to help, i felt relieved. i remember using the lice comb at school too, and everyone was laughing at me because of how i was reacting thinking a stink bug was gonna be in the comb. they was also laughing at how ‘extra’ i was (referring to me doing everything i can to not get bugs in my hair). i was mortified.

6 Mar 2024



i was in a boat house looking thing with my family, i’ve never met these people in the waking world but they were my family in the dream. anyways there was a really bad storm or something happening, so i just went to sleep. i woke up a few years later, and everyone was gone or dead. there was a room in the house that had a window in it without the glass, but the doors to go into the room were locked. i looked through the window opening to see why it was locked. it was the control room with the controls to the house boat, and a bunch of radars. there was what looked like 2 people in there. i said “hey!” and they turned around and aggressively ran at me. they were possessed looking zombies. i noticed there was a rope tied around both of them, and they were trying to convince me to open the door. i was going to, but i heard someone say “you don’t wanna open that door!”. so i didn’t. the people in the room tried to convince me again, this time in a calming and comforting tone. i caved in and opened the door, and they ran straight for me trying to grab me. i ran into the hallway, and reached a dead end. i just sat in the corner as the brain dead people tried to grab and bite me. i completely forgot to mention this house kind of looked like a house i built in the sims 4. anyways i was crying and didn’t know what to do, but one of the zombies grabbed me, and went straight for my face. i then woke up from the dream

6 Mar 2024



I was hanging out with a group of “friends”, no one i know in real life but that’s what it felt like. They all happened to be all females. I don’t quite remember the argument but I ended up getting into an argument with one of the girls and I wrestled with her a bit. The girls separated us but I yelled at her and told her to never put her hands on me ever again and that, that was never okay. Then I stormed off because everyone was acting like it wasn’t a big deal. The next thing I know I’m outside walking through a construction site and suddenly it’s like a scene from a movie. But it’s specifically the end where the “good guys” win and it looked kind of like an old 80s film. Like a footloose or Breakfast club scene with all the weirdoes and the people who don’t fit in celebrating together. They were all people you wouldn’t imagine seeing together but they looked like best of friends. It was people of all genders and ethnicities but i was just there watching it not at all a part of it. Then I woke up.

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