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1 Jan 2024



My dream starts with me in the military and war has broken out between an unknown force. We are out west, probably Oklahoma, when bad weather starts to happen. One tornado after the other comes by our military outpost and destroys everything we had. The clouds where oil black and where the sun broke through, the sun was a smoky bronze. As time went by, our buildings we lived in became nothing more than mattresses on the floor. We lived in a plywood building with three walls. Mud was on the floor and we where all unclean. As I'm laying on my mattress, I hear a Sargent tell a young kid he wasn't welcome in our camp site. As a lied on my mattress, I heard the young boy explain that he had no where else to go. As I listened, I realized I knew that voice. It was the voice of my 6 year old son. Being at war with an unseen enemy in America, something happened to them. I asked him what happened to his mother, brother, and sister, and he tells me that they all died. The military threw them out of the base after the last tornado went through the base. A few days later, another tornado hit the unprotected camp my family was staying in where they all died but my youngest son. As he lays down to get some sleep, I go out to ask what happened, why no one told me, and tell them my son is staying with me. As time goes on, the tornados start to get worse eventually there is no escaping them and we are told to abandon the area. As I grab my son to leave, a massive tornado hits the camp before people could get to shelter where thousands die. One young man had been hit by a falling satellite dish and broke his neck. This boy still lived but when I was performing first aid, the medic came over and broke his neck. He then explained to me that we did not have the time or expenses for it. My son and I then run for our lives leaving one camp after the other trying to find a safe place to stay. As we leave, we see the military doing terrible things to citizens of America. They where killing orphans, shooting the injured, and burning everything they see. At one point a group of military men where pouring cement over a culvert with trapped kids inside. Seeing as nothing could be done, my son and I ran on. As we entered abandoned parts of the city, bombs started to fall and level the city we where just in. Once we cleared the city, a nuke fell over the city and destroyed it completely. My dream stops there for a while, but when it restarts I am an officer in the US Army and the war has changed. We know who the enemy is. I am in Boston Massachusetts and my military unit is camping out of Fennway Park. Once I introduce myself to my men, my authority is questioned and I tell them all to prepare for a patrol into enemy territory in two days. The men I am suppose to lead do not like this and call me out on being new. They then trick me into entering a room with a dozen or more of the enemy and hear is where I see the enemy for the first time. To make the description short, they are zombies. Pale face, bruise like spots on there bodies, and burnt looking arms. They do not talk or show any intelligence. As I find out that I was betrayed, I take out a sword and kill all 12 of the zombies without even breaking a sweat. To the shock of my men, they let me out of the glass room where I tell them we will still be going on that patrol. As I sit there and clean my swords, I was asked why I carry the sword and my response was that swords don't run out of ammo. Then an alarm goes off Fennway starts to get over run. As we fight for our lives, several people who where using guns got swarmed and bit where people using swords, knives, or standing still, did not attract attention. Once the battle was over, we quarantined the infected and waited. I then went to the top of Fennway to get a better look at Boston and what I see startles me. Boston is gone and is nothing but a smoking ruin except for Fennway. As I stand there looking over Boston, a thought came to me. Where was my Son? I then woke up.

1 Jan 2024



I was at my sister's waking up with some of my friends from back in high school and my husband. My mother was being arguementive as we had left with my sister somewhere and then ended up at her house. I was tired and we all fell asleep late and while we were all waking up we had planned to drive the truck back home with no issues. We were just trying to get some rest. I get woken up by one of my friends and they tell me that one of them past away and that left a sore spot on my heart. I leaned towards my husband at the time to help me grieve through it and I remember talking with all my friends about how angry we were that he had done killed himself . That he could have gone far in life. Me and my husband were talking and as I was trying to organize our things my friend comes up to me after my husband left to go do something at work that made him have to leave for a few days, I was asked that the driver was here to pick all of us up. I was pissed because I knew that my husband dad and my mother planned it and got impatient as far as when it came to me going home. I was hurt by losing a friend then my husband having to leave for the work trip, etc. I just wanted some time and peace and a little bit of time to spend with my other friends before going home later that night. My husband's dad was there making sure that I was packing and getting ready to leave. I was trying to sort out some crystals and place them back on my sisters self and stood up on the bed and saw what looked to be a giant moldivite crystal piece on my sisters aquarium. I looked closer and realized the crystal was actually an aquarium full of minnows sitting on the side on top of another partially full aquarium with no fish. I thought it was strange and unique but didn't judge. The water inside the aquarium was green, but looked beautiful either way. I started bending over and picking up clothes and felt really sad and my eyes burned with tears. One of my friends came back and stated it's ok we were able to switch for a later time! I still was not happy this was going on and proceeded to get my clothes in my basket. I tried finding the socks I put on and while doing so overheard my husband's dad show up talking with my friends. As they were trying to to defend me and tell him to wait one of them gentely tried to nudge me to get things together. I snapped and said I was, but needed a little more time as I was trying to find my socks to put my shoes on. I finally did gathered my stuff and walked down towards the back of my sisters home looking at some crystalized figurines and remember breaking down crying over the stress. Then I overheard my husband dad on the phone with my mother talking shit about how im ungrategul and that i should have been more responsible and not dumped my kids on them. They both ended up getting into a fight and at that point I lost it. I screamed at them can we please not be fighting and proceeded to continue to cry. Then I started getting angry and voiced out that its not fair for her to judge me over things I do in my life, but she could go off and do a bunch of things without even asking me to watch my neices that she was suppose to watch during the time I was living with her. I was hurt mad and felt betrayed. I woke up still upset over the thoughts and events in the dreams about my husband dad and my mothers actions.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

1 Jan 2024



I was Easter shopping in a store, looking for an Easter basket. I picked one but it was broken, so I returned it and got another one. Then I left the store and started walking down a road. I ran into someone I had met before in my dreams and he took me back to his place. I saw a fold up chair hanging on the wall that I had brought the first time I met him. That was a year ago in my dream. He told me I looked different. My hair was looked plain to him. Then it transitioned to a pool and eating area scene. We had fun swimming around and kissing each other. I was in love with him. We sat down at a table to eat and he was suddenly wearing a suit. A waitress came around to take our order. I told her he was underage so he couldn't have any alcohol. He looked at me and smiled. Then I woke up.

1 Jan 2024



(it’s an old dream, but one i’m curious of nonetheless) A blonde lady in torn white rags is brought into hell with shackles on her wrists. She is presented to an infamous Demon Lord. She is brought to a building and sent to the 7th floor. To clean. Days go on like this. She leaves to sleep, but all i see is her sweeping floors 2-8. Never the top floor, and never the bottom one. But, some time into her.. job, one day the Demon Lord comes in. The lady is nervous but happy, smiling. The Demon Lord leads her to the edge of the room, where they can see a good portion of hell. They say the view is nice, and they talk. This goes on, every other day— for a long time. One day, the lady is entering the elevator to go to work, but she speaks inside of it first. “I love you.” There are no buttons, she can’t control where she can go. The light on the number 2 starts to go down, and the elevator starts shaking violently as it descends. The lady is crying now, screaming “I love you! There’s nothing you can do to change it!” She cries. She continues to yell her feelings as she goes down. But then, the elevator stops. The girl blinks the tears away from her eyes. and looks at the numbers. 8 has been lit. She’s on the 8th floor right now. So close to the 9th. The elevator starts ascending, and relief washes off the blonde. She tries to straighten up, brushing of her dirty white rag-dress and adjusting her shackles. She reaches the top floor. The elevator opens up, and the Demon Lord is there, in front of her. He turns, and goes to the edge of the room. The lady follows him, and watches him sitting there for a moment before sitting beside him. She rests her head on his shoulder. The Lord has flashbacks of another human, far too close to the looks of this woman.

1 Jan 2024



Just had a dream about two girls in my nana’s guest room sitting on the bed. Currently I am on the couch, I fell asleep out in the living room tonight. But anyways, In the dream, there were two girls who kept sitting on the bed, refusing to move. They looked to be strangers, and they were quite rude. I don’t remember exactly what they said to me—probably some things about my weight or any classic insult, but I know what I said back to them(also insults) seemed to make them upset, shock them from time to time as I desperately tried to remove them from the bed. I wasn’t alone however, to young-adult women were with me, they both seemed to be my girlfriends. They were trying to help me remove the other two girls from the room. I summoned multiple little weapons, mostly focusing on a clean pit of scissors, which i continually was stabbing/trying to stab them with. My effort weren’t for naught, it affected them, but not as well as I had wanted it too. My two girlfriends however, appear dead in the doorway, with actual good weaponry. A bag, and/or maybe an axe. They each had their own thing, and we were all fighting to get them out. Then another partner of mine arrived. I could just feel that they were apart of this polyamoric group I was imagining, I guess. I couldn’t quite tell their gender, if anything, I thought it was another girl, but even with their long dark hair and thin-ish frame, they expressed a strong masculine energy that was also very attractive to me. It was like when the third partner came it, that was the final push, and the two rude girls from before were finally kicked out. Stumbling, one even teleported(?) out of the room when I imagined picking her up by the scruff of her sweater and tossing her out. The sweater itself sagged and fell onto the bed where she sat with a poof that represented her missing body, but then I saw her figure out in the hall, confused, and without the sweater. All three of my romantic partners previously mentioned came into the bedroom with me then, the third, masculine one, motioned to close the door and leave it a crack. As they passed me to get deeper into the room and the other two girlfriends got comfortable sitting on the bed in the stead of the previous girls spots—I went to close the door fully. But one of my girlfriends stopped me and said, “Wait, I think they’re talking out there.. we should listen just in case..” She had a soft pout on her face and concern in her voice for the girls we had just booted. I pursed my lips and left the door open a crack. Before I left the door again, I listened as she had asked us all to. I heard yelling. I even peaked through into the hall way, It looked like a mother and father, yelling at the two girls who were rude to me. Berating them for causing so much trouble, and “failing to even do it right”. One of the girls looked disgruntled and annoyed, while the other was more scared. I didn’t feel particularly bad though. I made my way back into the room, around the bed where I usually like to stand, while my other girlfriends were sitting on it, near the headboard. They were bubbly and happily asked if I was okay, making chatter. The third partner with us was awfully quiet and their face had been obscured to my vision this entire time. I made a mistake, I said out loud, something—about how this was a dream. A nice one, but a dream nonetheless. I noticed my error and spoke too slow after it. Trying to say things like, “oh it feels like a dream.” but no, I said Dream. The other two girlfriends looked confused by my words more than anything, but my third partner grabbed my left wrist roughly for my ignorant speech. I whined at them, knowing my dream would now end soon, saying that I was sorry and didn’t mean It, I wanted to hang out with them a little longer. They didn’t say anything. They didn’t seem malicious, even—just finishing out a task if anything. They gave me a strong look with just their eyes, the rest of their face still blurred, as if to say, “Too bad, now it’s time to go.” I had a small moment of dark paralysis afterward, talking to myself in my mind for a minute before deciding to finally force myself up.

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