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24 Feb 2024



I had a dream that a gas cooker exploded because someone fitted it wrong I tried in my dream to explain to the person that fitted it that they should of used a professional for safety they become cross at me then I woke up




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24 Feb 2024



It started as a video game, the goal was to try to collect as many items as you could without getting caught by the guardian of the building. Me and a few others finished that part while almost failing. Then we escaped the building and it turned into a harsh snowy landscape. The 'guardian' was making life outside of the building hard to survive. The animals, cows, were malnourished and cold. The building were wrecked and abandoned. The landscape was hard to traverse. By the end, I got face to face with the person creating all of this destruction, and it turned out to be my mom. I screamed "enough is enough, stop hurting innocent things around you just so you can feel better"... Then the dream turned into me and my mom in a room alone, and I was giving her a gift... Even though I found out she was evil earlier.

24 Feb 2024



I had to go to jail but I wasn’t sure why or what I did. When I got there I was being admitted but not really told what was going on. It was strange because I still had my clothes and my cell phone. I was wondering around trying to figure it out. I knew I was in jail but it was strange because I had my phone still and there were tons of activities to do. There was a huge water slide probably 5-6 slides wide with plants around it. The slide went around the corner and landed into a pool. There were classes to take and things to do but I still didn’t want to be there. I was able to get to my track and I drive straight to my grandparents house. I knew I was at their house but it wasn’t their house in real life. I explained to them that I had went to jail and I needed them to give me bail money. I was frantic and told them I had no idea what it would cost but I needed out. I left abruptly because I had to get back to jail. When I got back I was still confused why I was there and what I did. I’m not sure if I got the bail money or not.

24 Feb 2024



I was trying to get away from someone or something not sure what. My dad was there and so was my CrossFit coach. I also think other friends were there but I’m not sure. While trying to get away, there was a rail road track high in the air - probably 30 feet or so. In the railroad track was my first car a Mustang. Also on the railroad track was a piece of plywood that would glide on the track. The only way up to the plywood was to climb a rope. All of a sudden I realize my dog Ruby is there and I have to take her with me. She weighs 80 pounds. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to climb the rooe and carry her up. So I tested it and to my surprise I was able to climb the rooe and carry her up. So we all got onto the plywood. It had bins on top. We got into the bins and rode the piece of plywood away. Later in the dream I released that my dog Ruby was riding on the plywood on my vintage couch. I realized my dad had left her behind and I had to go ba k and get her. When I went back, she was laying the ground bc she had fallen from the 30 feet railroad track. She was tired and sore but ok. I found her in the grass.

24 Feb 2024

Break up


I have been asleep for almost 24 hours. I had several dreams during that time. Some were interesting, others, mildly concerning some were quite pleasant. I dreamt that I moved to a new place in fair oaks, a nice house, not a big house, but in a great area near the river. Anyway my boyfriend and I have recently been fighting non stop and in my dream he was stalking me. In my dream I had left him again. And he has been cutting up the neighbors bushes to spell threats towards me. The yards were full of them. One of my new neighbors in the dream was an Asian couple who had a passion for aquariums and raising exotic fish. Their whole house was row after row of aquariums and tanks of beautiful fish. My cat was incredibly amused and twitched his tail while watching all the fish. Another neighbor was an athletic older lady who raised wolf hybrids as service animals and protection for celebrity clients. The dogs were gorgeous and amazingly obedient. They were completely loyal to were my cat could walk right under their noses without them so much as sniffing at him. My cat Lolo and I finally felt safe at this new place. One night I was in bed with my cat and my bedroom door was kicked in by law enforcement. They surrounded my bed and started asking me about my ex boyfriend Steven. Apparently he had been breaking into local businesses again. I told them we had broken up and he didn't live with me. A young and pretty female officer in plain clothes except for a bullet proof vest sat next to me. She told me everything was going to change for the better for me. She told me that if I wanted it, I could have a normal life without being stalked or harassed anymore. With a chance at actual love again. Not the toxic abuse in place of it I know from Steven. I hope she was real and I hope I can find happiness somehow. Even alone with my cat, I hope I can be content and satisfied without slipping in to monophobia.

24 Feb 2024



Its a beautiful night, alot of my family & loved ones surrounding me. My grandmother, my sisters, my boyfriend at the time joel , my mother and father (surprisingly, considering how much they hate eachother) , my aunts etc.. First negative turn was seeing my aunt & mother get into a fist fight (maybe thats suppressed childhood trauma from seeing them getting into an actual fight when i was a little girl). I’m not sure why they were fighting in this dream but i got in the middle of it , ended up with a long scrape across my lower stomach (kind of how woman look after a C Section). The wound looked alot worse than anticipated when i showed my mom & aunt the Mark i got from trying to break them up. Seeing it shocked me, what was even more shocking was the REAL pain i felt from it. I remember being in my dream thinking “dam this must really be hurting me because my Stomach probably hurts in real life”. (Lucid dreaming is pretty common For me). Anyways , my aunt and mother ended up making up and the night continues happily. The vibes are right again. I soon realize this entire soiree with my loved ones are ON A BOAT! Picture this, beautiful night in miami, big boat, cool neon lights on the decks, white and gold decor on the inside, rave type music in the background. Wow ! What a night! Untill shit takes another turn for the worst…. There’s this man i reminder meeting earlier in my dream …. White, tall & beefy, older (maybe later 40s early 50s, grays on his head and beard.. he had his little son with him (maybe about 5 or 6 years old). He wanted to show me a cool part of the boat. I fell for his trap and followed him … this part of the boat was this vacant dark area kind of like a small room next to where ppl park their cars (why is their a parking garage on a boat, Dont ask me) . As we approach this dark room i get a wave of regret rushing over my entire body. My entire body was telling me to RUN! As he gestures for me to go in the room first i turn around and use alllll of my energy to RUN! But it wasnt enough! He grabbed me by my necklace and pulls me back . Sort of choking me a bit with the necklace. In the moment i knew what was about to happen, i knew i fucked up. He drags me into this dark room with my whole body kicking and squirming screaming out for my dad “DAAAAAD, DAAADD, HELP ME DAD!!” like i said… the entire area was vacant.. my dad wasnt coming to save me, he couldn’t even hear me.. I black out in that room from the white older man hitting me in the face so many times (the punches I did not feel in real life, thank God) As im coming in and out of consciousness i see glimpses, flashes of this Horrible mans face with the biggest evil grin I’ve ever seen.. He tried putting his finger in my mouth and my first thought was “bite” so i bit as hard as i can , if i would’ve bit any harder i would’ve took his finger off, luckily. But i didn’t get the reaction i expected, he liked it. So i bit harder and harder! Nope didn’t work.

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