Dream interpretation about Fear, Fight, Party, Music, Water, Reunion
i went to a house party of an old school friend, im talking secondary school and it was kind of a mini reunion. The flat party was fun, i got there early, brought my gift and was chilling with the host and another person, the host then says “oh i have two different gang members coming” and i was like “eh- this place will turn into a shootout” mind you, we live in the UK but for some reason i automatically thought of guns. The party ended up still happening, a lot of her friends came and it became full, it was time to give her, her present but for some reason the present had be dunked in water before and was dripping, it was weird. Then all of a sudden, half of the people who were there vanished and it was like just 10 of us. The girl’s whose birthday it was, was walking around. But i was walking around with my shoes, ready to leave - until her brothers started walking around the flat, someone had chucked three clumps of grass into their house via the balcony, but it landed into the living room where the guests were. The host and her brothers went to the bedroom, walking past me, having another balcony in the bedroom, ready to fight for dominance to whoever was outside. I then went into the living room / kitchen and started seeing, like 3/4 people standing at the balcony with guns pointing outside, saying “only real ones can shoot” - I then see my friends crouched down on the floor of the kitchen corner, i was so scared, i was clutching onto my shoes and started to lay down, i was laying next to my best friend Damani. I kept looking at her, but she wasn’t looking at me. But i was scared a stray bullet would kill me. I kept repeating and praying “Oh God, please let me survive this” - was thinking of all the things i was meant to accomplish, it was scary. But prior to that dream, i had another dream, it was still in the same universe and the dream afterwards, but I was chilling with the same old school friend, Courtney (share same birthday courtney) and we ended up going to an open mic. There was this girl called Jean/Jen? i’m not sure, but she was on stage singing and everyone loved it - to the point days later i go past the streets and everyone is talking about Jen! I get interested and i’m like, oh hold on I wanna be next! I want to be a superstar and i search up the girls manager, seeing she’s a mutual friend of someone i know, i DM her and follow her - asking if she can see me and audition me. Then it just finishes to the other dream about the party and gun stuff. ahaha.
Dream date:
13 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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