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24 Feb 2024
My mom surprised me with a trip to florida and i had to cancel on my client last minute which i wasn’t upset about to be honest. When we got there it was so pretty and bright with so many tall buildings, but then there was also lots of beaches and private villas. it was a dream beach city and i didn’t want to wake up.
i went on a run and i was very dady
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Green space aliens visit earth. They are cute ar first. People invite them into their homes but they become unwanted guests soon as they multiply quickly. Their babies require lots of food and when they get a little older they get into lots of trouble. Space alien kids start ruining earth and the aliens refuse to leave. The military soon follows government orders to destroy aliens and nuke their moon base but the aliens fight back and win. Earthlings are now under alien control.
dreamed about 3 moons.. one was an eclipse with an “!”on top.. one was regular moon and the other one was reddish i believe right beside the regular moon.. during the mist it was an power outage i believe to see the moons
My coworker receive 12,000 dollars to open a new business and the one of my stylist was complaining about me to my manager and when I caught her she started crying and saying I was mean
I was in a very nice salon. The salon serviced a lot of little black girls around the ages of 3 and 4. I was washing hair and someone was doing hair. The hairstylist and I were moving quick and getting the kids in and out. Olivia had called me to ask me who retwisted my locs. She was going through a tough time and just wanted someone to come by her house to do her hair. A man with locs was sitting in next to us when a little walked up us with half a head of curly hair and half a head of locs holding a bottle of conditioner. I questioned if her mom wanted me to come out her locs and the wondered who she belong too. The man says “that’s Alume. Why else do you think Serena Williams is here?” I rush to the lobby and there she was holding a baby and laying back on the bench.
I drempt I woke up and my husband wasn't in bed and I couldn't find him. I looked everywhere and he just disappeared
Possibly back in Germany as their was a owner and their dog I used to watch out there. Dogs name is trigger. My dog Ragnar ran to group of people and trigger. Then a tiny cougar cub came up and Ragnar started to chase the cub. Immediately I was nervous the mom was around and going to hurt Ragnar. Chased them down to a body of water and when the cub went under water and came out it was not a panther cub and there were a lot more of them maybe 4-5 and they were facing me at first then I stopped moving they turned their attention to something behind me and started hissing and making a horrible sound and then I woke up. Initially when I woke up had a bad feeling about the dream that it didn’t mean anything good and thought they were angry with me but when I thought about it they weren’t facing me. It was like they were looking behind me or through me.
I have traveled alone. Walking holding hands with a man. Castle’s
In real life yesterday I couldn't find my toothbrush. When I fell asleep I had a dream that someone was using my toothbrush and it was a stranger. A white man I do not recognize. I have no idea how he got in my home to get it. I just know that in my dream I was frantically looking for my toothbrush and somehow I end up at the clinic down the road and I see him say "hey I found this pink toothbrush, thanks for letting me use it, do you want me to sit it on this table?" And the dream ended. It was really bizarre.
I was trying to call 911 but it just wouldn’t go through. I dialed it would go to 611 or 411. I even spoke it in the phone to Siri and 911 still did not go through.
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