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2 Mar 2024
I was in a kindergarten class with a group of other people. The rest were kindergartners, and the teacher was trying to host a gender reveal party for them. We were all trying to take a group photo, but the kids were at cooperates. They kept being at opposite ends of the room specifically boys on one side and girls on the other side. Eventually we got to the gender reveal and it was revealed that she was going to have a girl. I remember her saying she had a yellow house here in town in my next stream, she owned a train station thing, I was on the train and the same guy kept trying to grope on me and I was very uncomfortable. the train tracks only went two ways. north and south.
I had a dream that I was pregnant and I though I was only having one baby and I got told I’m having twins and so was another person at the same time who was pregnant she also got told she was having twins but the scary part was that the two strangers were trying to kill my twins for some reason but can’t remember what for. And that kept Trying and I was like no you will not kill my babies. Then I called Julie my boyfriend mam as we were in a house when this was happening my boyfriend was also I’m my dream too. Then I remember going to a primark hall and my boyfriend was somewhere else and I got some clothes to try them on so I went into the changing room and this person kept on like being obsessed with me and was trying to touch/squeeze my boobs, then after we done shopping there was a lass holding a knife and me and one of my friends that I made on the trip we ran them we got back and I got a text of a memeber of the police wanted me to go down to the police station because then I’ll be safer, so we all went to police station we looks out of the window and this tomahawk military helicopter it was red and white and shopping everyone and the police man said they need all the men to help bring this helicopter down and I said can my baby daddy stay with me and let other fight. Then I felt nauseous and the police man offered me someone and I turned it down, my boyfriend got me something because he knows what I like to eat I said to my boyfriends mam I’m actually having twins not just one baby. And I said twins are hard work but I have a plan I’ll sort one out and my boyfriend would sort other one, they were one baby boy and one baby girl we were so happy.
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I had a dream that a maternal figure gifted me a vintage touchless hairdryer curling tool (not real in real life) that was used to automatically curl hair. I couldn't get it to work at first but eventually I got it and it made beautiful curls in my hair. Then I had a dream about the ebb and glow of my lungs breathing in and out turning into a butterfly and flying away. The flapping and the breathing were like waves going in and out.
I was playing a video game and there was a main character and she was a vet and idk why but ‘Vets 4 Pets’ kept popping up all over and then I got bored and turned off the video game and checked my messages and my friend lily was wearing my dress and asking if it looked nice and my friend Mia put “Maisie has been excited about this for ages” and I had no idea what they were talking about so I said huh and no one replied. Then I went on TikTok and someone I know called tilly dropped a party invite off at my door the exact same time that I saw the TikTok that she had made abt the party invites. Then I was in school and me and this other girl got called into mr.Briggs office
I dreamt about beautiful open fields of corn and sunflowers. It was breathtaking
i was with a bunch of random people and was forced to go through dangerous situations and one of them included a girl murdering her 2 closest friends in the school bathroom, another one was me escaping goo and collecting weapons to then fight people like on fortnite, i ended up trying to go back into the goo to get back to the beginning but it was colder this time and hurt more
I had a pet crocodile in my childhood home and it was chasing me into the kitchen and I had to get to higher ground
I dreamed about me going into my room and turning on the computer, suddenly the computer screen became soft and I couldn't stand up straight. I have to hold it straight so I can turn it on and play.
I was in my room waking up from my alarm, I didn't want to stand up until my dad came in and said something that I cannot remember. After that I opened the windows to see the moon and the Saturn to circulate around eachother. I wanted to take a picture but before that happend I realised they would collide into eachother, so went down to my family to say that to them but they didn't believe me. I tried to take photos and text some friends but I was to slow. As the moon and Saturn collided into eachother a big iceage began and text messages Bagan to come in. As I looked out I saw a big rip in the ground that kind of spit out magma. So I said to my little brothers "If you go there you're dead" after that the song " The Boys" from girls generation starts playing
I had a dream that I was working in a restaurant I used to work at 20 years ago. In the dream they told me I would be waiting on my deceased friend’s dad and his whole family because they requested me as their server. In the dream they dedicated an entire area of the restaurant to my friend. In the dream I was very upset and crying the whole time
I was at work as a barista and when i arrived to my shift I saw that instead of just one kind of coffee beans for our espresso we had one bag of every blend our supplier carries. Even though i asked my supervisor why, she seemed confused as to why i was confused and acted as if that were typical. we would be mixing blends when the grinder ran out and i thought the espresso would be gross, but no one else cared.
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