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11 Apr 2024
One night I had a dream that I recalled I had remembered dreaming about multiple times before. I was on a farm where a ton of people were there too. Everyone had to hide before midnight every single night from a monster no one had ever seen before. No animals were on the farm because they were all dead. As long as you were fully covered head to toe and the monster couldn’t find you than you were safe. For example if you were hiding in a card board box and you snored when you slept than you’d be the first to die. When you woke up the next morning after dawn you’d walk around the property to see who survived, and who died a brutal death. Every single dream I woke up in I always had only an hour left to find cover before the monster arrived. I would run for my life freaking out. One time I buried myself alive, and hid myself in a dog cage cloaked with sheets, and one time I hid under the floor boards. I survived every time or at least I think I did. It was so weird I wanted to write a book about my dream.
My male bestie and I love each other but I had a dream he was fucking me and came inside me it felt so good and I woke up cumming
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I was at the market and I saw my old friend and my group of friends. And Im going to home, and there was my entire whole family l was so scared because of apocalypse thing
At my childhood home the world was being taken over by these humanoid robots that looked exactly like humans I was there with my current boyfriend n my ex boyfriebdade an appearance my sister was trying to kiss him n I was trying to beat the hell out of both of them n keep them apart. All the whole these things are catching us and shooting us up with a weird syringe and we were always in knee high mud.
I was in a prank war between schools and they had awesome wild like campus. There was a giant iron fence and my friend and I were talking to my other friend on the other side of the fence. The iron fence separates my school from the other one. I walked to the park and saw the prank war my other friend that was a girl was creating an dead version of Santa Claus. When I was walking, I felt lonely.
I'm dancing with a faceless man. We are surrounded by hundreds people watching us. No words or music just silent dancing
I dreamt that my childhood friend and I were on a flooded beach and there were serpentile beasts with Geisha like faces trying to approach only me. My friend seemed to be able to hold them back and they seem maliciously curious about me as of they were trying to see if I was friend or foe
10 Apr 2024
I had a dream i was blinded by a familiar yet mysterious woman and she then taught me how to move through the world as a blind person going as far as teaching my how to identify people and drive while blind
I dreamed that I was initially blinded completely and over the course of the dream a pin in my vision opened and slowly turned into a tunnel until the tunnel got big enough to enclose my whole vision and I had my sight back
I took my baby cousins to some kind of nature museum. The next day, I had a small cup of unbloomed white flowers. I put water and a tomato purée into the cup. Over the span of a minute, the little flowers bloomed beautifully. They looked like little cotton balls on sticks.
I dreamt of calling the police after being stucked in an elevator
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