1 Apr 2024
I dreamt of me have a new born baby in my hand and 3verytime I was running the baby neck will brace back as if I was straining the baby neck for some reason I just couldn't hold the baby good enough, even when I was siting that would happen to the baby, then after I dreamt my brother was on a killing rampage and he wanted to kill me the most , then when I was hiding behind a was he spot me and started to shoot me , I begged him to let me atleat talk to him before I die and explain to him or apologize, but he just kept shooting me telling me he dont care about what I had to say , I only know him when I need something, and after shooting me for like the 5th time I play dead , and he came infront of me like he wanted me to be the last person I see before he died , but when I open my eyes it was my husband who had the gun , and then I woke up from the dream