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20 Apr 2024
My mom brang me to a counselor and they had me go to sleep in the backseat of a truck, the counselor told me strictly to not drive the truck. As I got situated in the backseat, the truck started rolling into oncoming traffic. I started to panic as it got closer to the road when the guy came back and got me. Then I was inside an office and the councelor was now my teacher. My mom asked him if he could drive me to the appointments after school so she didn’t have to. Then it was the next day and I was going to school when my teacher set down a folder across the hall from my locker with my name on it and walking away. As he walked I way I went to go and look at it and on it it had written ‘suicidal thoughts’. I then opened the folder up to see notes ‘shaky’ ‘panic’ ‘Paranoid’ and so on. I started to walk to him with the folder until I stood infront of him. As I stood he looked at me and said ‘yea…’ All I could do was stand there trying to think of something to say but I couldn’t. As I panicked I woke up.
went to the store with my parents and as we were loading our groceries into the car, a truck next to us was filled with cantaloupe and was just giving them away for free. So we got a couple and left
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i was at a really creepy cabin with a group of people. don’t know who these people are, but anyways my teeth were decaying. this is the second dream i had about decaying teeth. my teeth in this dream were brown, gray and black, and thinned out to be kind of sharp but brittle. i remember rubbing my tongue against my teeth confirming that they have rottened away, and my cousin woke me up in the waking world for taylor swifts new album dropping. i was waking up still rubbing my tongue against my teeth, cause in my dream they felt really rough like graphite, and tasted salty. they were tasting and feeling the same way when i woke up one the waking world. all i know is in that dream i was not greeting any good vibes at all.. it was almost like a lower vibration type of realm i was in, which is not good.
I had a dream I was covered in full sleeve tattoos about my whole life
I had a dream that my mom kept telling me someone above is watching over and that I have super powers . I was able to float in air and then forgot what just happened. It’s very hard to explain. Everyone kept watching me and I would keep waking up from not knowing what was going on. Every time I snapped out of it in my dream my mom would say it’s because a family member who passed is giving you those powers.
19 Apr 2024
I had multiple dreams last night the first one I was being stalked by some weirdo and my jumper told me that he was trying to break in. The second one I was playing footy for my brothers team and I played shit so they kicked me off the field and some little kid I started crying but I can’t really remember the last one
I dreamt I was on the bus and it rained and the clothes got wet
A bunch of fish in tank getting killed by piranhas
I had a dream I was in the woods with people and when we were leaving I saw someone that was sort of an old friend of mine named Eddie who’s also my exes best friend. I was supposed to hang out with my ex later that day but Eddie asked if I wanted to hang out at his place later. I said sure because I would rather go hang out with him then and hang out with my ex named Jeremy. We were all in some van getting dropped off at our houses and he asked if I wanted to just get off with him at his house but I said no because the other people in the van would see and judge me. I went home but Eddie was there and I told him I was supposed to see Heremy later because I felt guilty. Suddenly he was gone and my family was driving me to my exes house. I don’t think I told them about Eddie inviting me over. I realized they weren’t driving towards Jeremy’s house and I asked where we were going and they were said what do you mean were going to Jeremy’s house. We ended up driving through some country type area and then couldn’t drive anymore so we walked up a dirt path to a place that was sort of like a barn. Some person I didn’t know told me they had a way for me to get to the city, I’m not sure why I was going to a city though because my ex lives in the suburbs. I got on the giant zip line that would take me to a city so I could get there. I took the zip line down a long hill and I ended up walked somewhere through a city and then suddenly I was inside my exes house. It wasn’t actually Jeremy’s house though it was my maternal grandparents house. Jeremy and his parents were there but so was Eddie. It was really awkward and I didn’t know what to say because I knew Jeremy and his family were upset with me for breaking up with him. I was also wondering if Jeremy knew his best friend wanted to bring me over to his house to hang out.
I was traveling a lot and everybody knew me and I was helping so many people everywhere I go I was helping and people start to compare me to Angelina Jolie and start to say that they like Angelina Jolie, which was really weird and I didn’t know why the comparing with Angel and Jolie I was in another city and it was very very windy and it was so windy. They even almost flew away so I said oh my God I have two kids Julia so I grabbed Julia and I held a really tight and I was facing against the wind, so Julia doesn’t fight with the wind and then my purse too as well so I was I was like oh my God my bags and always sudden the back, but I dropped on the crown and I was able to reach to my bag and I was trying to help people not to get hurt by the way. It was really strong wind, and it was water. It was a lot of water. I don’t know where, all of a sudden the water got dry. I was also married to a David and we lived in Malibu together. I was helping a lot of people and I was working with Kris Jenner on the project. I don’t remember what it was. David was very supportive of everything that I do and he really really loved me
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