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10 Feb 2024



Going through different doors trying to find something or someone but keeps taking me through a maze and different doors

10 Feb 2024



There was my boyfriend, two authority figures like teachers one man and one woman, and me, four of us all hanging out by a pool. Talking and having fun. Somehow me and my boyfriend got in a fight while talking. I said something about him and he tried to prove me wrong by showing or stating that he isn’t like that. I don’t remember exactly what, but for example intellectual, and the man teacher has it and my boyfriend tries to prove that he has those too. It was so annoying that he was saying it in a not serious almost teasing manner. And later we sat around in a table together. And it seems like my boyfriend was trying to talk about something and impress me. And when I had just questions on my head like what’s going on, he almost took out a jewel box as if it’s a proposal ring or expensive jewelry that he wants to give me. But he stopped himself from taking it out when the woman teacher gave him a hint that it’s not yet the mood for me. The conversation hasn’t been special or connecting and romantic yet. But I already now saw the jewelry case and I was disappointed that he couldn’t do that right. And our conversation escalated and I got so angry and just shouted in the top of my voice out of frustration. And it woke me up from the dream.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

10 Feb 2024

New Job


I was visiting my family and having supper at my parents house (mom and step dad) it felt extravagant my whole family was there my siblings cousins and I were all drinking then dinner was ready all the food was in metal To go containers and everyone lined up taking turns to get their food as I patiently waited in line my mom was in front of me in the line and my step dad was as well they began asking why I didn’t go to my interview and expressed I wasn’t trying enough to get a job my mom continued and further expressed frustration and feeling unappreciated I began to feel guilty and cry my mom asked me why I would ask her to reach out to one of her friends who was a doctor to get me a job at the place that they were working at I told my mom I was still interested and that I was sorry for for showing gratitude towards her for being so helpful I told my mom that she truly does so much sometimes even too much to help love and support me and too a point that although I may express gratitude for one thing she does I sometimes become a bit spacey when it comes to thanking her for other things she may do to help me I was still visibly upset and drunk I decided I was going to go to my room I shared it with my cousin who was also drunk but she had drank so much she was unwell and throwing up she was shaking from being too drunk yet she saw I was crying and was extremely compassionate she asked me if I wanted one of her soft blankets then proceeded to tuck me in and lay beside me I fell asleep and when I awoke I was in my bed alone I believed my cousin had left and felt like I forgot to eat dinner and talk to my mom in a sensible manner as I sat up to look at my surroundings I realized it was all a dream and felt confused that none of it really happened to me but quickly I returned to a sudden sleepiness before writing this dream down

10 Feb 2024



I bump into my friend Shae, who passed away. We begin talking but I can’t remember exactly what was said. I remember being very happy to see him since he’s been dead for a long time. He asks me for a ride and then says he’s just going to go into the store real quick. He soon exits the store with a bag in hand of whatever he needed, which was usually how most of my memories with him go. I then ask if he can wait in the car while I go inside of the store to get some things too. I was in a Wiccan shop but it seemed a little off. There was dim lighting and it looked like more of a pawn shop in a sense. I start looking at the shelves and I start to think of Hecate. As I think of her I see candles with the carvings of the maiden, the crone and the mother. I see the candles in all sorts of colors and then I start picking up some herbs as well with some incense. I am checking the prices and I become a little anxious. I check my bank account to see how much I have but then see there isn’t a lot in my bank account so I start putting stuff back. The man who runs the shop is a man with blue eyes and blonde hair and seems friendly but can kind of tell I may not belong there. He insists on helping me check out but once I see the total is $30 I ask him if there is anyway to take some stuff off to make the total $12 so I can still get a few things but without being outside of my budget. He starts to work with me on the price and takes some things off. I can remember what I end up buying or he lets me keep but then I leave the store and I see a ghost town and it’s snowing. I feel close to home but it’s night time, there’s snow on the roads and the streetlights are on. I see Shae is frustrated with how long I’ve taken and he’s telling me to hurry up and get in the car. He was sitting in the drivers but then moves to the passenger when he sees me heading towards him. He started making comments about me taking an hour, and I couldn’t even believe I had taken that long. He wasn’t too mad, he was joking for the most part. We start driving then we see our friend Carter riding his bicycle through the snow. I felt as if this was normal for some reason but Shae insisted we turn around and get him or help him out. (Carter and Shae are brothers) I turn the car around and quickly catch up to Carter. The car is stopped on the side of the road and i get out of the drivers seat while Shae and Carter talk and catch up. I notice that we never got far from the shop and I see some people start walking around in the snow but no cars and everything is quiet. I start to wonder off a bit but then I come back.

10 Feb 2024

New Job


I was at a store buying some new stuff and some food but all they had was strange food I had never heard of and all of a sudden I was home and I was trying to organize my room and Everytime I was cleaning I would lose something or there was more of it I hadnt picked up yet. There were so many shoes that were missing their mates. Then I was trying to put an old landline phone back in the charger port but I couldn't find the phone that went to that port it was always a phone that didn't fit. I rudely asked people where it was and when I looked down it was sitting right in front of me and I felt stupid and like a jerk. Then this big tall muscular foreign guy with shoulder length blonde hair and a chiseled jaw was looking in my window and asking me to come talk to him. I knew him from somewhere but I wasn't romantically interested in him and the vibe I got was that he wanted to date me. Then I picked up some socks to put them on and they changed to kicked towels and baby socks.

10 Feb 2024



Ich war mit Freunden unterwegs wegs. Wir waren tanken und haben da einen Jungen gefunden, denn wir verfolgt haben. Er ist zum Kino gegangen und direkt in den Film. Wir wollten dann in den gleichen Film und haben die Karten gekauft und was zu trinken. Irgendwie habe ich es geschafft ein Stück vom Strohhalm ab zu beißen und habe das Stück Reflexe artig ausgespuckt und wollte es weg schmeißen, aber der Hausmeister kam mir zuvor und hat mich deswegen angemeckert. Ein Freund wollte noch auf die Toilette, also sind wir einen langen Weg, weg vom Kino gegangen. Das Klo war abseits im Keller. Sina war schnell wieder zurück, bevor ich angekommen war, aber ich musste auch auf Klo. Also ging ich nach unten, wo mir ein Mann entgegen kam, obwohl es die Mädchentoilette war. Ich dachte mir nur, dass das mal passieren kann und bin direkt weiter auf Klo. Ich habe noch beobachtet, bis ich ihn nicht mehr sehen konnte. Während ich die Tür abschloss, haben sich die Füße von ihm umgedreht und er kam zu mir gerannt. Trotzdem, dass ich die Tür abgeschlossen hatte, hat er sie aufgerissen und wollte mich vergewaltigen.

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