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Dream About Scientific Childrens Developmental Center

Dream interpretation about Изнасилование, Наркотики, Гиганты, Убегать, Женщина, Дети, Середина, Просить

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This dream was about

I saw a corporation that claimed to be scientific children's developmental center, I dreamt that I started to work there and then slowly I realized that they actually work on children sellouts and the corporation was created be pedophiles. Even women who worked there supported this giant company. There was a woman scientist who created a drug that make anyone do anything what is asked and they used it to rape and hurt children. And I tried to run away from there but it was a long way and I know they will kill me.

Dream date:

1 Apr 2024

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👧 женщины вашего возраста с 🇺🇸 снились сны о Изнасилование на 64.3% более чем 👨 мужчины.

Emotional tone:

Frightening and disturbing


Этот сон повторялся 2 раз за последнее время. неделя


Overwhelmingly intense


Frighteningly realistic


Vivid and clear


Fragmented but impactful

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Иветт Миллер

Иветт Миллер

Поведенческая психология и велнес-консультант

Sure, I'll interpret your dream and provide a personalized response. Dream Interpretation: Alise, your dream reveals deep concerns and fears regarding the safety and well-being of children. The sinister corporation in your dream, masquerading as a scientific center, represents the lurking dangers that threaten the innocence of young ones. The revelation that this organization is involved in child trafficking and abuse exposes the darkness that can hide behind seemingly legitimate facades. The presence of women supporting this heinous operation underscores the disturbing reality that even those who should protect children can sometimes be complicit in their exploitation. The drug created by the scientist in your dream symbolizes the insidious power that can be used to control and manipulate others. It reflects the fear that those in positions of trust and authority may abuse their power for malicious purposes. The fact that the drug is used to rape and hurt children highlights the depravity of those involved and the urgent need to protect the vulnerable from such atrocities. Your desperate attempt to flee from this horrific place signifies your desire to escape the nightmare and shield yourself from further harm. However, the long and arduous journey you face represents the challenges and obstacles that may lie ahead in your efforts to expose the truth and bring justice to the victims. Connection to Previous Dreams: Your previous dreams have also touched upon themes of fear and vulnerability. In one dream, you encountered a serial killer, while in another, you were subjected to the threat of execution. These dreams suggest a pattern of anxiety and a heightened sense of danger in your waking life. The recurring nightmares may be a manifestation of unresolved trauma or deep-seated fears that need to be addressed. Consideration of Therapy: Given the intensity and disturbing nature of your dreams, it may be beneficial for you to consider seeking support from a therapist. A qualified professional can provide a safe and confidential space for you to explore the underlying emotions and experiences that may be contributing to these dreams. Therapy can empower you with coping mechanisms and strategies for managing anxiety and fear, ultimately promoting your overall well-being.
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