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20 Apr 2024
There was a fancy red sports car on the highway in front of me, as I was driving. I was annoyed by the driver though I couldn’t see them. All of a sudden, two white items flew out of the car through the air toward my windshield and when I looked, they were two large condoms, unused apparently.
I dreamed I was at my ex-husband's house with his wife who in real life is now divorced from him and my 31-year-old daughter was still a child. I was visiting them and I didn't seem to have a problem with it. In real life his now present ex-wife couldn't stand me and was very jealous of me while they were married, but in the dream she was tolerating me visiting them. I was telling my 9-year-old daughter that her great granddaddy had given me a horse, and then I remembered and told her you've already ridden this horse. After I visited a while I told them I had to go because I was craving Fritos corn chips with ranch dip. I then went to my mother's house who is also in reality deceased and there I had the Fritos corn chips and ranch dip.
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my sister had a huge birthday party at this place that we rented out which was like a mansion on water or something but for some reason everyone was mad at me. But, this one girl that I’m very attracted to was the only one who wasnt mad.
I had a using dream, but it was just odd... I dreamt that I was in a world full of giants and I was tiny tiny. Only I never actually saw a giant in the dream, I just knew by my surroundings of huge furniture. And I was sneaking around trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't be seen and killed. I made my long climb up this humongous table by a bedside. I managed to finally get their drawer open and found a large baggy with two white rocks in it. I broke off a little crumb and put it onto a little strip of foil I had in my pocket and was starting to humble around with my lighter, when I started hearing booming footsteps. So I ran and hid behind their clock. And then I woke up.
I had a dream that my boyfriend was driving me around and we were going somewhere far away to a place to stay for a little bit and I can’t really remember too much but I don’t no where exactly we were. I told him I feel anxious to drive all the way back can you drive me back and he disappeared and I was driving back over bridges and I could not find my way back home at all. I ended up getting g flown into the sky, trying to hit the certain things and if I hit them all correctly, I can go home but I end up not doing it right And shot back to the ground, but was still alive and the whole dream I was trying to find my way home and I couldn’t and I was trying to find him very confused where he went.
My girlfriend was sucking my dick it was so nice she was looking me in the eyes while she did it. I was holding her hair and we were in a bathroom
I’ve been having nightmares about a big angry man. The place I reside in houses the ghosts of his murdered victims. Each time I come across a ghost, I learn of how they died. They don’t tell me what happened, instead they show me through their eyes and I experience their death. While I’m learning of the victims tragedy, I’m also hiding and running from the murderer.
Gtfdtfyvg gcgchvhvg gctfjbh. Fcjgjh
I'm inside the Simpsons tapped out game. I build homer house and he goes to the beach. I build wooden platforms avobe the water for him and he goes on them. I'm in a house in a dangerous place. One of thw persons of my team is Lee from the walking dead game. He is dying. My friend snake goes and says goodbye to him. He dies afterwards. I'm watching a the movies on the cinema, I refresh the page and it turns out Deadpool and wolverine is now in the movies. Janeth and I are very excited and buy tickets for the next day at 3 pm subtitled 3D version. I convince my mom to go with us. The first scene is like the pixar intro but only in audio because something different is happening on screen
I was talking to someone about Shane my ex boyfriend ; I told them everything I’ve been feeling, so fast it was crazy. I said “I still love him and he’s my soulmate .” And before I could even finish the sentence my girlfriend walks in and says “I knew it ! I knew it!” And I covered my tracks by saying that I was just speaking about it which I was . I just wouldn’t have gone that in depth about my feelings on my ex if I knew she was there. I don’t want to hurt her. In any way. We’re very communicative about my past . I just know how to word things so they won’t hurt people .
I was in the very backseat of a car while we were driving on the highway , I saw Shane, my ex-boyfriend I’ve been having a lot of dreams about him. But this one we waved to each other , and everytime we waved the smiles on our faces just got bigger , I kept looking back and I thought he couldn’t see me anymore but I waved for the last time and he did wave back , proving that he did see me no matter how far away I was I still love him , but I know i messed up and so did he . So it’s better this way. And I’m also in a relationship so these dreams are tough to have.
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