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11 Apr 2024
In my dream I was playing my favorite video game terraria and was able to go beyond the map and found a whole new area and at some point I wasn’t just playing the game but I was inside of it. And I was also able to go behind the map into a cool purple room
Being a mother but not remembering that I gave birth
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I was at work with my crush trying to sneak and have sex with
I was walking up a spiral staircase and suddenly hundreds of little teal spiders swung down on their webs and caught me by surprise so i went back down to look at them
In a dream I had a few days ago, my husband and I were at an unfamiliar work location that was set up with cubicles. I looked behind me and I noticed that one of the cubicles was on fire. We got up and started to leave, but I realized that my designer handbag was in the cubicle where the fire was. So I ran back in to retrieve my designer handbag. In the shuffle, somehow the bag got lost. Someone took it, but eventually I found it and I was surprised that all of my money and belongings were still inside my purse. No one stole anything from me.
My ex mother in law was dying and I was crying
Argument happening across the street. And I'm watching from my house then my brother sees a friend of his who is a girl getting shoved around by a guy then another that looks like his twin comes and starts pushing her too so my brother runs to help and I go after yelling saying it's not our business somehow I end up pushed in a corner while these two guys are wrestling with the girl and one pulls out a knife and starts cutting the girl then I scream and wake up
All I can remember is that I was pulling out my teeth in the front of my mouth from the bottom row
well I wish that I was in the beach with this cute guy and it was nice
I took Julia to the dog park and there were a few other dogs there they belong to to me not really me. The repair is Hilton dogs and a few other people and I didn’t want to leave the DOGPARK and said that you have to go on the date with her new boyfriend on the cycle and she said just stay all the dog at the Dog Park and I said no I’m not leaving Juliet by herself in the Dog Park so I took Julia And then few dogs came out of the Dog Park and then to go and find them and I found few of them and Demon care Dog she was kind of motorcycle with her boyfriend. She didn’t even care about the dog which was really weird and Julia was wearing the dress and the pearl necklace she was wearing a pink dress and pearl necklace and they saved Julia and it was really interesting dream and then I was trying to help Jessica Simpson to save her dogs. Don’t know my dreams are very interesting but I did save Julia.
me and three of my friends are staying the night at a one if their houses i think. it’s is next door to an old haunted school. we wander around the school for a while with our one friend leading the way. we think there are ghosts but we never actually see any. we get back to his house and it’s not any less creepy. we can see through all the floors into the rooms beneath us and he has placed lights in all the rooms so we can see in them. we’re running through the main floor to get upstairs and somehow a glass falls and shatters in the middle of the way but we ignore it and continue upstairs. i begin to eat the rest of the glass, it doesn’t taste like anything, just a nice texture. the other guy asks me what it tastes like and i tell him nothing. the two guys ask us if me and the other girl are going to makeout at all and we tell them no. me and the two boys leave his room for a minute and the other girl screams so we run back to see what happened but it was just a spider on the floor that she was afraid of.
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