Dream interpretation about Son, Blind, Laughing, Bike, Child, Flying, Guy, House, Hair, Part, Top, Looking, Glasses, Box, Four, my-ex, Smile
I was flying, and then rollerblading, in an old neighborhood that I grew up in. I went pass my old apt building and 2 guys sitting on a green electrical box whistled and shouted something to me. I didn't stop, but looked back, and saw that the one guy was trying to get to me on his bike. He caught up, and had a boomerang that he was intending to use to slide across pole wires, but didn't end up doing so. I noticed he was young, good looking, nice big smile, had dark hair from ears down, and moppy blonde curly hair on top, and was wearing camouflaged shorts. When he got closer, (bc im blind af and dont wear glasses or contact lenses), i noticed it was my ex, with whom I share my youngest child, a son who is 4, with. I said surprisingly, 'omg it's u', and he chuckled and said 'who did u think it was?' I laughed and woke up.
Dream date:
30 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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