Dream interpretation about Police, Leaving, Classmates, Mad, Moving, School, Car, Crying, Family, Sister, Child, Attention, Old Home, Order
i had a dream that i was at some school like program and then i had to go home and i was waiting for my mom to pick me up but a fellow classmates family offered to take me home and i kind of had no choice and so as they took me home i texted my mom that they were giving me a ride home and she got mad and when we passed by our old home i decided to get out of the car while it was still moving but as i was getting off the cops started trailing us and i stopped and so did the car and a cop came out and told me to get in the car and suddenly the car turned into a kid juvenile facility and they gave me a small tour and they later sent a cop to take care of me and had me write an essay in order for me to be able to be let go. they left me in a car to write the essay. my litte sister was also in the car with me. i cried because it was so unfair.
Dream date:
15 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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