Dream interpretation about Husband, School, Family, Life, Money, Church, Child, Daughter, Girl, Race, Attention, Part, Walking, Chicken, Grass, Van, Ask, Going
I had a dream that my husband and I were in my church on a what felt like a Saturday morning I also had my niece with me. It was a great service I found out that my dish of chicken I prepared had won a grand prize of 6,000 dollars. As I’m walking my niece on a stroll on deep green grass on a early weekend morning I see a black van with a daughter and her mom and their going by a Catholic all girl school my niece is attending - both the woman and her child are a different race than me and my niece. They are white. The woman politely ask me “what’s so good about sending your daughter/niece to this parochial school”? I tell her that young woman get to concentrate on themselves and what they desire out of life, that’s the best part.
Dream date:
16 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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