Dream interpretation about Cheating, Love, Leaving, Yelling, Friend, Friends, Husband, Brother, Car, Crying, Family, Sister, Driving, Girl, House, Number, Bedroom, Floor, Part, Thought, Looking, Text message, Ground, Ask, Siblings, Confused, Going, Missed
My husband had to go away for a while and had asked me to stay with his family. They lived in a cramped home where I shared a room with two other girls. I did not recognize any of these people as his siblings, but that's who he said they were. I spent all of my time in the house making friends with one of the girls and waiting for my husband to come back. I missed my husband a lot. When my husband finally returned I was very excited and happy to see him. I thought we were going to go home now and went to my shared bedroom to change my outfit but he did not come with me. Confused I went to look for him and found him sitting on the floor in one of his sisters room. When I asked him what he was doing and if he was coming with me he said, "Why don't you just go be with my sister and brother." My husband doesn't have a brother and I became very confused and asked him, "What do you mean?" He became very angry, which made me angry, so I left the room to go ask his sister what he was talking about. She showed me a phone and asked me "Isn't this you?" The phone contained text messages that outright claimed I had been cheating on my husband, but it wasn't my phone number and did not read like I had wrote the messages. Confused and very angry, I confronted my husband, yelling "Do you really think this is me?" This is when his siblings began to say things like: "We know it is you." "Why are you lying." "We saw you do it." I realized in that moment that they had set me up and that his siblings had sent messages between each other and taken screenshots to make it appear like I had sent them. I couldn't understand why they would do this, I had been faithful and loved my husband deeply and would never cheat on him. When I went through my phone I saw there were many deleted messages and realized the person I thought was my friend had actually gone through my phone. I yelled "This isnt even my phone number in the screenshots." and threw my phone to the ground. Enraged and crying I left the house, got into my car and drove away.
Dream date:
22 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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