Dream interpretation about Attack, Friends, Following, Woman, Middle, Name, Sleep, Wind, Hand, Snow, Thank, Head, Helicopter, Looking, Ask, Praying, Strangers
I am in the middle of nowhere with a few friends where theres nothing but snow. I have on a white night gown and the winds are strong. I spit helicopters swarming around in one area and I decide to follow it with my friends to see why they were swarming around in one place. We reach the area where the helicopters were and there were two women who were strangers underneath the swarming helicopters. They looked scared, so my first instinct was to go help save them. We manage to get the women from underneath the helicopters and run from them and when we felt we lost them, we stopped, the women thanked us deeply and asked if we had beliefs or what our religion was and when we named it and I said Christian; the woman said “oh no” and they both turned into some demonic possed people trying to attack. When I realized what was happening I put my hand in both their heads and started praying strongly over the both of them to rebuke the demon and the women collapsed, and after I felt so drained, like I needed to sit down and rest for a while.
Dream date:
16 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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