Dream interpretation about Alcohol, New Job, Problem, Reason, Guy, Packing, Stuff, Television, Thought, Type, Eating, Chocolate, Computer, Kitchen, Box, Going
I had a dream last night that I was working, or I used to work at Atlas, and I had to keep blowing my nose, and a load of us from work kept going down to the kitchen, and for some reason there was loads of alcohol in the kitchen, and we were just trying all the different types of alcohol, and it was really strong, and horrible, every time we had a bit it'd be right, and we went back upstairs, and one of the guys working there was using his computer, but he was also watching the telly at the same time, and some people were saying to him that he shouldn't be doing it, and he was saying, oh, I haven't got the volume on, I don't know what your problem is, and this other guy, I know where it was bad, but I thought, oh, he's going to tell him to stuff it and pack it in, but he stood up and gave this big speech about why it doesn't matter if you have the telly on or not, and he still does his job, and it doesn't matter to anybody else if he does or not, and then there were loads of boxes of chocolate, and my boss came in, and she goes, well, everyone's got to eat this chocolate, because it's going to get awful otherwise, but I had to keep blowing my nose, and all of this really thick mucus was coming out, and I was just blowing it, and blowing it, and blowing it, and that's when I woke up, and I had to blow my nose.
Dream date:
14 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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