Dream interpretation about Mother, Father, Flying, House, Baby, Bag, Head, Side, Looking, Chicken, Egg, Backyard
I went over to my mom's house. No one was expecting me, and I headed into the backyard. I went to the opposite side of the yard than I normally enter through to get into the backyard. I started collecting the chicken eggs that were in random places around the yard, but I didn't have anything to hold them in so I kept loosing eggs. Several got squashed between my bag and my back. I ended up by the back fence and was surprised by a clutch of tiny baby chickens. They were around a small coop that looked more like a beehive that was half on our property and half on our neighbors property. As the chicks fled every which way, I caught one that was trying to fly away. I brought the chick and the three eggs I didn't squish to my dad. He was building something in the opposite back corner of the yard.
Dream date:
2 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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