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Dream About Separation And Confrontation

Dream interpretation about Argument, School, Family, Bike, Castle, Elevator, Backpack, Disappointment, Journey

Dream About Separation And Confrontation
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This dream was about

I dream that a group of people are talking about something, I saw a familiar face. I guess the captain. Then the Man with the Black hair and Dead Eyes ask someone to come with him. And so they separate their way's. So the two men in the Garden go on to their journey, And One was walking and carrying a baggage/backpack, And the other Man is on the bike with a serious look and dead eyes. But apparently I know the Man with the Backpack on is a Man who'll get lost and confused in every direction so they took quite a lot of turns on their way. Still they get to their destination. It was like a castle or a building of sorts, I think it's made of the same materials as the ones used in the pyramid. I remember the man who has a backpack on gave it to the man with the bike. The Man with the dead eyes gets off the bike and notices how heavy the bag was. Thinking that's the reason why they got lost. Then as they get in the building a young lady approaches them. She's Pretty and Chatty. Then an Old Lady comes by, and it looks like his a family to those Men I mentioned earlier. She handed them food and greeted the young lady. Then in the blue wall, on the stairs. The Man with the dead eyes was surrounded by many people... Looks like he's friends.. They're we're chatting and so.. I remember they we're approaching an elevator.. Then in the open door. A Lady walk in. With a white gown. The Lady was pretty and entry and greeted seductively. It seems like he's after the Man with the Black hair.. but the young lady was disappointed since the Man he's looking for was not there. But another lady was also in the room waiting for the Man.. So the two ladies argued.. And the two nanny who's cleaning the room also argue and so she said that there's no point in stopping them or so.. So they we're kick out by the two ladies. And the two fight. The Man didn't come. But it looks like the two ladies fighting was filmed and posted online.. and the people who received it were the 2 Teens Girl and Boy and showed it to the Old Lady earlier who was eating now.. and is disappointed by the Ladies Action. Then I remember that I was in the classroom. Our Advicer/ Teacher gave us homework and it's individual.. but the deadline was overextended. And she said that we must be prepared. And I suddenly felt nervous and called it a nightmare within a dream.

Dream date:

24 Apr 2024

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Emotional tone:

The dream had a mix of emotions, ranging from curiosity to nervousness, with a sense of anticipation and unease.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The dream had moments of high emotional and situational intensity, especially during the interactions between the characters.


The dream felt somewhat realistic with elements that could be relatable to real-life experiences.


The dream was quite vivid and detailed, with clear imagery and distinct settings.


The dream had moments of coherence, especially in the interactions between characters, but also included fragmented or disjointed elements.

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AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

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