Dream interpretation about Getting Married, Mother, Prison, School, Life, Teacher, Train, Middle, Name, Clean
Okay, so I had this dream where I was still in about middle school and my 8th grade math teacher, Ms. Scott, who was a good teacher in real life, she was like a bad teacher in this dream. I'm not really sure why. In real life, Ms. Scott actually got married and has a different name now, not sure if that makes a difference in interpretation. Back to the dream: Also, the school was weird. It was really, really big and really, really clean, kind of almost like a prison, but you had to take a train to different destinations, but I guess I feel like schools are like prisons in general. And also, when I was in middle school, my mom was alive, and when I was having that dream when I was in middle school, I felt the presence that my mom was alive, but I didn't see her, but in real life, well, she's gone, so that's my dream.
Dream date:
4 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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