Dream interpretation about Ex, Birthday, Leaving, Friend, Friends, Following, Make up, Meeting, Boyfriend, Gift, Guy, House, Drink, Walking, Ask, Going, my-ex
I don’t remember the full dream but I guess it was my birthday and my Ex tay came over trying to make up to me but in this dream I had 3 other guys I was talking to and I let Tay know that I am just talking to people. Now I had 3 guys downstairs waiting for me to drop a gift and dates so I let Tay know I had to leave to meet up with them. Which he then stats that they are my boyfriends . I tell him no just some friends just like you have knowing that I had flings with all of them. He insist that I’m not just friends with them and that he will follow me down to see. Which made it awkward for me because I wasn’t able to meet two of the guys due to him following me down. The last guy I actually had a date with. I walked up to the guy told him we had to leave our reservations there as I’m being followed by my ex Thankfully the guy was very understanding and we left and tay kept trying to stop me from going on this date. Which later on after he kept trying to stop our date his best friend came over and had a talk to him stating you can’t keep holding her back. She has a right to date around and if she is the one for you she will come back but you have to let her explore other people. Then me and the guy I went on a date with left and enjoyed our night. I went to a house and hung out with my friend D and she asked how the date was and I told what all went down and that I need a drink. Talking about how it was stressful and then I woke up
Dream date:
5 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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