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Dream Interpretation: Robot 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Robot? Discover the significance of seeing a Robot in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Robot appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A robot in a dream symbolizes a lack of emotion or detachment from your surroundings. It may also represent a need for structure and routine in your life. Alternatively, it could indicate a fear of being replaced or becoming obsolete.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if you are feeling disconnected from your emotions or those around you. Are you feeling replaceable or unimportant in your personal or professional life? Try to find ways to connect with others and express your emotions. Additionally, consider if you need to establish more structure and routine in your daily life to feel more in control.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a robot may evoke feelings of curiosity, fascination, and wonder. It symbolizes the integration of technology into our lives and the potential for advancement. This dream may also elicit a sense of awe and excitement about the future possibilities and the unknown. It may represent a desire for efficiency, control, or a need to automate certain aspects of life. Overall, the dream of a robot can leave one feeling intrigued and hopeful about the potential of technology.





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Dreams of users containing the word Robot

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7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was waiting outside this house with about 3 other people and 4 or 5 other people came out to us and started talking and then me one of the girls and two of the boys started walking together down to our lodge cabin when we got there we opened the cupboard and a note flew out that said your having a party it’s got to be successful but you can’t make a mess or get any clothes out or anything so we all started stressing about this party I went upstairs with one of the other girls I was here with and we started getting clothes ready but making a mess so we had to clear it up and we were talking about how we want people to be honest with us always so I asked her if my face looked orange and a different colour to the rest of me and she said I’m sorry but yeah a bit orange and I said I knew it. Then down stairs they all started shouting saying there here there here so we looked out and saw a bunch of robot looking people and we both said oh that’s in and we burst out laughing the whole group of about 8 of us left the lodge cabin and walked over to the robots and said there’s your party pointing to the cabin and we all walked off the two boys were walking quite far infront and one of the girls called Connie who goes to my school in real life asked the group which off the boys we all thought was fitter she said the one with brown hair and I said the one with the curly hair then I woke up

6 Jul 2024



I was in the back left seat of a black Chevrolet as we were driving on a desert plain. I looked out the window of the other cars driving and I see two tesla trucks heading in the opposite direction. When came up to this big warehouse and the driver starts to tell a joke about me. I just ignored it while the rest of the car laughed. We pulled right up to the facility and I can see a actual gundam being built. I was amazed. We head into the top secret facility. Time passed. It was now dark outside. I started walking back to the black Chevrolet with a high authority man and another secret service agent like myself. I opened the drivers seat and just when I was about to sit, I asked the high authority man for his opinion on where he thinks we should sit (as it felt like this was our first time with someone so important). He stated that there should always be one person siting next to him in the back. So I told the colleague to come drive instead while I sit in the back. We started to leave the facility when we noticed a big crowd of people forming at the gate. They were a bunch of protestors. As we were leaving, a crazy lady had broken through security and thrown a curved stainless steel blade. It punctured the window, almost striking the driver. We mad eour escape for now. Time has passed once again. Now on the road and right when we think we were safe, another attacked has happened. This time however, our driver took a hit and was bleeding near the neck area. I tried my best to stop the bleeding but was unsuccessful. I grabbed the vip and we ditched the car at a local mall.

5 Jul 2024

Hitting someone in a car


I went to the thrift store with my two cats, my robot vacuum, my daughter, and my friend. my robot vacuum was cleaning the thrift store while I was shopping. I went into a back room with a ton of shelving. It was dark and very messy. my vacuum was cleaning and knocked the shelves over and I panicked and tried picking up the shelves and holding them before they fell. And employee came in and I asked if she needed help and she said don’t worry about it and the boys will take care of it and when the boys are off the shift, the next shift of boys will take care of it. so I left with the vacuum, my friend and my daughter, and I left my two cats because I didn’t have enough arms to carry everything. I told my friend because she was driving that we would have to drop the stuff off at home and go back to pick up the cats and she told me that she wasn’t going to do it. my boyfriend ended up bringing me back, but while we are in the car to leave, I heard knocking on my back window. I look back, and simultaneously in the front two people shove a shopping cart into my car and hit my car. They all run into their car so I chased them and opened the door. I tried hitting him but my hits weren’t very effective.

29 Jun 2024



I was fucking my girl and then we started making out and then I busted a nut inside of her and then she told me she wasn’t on birth control so then I freaked out and shot myself in the face but then I woke up and I had a robot face and I was destroying the planet and the earth exploded

14 Jun 2024



I got into an accident and had to have my leg and arm amputated. However they were replaced with a robotic leg and arm. These turned out to be much better. However I had a lot of difficulty accessing different areas due to the presence of metal detectors. However I was often able to convince the guards to let me in once I showed them my robotic arm and leg.

10 Jun 2024



I went through a portal with a team of people. We were logging anything out of the ordinary. I made note of a few things like one of people who were twins was holding a lockout tag out slip when he wasn’t supposed to be. The people we were making notes about were still, or at least were supposed to be. As we were approaching one room, I made a comment about a teacher I knew that was retired and possibly no longer alive in my waking life. Anyway, somehow the majority of the group got captured and me and one of my teammates barely made a getaway. To get back through the other side of the portal, we had to go through like one of those moving sidewalks you can find at an airport. I was going to go on the wrong one by mistake. My partner was at the correct one and asked the people ahead of me if we could go first (I was a different line but the other people there were the only other people there). Once we got through the portal, my partner went through a thing where it made like an ice pack thing for your face. She was lying face down on a bed through this and the next thing I know a baby I forgot we had was in my arms as I was going upstairs. I yelled at our robot to watch the baby as I noticed my partner was going back through the portal to rescue the others. I wanted to go with her but she told me to watch the baby and keep it safe. I woke up after that. This is just what I remember from the dream

9 Jun 2024



I was working in a large health organization- it felt like a government agency. My real life coworker Shemika was there too. I started my morning sharing with someone at work that the night before, I’d been out walking and while I was walking, I felt the skin on my shin was flapping. When I got home, the bottom part of my leg came off and instead of bones, it was like a robot foot. I didn’t know if I should go to urgent care or call my doctor. Or maybe a doctor there could look at it. Then we got warning of an active shooter and to shelter in place. I’d remembered that we saw on surveillance camera, one of the shooters prepping to shoot. There were two shooters. I asked, “if we saw that, why didn’t security get them?!” Then we heard gunshots. Shemika put her fingers to my head like a gun and said, “ This is how you’re gonna die!” I sat and thought about that but instead of getting scared, I wondered if I had a choice. I said, “why don’t we just leave?! We don’t have to stay and die!” So we started leaving and we got out of the building. It was evening when we reached outside.

7 Jun 2024



My sister and I were at some car place that she really wanted to go to. It was in a basement. And it was very huge. It was a car underground parking lot. You could register your car and park it and huge robot would take it and put it somewhere in the basement. The car would be on a floating square metal surface. When we walked in, cars were flying over our heads on metal surfaces. It was kind of scary and intimidating because there were so many. To me it seemed dangerous and I was scared of getting hit but my sister just seemed to enjoy it. She found it so cool. It seemed like it was her biggest dream come true. And she seemed to know how the system worked too. She explained it to me. We then went upstairs and ended on a metal surface amongst many other, that had several cars on it. She was standing on a different platform tho, one that didn’t have cars and was more safe to watch from. I was on one of the platforms that had cars. The cars were being thrown around and I almost got hit by one but quickly dug. I was terrified but my sister just thought it was cool. I seemed like the only one that thought I would die.

22 May 2024



I had a dream that I was in a giant metal cube in space. The inside was a maze. A labyrinth. I was floating around inside and lost. I felt afraid and far from home. I encountered a large robot somewhere up in the labyrinth. He was not doing anything in particular. He resembled Optimus Prime from Transformers.

15 May 2024



There were anteater people and robots with brains on top. During their meetings with each other an anteater human was licking the brain of a robot person. The anteater man hated how it tasted and wanted to stop but he felt like he couldn't stop because the robot liked how it felt so much

6 May 2024

Locked Door


Once, when I was much younger, I had a dream that it was my birthday. I was so happy at first. We drove to chuck-e-cheese's to celebrate, bit before I could get out of the car, I noticed that the door was locked. I knew that something was wrong. That was when I saw dad going inside with someone that looked just like me. He said that he was going to take this robot lookalike instead of me to go and celebrate my birthday!

3 May 2024



I was playing the game called roblox and I just noticed an account that was following me was a bald default avatar named satan and everytime I would join a different game he would be right there chasing me into a hole a unknown hole.

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