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Dream Interpretation: Pencil 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pencil? Discover the significance of seeing a Pencil in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pencil appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of the strength of your words and communication. This signifies that you need to communicate with others in order to get what you want faster. Sometimes, it can also be a strong phallic symbol, representing the things you are putting into the world.

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🧭 Direction


A dream about this symbol shows the state of your strength in communication, words, and planning. Make sure you communicate your plans loud and clear and make an impression for you to get things done quickly. Notice what you are producing and the power of your product. Make the necessary adjustments in your waking life to improve your efforts.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a pencil may evoke feelings of creativity, expression, and the desire to communicate. It symbolizes the power to bring ideas to life, to leave a mark on the world. This dream may also signify the need for precision and attention to detail in one's endeavors. It can inspire a sense of potential and the urge to explore new possibilities. The pencil represents the ability to make changes and corrections, suggesting a willingness to learn and grow. Overall, this dream may leave a person feeling inspired, motivated, and eager to express themselves.





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Dreams of users containing the word Pencil

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10 Apr 2024



I was looking for my brother someone had kid napped him and I. Order for me to fined him I had to decode something to unloxked the phone number where I could reach the ppl they had the first 6 numbers where 296289 I could never get the last for wrtting down do to everything I used to pick up wouldn't write I try using a pencil but when I went to grab a pencil instead of a pen or mark the pencil had disappeared. Then I woke up I keep have recurring dreams of my brother missing my mother dose to he is currently locked up and serving a good amount of time in the prison

27 Mar 2024



It stated off in my grans house is Salisbury a selection of my other relatives happened to be there as well but they were acting a little bit hostile towards me and weren’t being nice which isn’t like how they are in real life. I could feel myself getting really annoyed and angry at everyone untill I saw my girlfriend. I asked if she was going to work things out with me (we were on a smallest breaks last year but are back togeather now) and she seemed like she didn’t care or wanted me. In the dream I was so angry I started breaking items out of anger but once I have begun to touch things they started to multiply. I saw this shapes floating about and figured if I could focus on them close my eyes and jump I could float I think into other places almost like floating away Before the dream ended I started writing this very journal down but in a notebook with a pencil

18 Mar 2024



I dreamed that I was talking with someone, and I felt sad, and suddenly they said something that made me furious, and I stabbed them with a pencil or something like that, but they didn't do anything, they just looked at me, and whoever was it said "Did you finished you tantrum or what?", then I woke up.

17 Mar 2024

My crush


There was an alien invasion when I was staying at a this hotel. I was helping the police dispose of all of the alien eggs to crush them. A big part of the dream was that I had a “job” at this ice cream place that also was a singing studio. I often came back from my job angry and distressed. I got upset at one of my friends because they purposefully broke my pencil when I was in the middle of writing. At some point I was sobbing and screaming for my mom. Because of the alien invasion there was extreme traffic. A news airplane landed and began asking people questions about me. When I finally found my mom, I felt so relieved.

17 Mar 2024



i was living in this apartment with my family, on the top floor. it looked like one of the apartments i lived in as a kid in the waking world. we had some weird neighbors, but didn’t think much of it. few days later we hear a bunch of commotion going on outside. so we open the doors, and the apartments around us are a different color. they were green, like that ugly forest green color. we noticed a strange man on a latter trying to paint the apartments with a paintbrush. we closed the door and opened it again a few minutes later, and they were brown. we saw the man walking weirdly into the apartment complexes across from us. the apartments form a square in the middle, so that’s all grass and mailboxes in the middle of it. we decided to go follow the man and see what he was up to, and it was like he was possessed. in the waking world, in the sims 4 one of my favorite packs is strangerville. the way the sims get possessed by the motherplant is how this guy was acting like in my dreams. it was so weird. anyways we followed him, and ended up at a floral shop. then it changed into a gas station, and i saw that red car, and the numbers 11, 12, 13, 15 and maybe 10 were in white by the right tire. the numbers were kinda small but you could easily see them. they were scattered around like a word puzzle but in the same area. i then ‘woke up’ in my dream telling myself i need to memorize these numbers when i woke up, so i got a little notebook and pencil, and wrote the numbers down along with the color of the car. then i actually woke up in the waking world.

20 Feb 2024



I just saw in black words "I love you" and in the background it was grey almost like stitching or pencil.

15 Feb 2024



I was sharpening my pencil, the pencil was yellow and short. The sharpener was missing the container and only the shaver was there. It was the color white. I was experimenting with the different sharpener holes out of curiosity. But I ended up with the narrower pencil.

14 Feb 2024

Dark Room


I had a very stressful dream. I was on shoulders of two guys, who where trying to get me out of the dark room through the door. At the same time we were on a rolling pin. On the curved suface of the rolling pin there was a black line made of pencil on which we we behind the line and these two guys were trying bring me ahead of the line carrying me on their shoulders. I was not in condition to stand by myself and I was conscious. Somehow my mind said coming out of room and coming in front of the line happened same time and were same event.

30 Jan 2024



There was a small book in my hands, whereas I had a pencil in my right hand. A story, or a poem, or song is what I was writing. Some pages were filled out but the style of the writing didn't sound good to me. I had someone who was speaking to me nonstop, continuing how the story should go in different ways. The person next to me said something along these lines- "Dad is painting in the forest surrounded by dark." Immediately right after they said that, it was like I got a surge of energy that filled how disappointed i was feeling with my writing. "Dad is painting in a forest. Though, it is empty, darkness fills the vastness." I don't remember how the full thing went but the last line represents how my fathers eyes are dark and nothing is there.

26 Jan 2024



Making abstract art out of pencils

12 Jan 2024



I was in a plane with a group of friends we were flying over snowy mountains when we came across a field with a small airport so we landed in the field and got out we started walking through the deep snow when we came across tire marks in the snow we decided to follow them in the distance we noticed red in the tire marks when we got closer we realized it was blood I looked farther ahead and noticed an army truck on the other side of a bridge that went over a ditch but before the bridge and to the left was more blood and bodies in the snow me and my friends ran to the battle field to see if we could help but all of them were dead except two soldiers who told us to get out of there and to run the soldiers got up but before we could do anything a grenade was thrown at our feet we all ran towards the army truck but while everyone else jumped over the ditch me and one of the soldiers hide in it and when the bomb went off the blast was big me and the soldier ducked and I felt a pressure on my back then my friends and the other soldier came back to the ditch to help us out they then took us to the airport building that looked like a warehouse my friends then left me with the soldiers because I got hurt and the people there could help but I was upset and didn’t want to be left behind my friends then got back into our plane and flew away I watched them leave through a window trying to sleep but not being able to I watched the plane get farther away thinking about how the tail of it looked weird I was then suddenly in a different airplane I was flying it with another person there was a narrator talking about how the plane had to be flown by two people to fly we were then landing and when we finally did land we were surrounded by a big group of people the narrator then said that this was a sad story and didn’t have a happy ending I then got out of the plane but my arm got stuck in the propeller I was going to die slowly and painfully and was scared and panicked I told the group around the plane to shoot me as it would be a fast way to die I started crying a little as no one wanted to I begged some one to shoot me and someone finally walked forward with a pistol they were shorter then me so they had to reach up to put it against my head but when they pulled the trigger the bullet flew over my head grazing the top of it this happened again and again and again none of the bullets hit me all of them flying over my head I was so upset that I took the gun from them and put it to my temple and pulled the trigger it hurt but it didn’t kill me I was confused, scared and upset that it didn’t work I didn’t want to die slow and painfully so I begged the people to kill me and they tried but nothing worked my face and body were riddled with bullet holes I was covered in blood but I still wasn’t dead then my parents showed up and I asked them to kill me and they were reluctant and didn’t want to but I begged them and they agreed they sat me in a chair and I started crying thanking them for doing this for me I could tell they were still sad about having to kill me though but I was too relieved that I wouldn’t die from the propeller I then felt an uncomfortable pressure and slight pain in my temple where I shot myself I reached up and felt a bump it was a bullet I then squeezed it out and held the round bullet in my hand it was small and bloody my mom then came up to me and grabbed my head that’s when I realized that my face was falling off from all the damage done to it my mom then took my face saying that she’d keep it for memories I saw my face in her hands and almost laughed my face was so weird looking it looked flat and smushed I was then hit with self hatred and sadness I was ugly now I didn’t have a face just a bloody mess of meat and bone and my body was covered in blood and holes I probably looked like a monster I started sobbing covering where my face used to be and crying my dad then approached me with a rifle he had a sad look on his face I then thanked him and my mom profusely because they were going to finally kill me and then I told them that I loved them then my dad shot me in the head I then opened my eyes to find myself in a room with a table and chairs at the table were two girls one of them was smaller than me with black hair and wearing a dress the other was around my height but I couldn’t see her face I could tell that I was friends with the two girls but didn’t know who they were the table was littered with pieces of paper and pencils and there was a single computer I then sat down in one of the empty chair to wait until I would die

29 Dec 2023

Car Crash


okay so i was on my way home with my mom on route 22 from my bonus grandmas house, and he got into a really nasty car crash. some ‘people’ and ‘firefighters’ came to help, and they dragged our car to a side road. they then dragged us out of the car, barley alive, and took us into someone’s ‘house’. it was not normal at all, it was like these people were from another universe, and using some sort of power to their advantage. they dragged us into their house, and me and my mom instantly got better. we had no broken bones, burns, or anything. it was like whatever force field they dragged us into put us into their timeline. so we are in this house, it’s HUGE inside. there’s tons of kids, adults, of all ages and genders inside. it looked like a foster home almost with just a lot of people inside. anyways, we go in, and they put us in the garage. they have us sit down at separate round tables, and clean ourselves up. we eventually get tired of waiting, so me and my mom ventured off into the actual house. and it was nuts. but we go in, and the owner of the house immediately introduced themself, i say themselves because i swear this thing could shapeshift. i’ve seen them as a man and a woman. so i eventually got away from this thing, and ventured off to a group of people about my age. they tell me their story about how they ended up here, and they were all similar. car crash, nearly dead, and dragged into this strange house. they told me the rules, everyone is to be in bed by 8pm, no phones, no contacting the outside world, and no leaving the house. i instantly got a bad feeling about the house. everyone inside was victims to what was to come. we all heard a little kid screaming bloody murder, and this group of people i was with was like “that’s where our lives are about to go to. they prep us for their dinners and to sell us.” i thought they were kidding at first, but i knew i had to get out of there. i tried finding my mom, but she was already getting along with the house owner. i just watch her from a distance, as i’m trying to sneak onto my phone and texting my bonus dad that we’ve been kidnapped. i literally remember texting him “HOW DO YOU SHARE LOCATION” “PLEASE HELP US” WE GOT INTO A CRASH” “PLEASE”. he didn’t believe me af all!!! he shared a video that showed me how to share my location, but it was way too long and i was just getting more anxious and annoyed by the second. i replied and said “THE VIDEO IS WAY TO LONG JUST TELL ME!!” and he started telling me how to, but i couldn’t read it. i got even more anxious and upset, i just said “NEVERMIND ILL JUST GOOGLE IT. CANT YOU JUST TRACK THE AIRTAG?!” and he replies asking what all the ruckus was. the house owner was over my shoulder at this point so i could do nothing but pretend i was playing a mobile game or something. once the house owner left, i immediately went to share my location, and all jason said was “you’re lying lol. i saw you walk at graduation today!” i was so confused because i had graduated at least 8 months ago. what did he mean he just saw me?! i tried explaining to him this house i was in, and he didn’t believe me at all. i told him to pull up and send police, but when they came, the house looked like no one was home. i said “HOW ALL THE LIGHTS ARE ON AND IT LOOKS LIKE A CIRCUS IN HERE!!” he sent me a pic, and he was right. it did look like nothing was home. i texted him and said “fine, if you don’t believe me, then don’t. we will be dead by midnight.” he laughed and we stopped texting each other. by then i went over to talk to my mom, and tried to tell her what had just happened, and she was brainwashed. she was saying how much she loved it here, and how much she wanted to stay, and how she’s even got a thing going on with the house owner. i told her she’s completely wrong, and that the people running this house was gonna kill us by midnight. she just laughed and said whatever. it was then 8pm, and everyone ran up the stairs to find a little nook to ‘sleep’ in. i tried to stick with my mom, but she was kissing the house owners butt so i just took off without her. i found a black woman about my age, and asked if i could chill with her for the night. she said yes, and told me what the rules are for the night. you can stay awake, but you’re not allowed to make any noise, talk to anyone, or go on your phone. the lights turned off, and the only source of light was under the huge window we were under. she then pulled out her charger, and plugged her phone into the outlet and hit the charger with her blanket. i asked “do you mind if i charge mine too?” and she said “no i don’t, just keep it hidden. don’t let him catch you.” i plugged my phone in and it buzzed. i looked up at her panicked and she said “shhh don’t worry it’s okay, the house owner is a little dumb. he thinks it’s his workers working.”. i noticed the house owner walking around, and me and this girl hid our phones. she pretended to sleep, and i just grabbed my mini sketchbook and pencil, and started doodling. the house owner was right over my shoulder, and i felt nothing but his negative energy coming into my space. i felt so anxious, tired, and depressed when he came into my space like that. it was like he was sucking the life out of me. he eventually moved onto the next few people to check on them. i remember the next morning in the kitchen, i peeked through the blinds, and i saw another house that wasn’t there before. it looked the same as the one we were in, but it was filled with firefighters and fire trucks. they looked like the people who had saved me and my mom from that car crash. the girl i had stayed with said “you’re not supposed to look out there.” i quickly looked away and snapped the blinds back and just looked at her confused. she said “they’re in our dimension as well. but we aren’t supposed to know. they’re helping these house owners pull in victims. they are the ones who actually caused most of these peoples car crashes, including yours.”. i just remember feeling so depressed and shocked that this was even possible. she told me she knew a way out, but it was very risky. i don’t remember what happened after this, but i remember dragging my mom out of the house after she had just almost been killed by them, all bloodied up, and i said “i told you so! now let’s call for help.”. so i guess you could say that girl’s plan worked. i remember trying to tell the police what happened, and they immediately got the fbi and whoever deals with parallel universe shenanigans. they were working on an investigation before i woke up in the waking world, but they finally believed us and kept an eye on us and that area 24/7 so these shapeshifters from a different universe wouldn’t claim another victim or try to kill us.

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