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Dream Interpretation: Miscarriage 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Miscarriage? Discover the significance of seeing a Miscarriage in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Miscarriage appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbolizes a lost idea, an unfulfilled dream, and failure. It indicates a plan or a business venture that you are pursuing or pursued failed or will not work according to your will. It suggests a period of emotional turbulence carrying the feeling of anxiety, shock, and crisis.

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🧭 Direction


Not every loss is an actual loss. Sometimes it becomes a blessing in disguise. Take this opportunity to plan another dream, this time more wisely. Do not let any negative emotion bother you, instead remain calm and handle the situation and find ways to improve your personal and professional life.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a miscarriage can evoke a range of intense emotions. It may bring feelings of sadness, grief, and loss, as it represents the loss of a potential life. There may also be a sense of guilt or self-blame, as the dreamer may question their own actions or choices. Additionally, the dream may trigger feelings of fear or anxiety about the future, particularly related to fertility or the ability to conceive. Overall, this dream can be deeply emotional and may require processing and support to navigate the complex feelings it brings.





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Dreams of users containing the word Miscarriage

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16 Jul 2024

Baby boy


I was with my ex husband in my family’s house. We were having dinnner and then a saw my child who lost due to a miscarriage. He was alive and I was a good mother to him. My exhusband was taking care of him, my child looked like me but was white as his father. We were so happy.

8 Jul 2024



Last night I had a dream that I had a miscarriage and when I did my baby was still breathing outside of me but it was soooo tiny and I was so afraid and helpless I didn’t no what to do I sat there crying I felt so alone and scared

27 Jun 2024



A past miscarriage of my daughter who passed

15 Jun 2024



Miscarriaging while in a pool while trying to reach for a random guy.

31 May 2024



I was at work and a girl had passed out and I picked her up to put her down in a room to rest and then they told everybody to go home because the girl had a miscarriage and I also found out I was pregnant in and I was walking with other co workers outside the building and it was near the ocean and we seen a US Navy ship and then a huge monsterous giant robot came out of the water and started heading towards us and we started to run back in the building

13 May 2024



I jus recently had a miscarriage and since my surgery I’ve been dreaming about in the future my only child talks to me about how he has a sibling up in heaven and he’s met β€œher”

2 May 2024



I had a miscarriage and saw the baby I asked someone if I could see the baby and the put the baby in a room so I could look I remember being able to take pictures of it and it making faces at me . Another scene show me and my ex bf sister standing next to each other and her asking me what happened she seem concerned. Another part show me and someone who seem to be a close friend attempting to walk out a door to look up in the sky and see a dust storm that was coming from a helicopter that was soon to fall down onto a beach .. it eventually fell and two people was in the helicopter… they were able to get out and we all ran far away so it wouldn’t blow up Then I woke up

22 Apr 2024



I had a dream about this guy that I'm talking to, his name is Luis. Luis and I have been talking for the past couple of weeks or months, I'm not sure. But he has told me about his life, he has 3 brothers(Jose, Brandon & Jayson) & there would’ve been 5( including Luis) of them, but his mom had a miscarriage before Jayson, strangely in the dream i was hanging out with Luis at a construction place no one around & a little boy came out of nowhere & i said awwwwe is that jayson & luis said, no, that's my other brother, Brandon?, I said. He said, no, not Brandon, it's my other brother. And I was like, oh, well, he's adorable. And then that little boy, he didn't say his name. He just turned around and waved and said bye. And then he left. I’m thinking that little boy was his brother who his mom had the miscarriage of him.

14 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I went to the doctor and I was 28 weeks pregnant. I got to see the ultrasound and I was so happy. I even had a pregnancy belly. I have had 2 miscarriages recently and have never had a viable pregnancy. In my dream I was able to see pictures of what those 2 babies would have looked like.

4 Mar 2024



I keep having some spirit following in most of my dreams. But as I’m typing I’m starting to think it’s not showing there appearance in the dreams I have, bc maybe their trying to tell me to not be afraid of it. It could possibly be my deceased sibling in heaven that died during a miscarriage.

3 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I had a positive pregnancy test and then I had a miscarriage there was music playing in the background and because of the miscarriage in the dream I was given a million pound

2 Feb 2024



The first dream I was transferred to the other Youth Prison to have a look. Some of the old boys tha used to be at my residence were there. They were well looked after, it felt like a holiday programme more than a Youth prison. The boys rooms felt like a genuine young boys room, with drawers, posters, a small TV. All of the essentials in the boys rooms were all secondhand but it made such a big difference. The boys felt like they were able to be young boys instead of criminals. The second dream started in the centre of a township, where me and my ex best friend found our other old friend and her long-term partner eating at the centre. Her and her partner were displaying signs of drug abuse as they started dribbling halfway through their sentences. At one point my two friends left me with her partner to get drinks with a car load they flagged down who were work colleagues of hers. Her partner then proceeded to lead back to a house where he tried to take advantage of me and started kissing on my neck. I refused to be apart of it and stormed out of the house to be met by my friends outside screaming at me and accusing me of cheating with her partner. I fought and yelled back telling her I had no part in it and it was all him, yelling at him to tell the truth to her and admit it was him. She continued to scream and abuse us both for cheating, and her scream was that of pure trauma and horror. When she confronted me accusing me of cheating with her man, i swore on my dead child life, which in reality i had a miscarriage, that i didnt touch him or provoke that behaviour and it was all him. But it felt like it fell on deaf ears and she just continued to abuse her partner. She started acting him to the point the family had to get involved and seperate them, but she continued to physcial harm him. Before i chose to leave because i didnt want anything to do with this toxic situation, as i was leaving i took one last look at the fightinf couple and she had smashed a huge liquor bottle into his head where i believe she had stabbed it into his skull. I walked away in disbelief and had no fear in facing her if i were to become her next target because i didnt do anything wrong and felt strongly about my innocence that i wasnt scared. I carried on walking through a small township i wasnt very familiar with and noticed a small creek tgat led to the ocean and a graveyard littering both sides of the bank. I felt like ive sene it before but carried on my journey. I then came across a gang member gathering and walked beside one who seemed like he knew who i was and made a light joke after a greeting. I carried on after greeting after him and the gang member walking infront of me looked familiar and i then called his name and surprised it was my old physcial life work collegue. The third dream was my partner, myself, my mother, my sister, my friend and her family of 4 living together. My partner arrives with a set of twin baby girls and says he just found out these are his kids and the mother doesnt want them. So we take them in, and i feel a sense of jealousy in me. Although i feel jealous, i still care for them as if they were any ither child. It feels like a few weeks passed in the dream and as we loaded my partners babies, and ny friends kids into the car and start driving i asked my partner "have you named the girls yet?" and he laughed and said no, i replied "why not? Its been ages since you got them, they cant just go around having no name" but i could tell he didnt show interest in the children due to him not really planning or wanting them. So i said its okay, ill name them and coddled them. My last dream was in an old house that had no residence in it. A tall dark man in a cloak entered and playfully told me to put my ear to the floor and tell him what i feel. As i placed my ear on the floor it immediately feels warm, it gave me a slight fright where i came up and looked at him and he laughed and said "Thats Hell." so i did it again and now aware of what it was, i could feel the heat and hear the rumble and crackle of fire underneath the floor. He then comes over and hurries me to open all the windows and doors before it gets too hot in here. Without warning he leads the opening of the house, and starts digging at the flooe to open it. I feel a slight panic at the idea if i dont open the house up were gonna get killed by Hell's fire and had a bit of difficulty keeping them open. Thankfully i managed them open as the floor opened into Hell, and i felt a wave of relief when i realized Hell's fire isnt as hot as i thought it might be

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