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Dream Interpretation: Idol 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Idol? Discover the significance of seeing a Idol in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Idol appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of an idol symbolizes your desire for success, recognition, and admiration. It may also represent your need for guidance and inspiration. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are putting someone or something on a pedestal and need to reevaluate your priorities.

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🧭 Direction


Think about who or what the idol represents in your waking life. Are you striving for success or recognition in a particular area? Are you seeking guidance or inspiration from someone or something? Alternatively, are you putting too much emphasis on someone or something and neglecting other important aspects of your life? Consider reevaluating your priorities and finding a healthy balance.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of an idol may evoke feelings of admiration, inspiration, and a sense of awe. It signifies a deep desire for success, recognition, and the need to be idolized by others. This dream may also bring about feelings of longing, as it represents an idealized version of oneself or someone else. It can symbolize the pursuit of perfection and the yearning for validation and acceptance. However, it is important to recognize that relying too heavily on the approval of others can lead to feelings of insecurity and a loss of individuality.





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Dreams of users containing the word Idol

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30 Jun 2024



i had a dream that i was at dance rehearsal and that billie eilish was there (she’s my idol). and i gave her a very long hug and then we went to a theater or something like that

25 Jun 2024



I’m watching AND talking/experiencing this dream from the perspectives of two Japanese gyaru-kei YouTubers and a few male idol group members attending a TV show program They’re having a talkshow about what the celebrities and the semi-celebrities like YouTubers go through as daily occurences and such Im seeing the women talk about how they make cute foods and basically aestheticize the aspects of their mundane life and such for the content Once such example being how they make β€˜kyara-ben(lunch boxes decorated with foods and tools that uses characters and their motifs associated with the kawaii cultures. They’re characterized by how β€˜mini’ and β€˜cutesy’ everything is; mini tomatoes, bite-sized egg omlettes or mini sausages cut to look like octopuses…)’ for their videos and how they have to wake up at 4 in the morning for it The male idols find that, in terms of how their private life and such is made into a content/commodity to be sold as β€˜contents’, they can relate The YouTubers are then talking about basically the whole sugar daddy-esque nature of the way the industry’s female talents get ahead in their career and achieve media prominence while the male idols talk about the rigid ageist structures of the senpai-kouhai system in their agency involves those female idols as a medium of sexual currency(e.g. one member talks about how it’s almost like a rite of passage when the senpai idols β€˜buy’ a female talent/creators’ time and have the koujai(younger) idols do the same and make them practice the whole procedures and such) One of the members laughingly talked about how a younger male idol, under the custom and the recommendation of his senpai(likely to have the younger one prove his manliness or whatever), tried β€˜buying’/contacting a newly debuted popular female idol for their time and compnionship but ended up getting β€˜tricked’/β€˜catfished’ into buying a money grab β€˜product’ that is basically an underground idol disguising as the popular one (Ew. To the men. The way they worded it like it’s the woman’s fault for tricking them. When what they’re doing to begin with is monstrously underhanded and dehumanizing to the women.) Both are equally nasty in character but I find myself being more on the side of the female YouTubers because it seems like without the filter of their machiavellianism and narcissistic lenses the women are just using what grants them the best advantage(their youth, sexuality, body) because they don’t really have much other choices that gets taken β€˜seriously’ enough by the people of authority, prominence and influence in the VIP world while the male idols are basically being complicit in the upholding of the chauvinistic, male-only society/club-like structure of the whole power dynamics in the industry

20 Jun 2024



So in the dream i was actually crying like tears i was also crying in real life . There was this Idol that i loved and i finally got to meet her , she was this athlete. I talked with her in her room but then for some reason her coach told me to get out and i was really sad cause for the first time in forever i felt at peace and she made me really comfortable , and her coach wanted to kick me out and the minute her coach left i started crying to the idol and she hugged me and u felt really good that she hugged me cause i havent if not never got comforte like that whenever i had a break down , and this breakdown was actually happen in real life as in the dream i could sort of feel tears actually dropping in real life and when i woke up my eyes were red and swollen

4 Jun 2024



I dreamed about my idol giving a concert and hugging me

20 Apr 2024



My family and I were on a yacht, everyone was happy and having fun especially myself because I saw Mingyu the Idol on the other side. Of course I came over and we had a talk. When I came back to where my family was suddenly there were sharks. The next thing, I saw myself on the surf board. I was showing off even if there were sharks. I saw my mom and little sister, they were at the shore and they reprimand me. I was still not listening to them, until I was attacked by the sharks and died. At first I didn’t mind it because I knew it was just a dream, I was in denial. My cousins were panicking and shouting to my mom that I already died, meanwhile I was laughing at them. My mom didn’t believe it until she looked at my direction, the water was red filled with blood and the bits of my body parts. There, I realized I was really dead, I panicked, cried, and worried about my friends and family.

6 Apr 2024



i was dreaming about myself but i was another woman. so i was a hair influencer andi kept doing my hair but while i was doing it i would make sure i was doing it with gluten free products because the. eiwets kept asking for it. then suddenly i was dancing with a kpop idol and he was really shy so i kept try to get him out of his comfort zone. then i was at school but the cafeteria was really nice and i had to try and give a teacher their calculator back so i had to run halfway across the school to try and find the teacher after i gave it to her i was in the bathroom with my friend sophia and another girl but idk who she was. i dont remember what happened in between but we ended up having sex😭i just remember pleasuring sophia with the other girl then when we were done she told us not to tell anyone because her family was homophobic

1 Apr 2024



My last dream was about me being a Kpop idol and I was in a group called A-ble I was the Maknae of the group and the leader of the group

16 Mar 2024



there was this huge supermarket like thing with east asian snacks and foods and everything is for free and then theres this huge cafeteria with an open bakery with cute japanese and korean good on the side. everything is for free and this place is massive. theres a lot of tables and it's pretty full and you can even see some k-pop idols there. in the back there is this beauty competition-like thing where heidi klum and another woman judge you and it starts off with washing your hair so they see how everyone truly looks. i'm there with a friend (that doesn't exist in real life). later i get dressed and let my very very long hair (it's the same in real life) open and put on a sweet light blue and white flowy but short dress. then i enter that massive cafeteria where i see my favourite kpop idol looking at me and we eventually start talking.

12 Mar 2024



I dreamt about the kpop idols who were talking me in my previous dream but this time it was the other way around. We were at my house with a group of people and them and a game was played where they had to escape me and go downstairs to the other and text them. I was luring him upstairs and acted really creepy and he ran and I grabbed his foot and tried to drag him to me. It was very scary and I can’t tell if he was having fun or if he was also scared. Even though I was the perpetrator I was really scared myself. He got free from my grasp and ran into my room and held the door closed and I chased him and tried to open the door but he was stronger. Then I realized he would have any internet connection in this room and so couldn’t escape because he needed to text someone to win. So I said things like β€œ oh honey come out here.. don’t u care about me? β€œ trying to lure him out and he actually opened the door and I tried to catch him again but I was so shaky and scared and weak I couldn’t get a grip on his leg when he jumped over me. I realized that although my job was to prevent him from escaping and winning, I also didn’t want to play anymore and really wanted to leave.

23 Feb 2024

Running away


I had a dream that I was on a large ship and it kept catching on fire, so we were investigating the crew, like the furnace engine crew, to see if maybe they were getting drunk or something. So before we were actually able to do this investigation, we realized that the owner of the ship is the one who was sabotaging. To catch on fire, because he would have made more money collecting from the losses or the insurance on the losses, even though he was on the ship. So he would have died and gone down with the ship just like everybody else, so it didn't make a whole lot of sense. But anyway, after we made that discovery, there was like a ball, I don't know if it was a distraction from what had just happened, but I ended up dancing with one person and then I ended up dancing with another person. So at first I was dancing with a friend and it wasn't really working because she kept trying to, she wouldn't let me lead or like I wouldn't let her lead, it just wasn't working. So then I tried dancing with this guy and that didn't really work because he just wasn't a very good dancer. And then I danced with this other guy who was really strong, he was kind of swinging me around and it was a lot of fun and then I had him hold my hands like in the proper way. And then I ended up trying to marry him, but he was already kind of betrothed to this other girl. So I ended up participating in a debate and on the way to the debate I met his father and I ended up impressing his father and his father ended up going back on the betrothal and allowed him to marry me. But after that I kind of had to, there was like a waiting period so I had to go find a place to live and my house was open compared to the other houses, it was like the walls only went up halfway. But there was a little kitten in there, she was deaf and her name was Mae, M-A-E, and she was a calico, similar to the cat I have now, but more with white on her and she was just incredibly intelligent and she was like helping me do things. But there was like snow getting in my house and the kitchen was muddy, it was like unfinished, you know. But if I went to places, Mae would be able to find me and if I told her to go home, she would go home. So even though she was like cute and fluffy and small, like I didn't really have to worry about her like running away or getting lost or anything like that. And then I also moved in before I started paying rent and like I had a friend stay with me for a couple days and there were other cats that I brought there with me and they were all fine to be there. And at the end of the dream, I remember visiting a friend in their home and they had like idols carved into the wall or sculpted onto the wall and they seemed to be sentient, like we could interact with them and talk with them, but we were climbing out of a hole and kind of getting, we were climbing out of their house, I guess, their house is like a hole in the ground, but we were getting, you know, like away from them at the end of the dream.

13 Feb 2024



So the dream I had today was bit jumbled,so the dream started out with two people at the mall a black teenage boy and his mom the black teenage boy's mom stealing the high heel of another the woman chases her and his mother then trips dropping the shoe the other woman yells no! And the boy's mother finally sees that there's a bomb strapped to the shoe and before she can say anything it goes off and explodes the ball of fure spreading like wave people being thrown off the ground, blood and cuts on face,and broken limbs and bones,people screaming and crying for some strange reason this didn'tmake me panic. Then it cuts to another dream where I am with my Older sister and my mother and we are driving away from the mall and I look past the wimdow and suddenly see men specifically gay black men in pairs having sex on the street lights?! Yes I know very weird I dont even know how they were balancing but they were too busy enjoying themselves to even care about the cars passing buy. That dream ends and finally I'm in a dream where I am a young adult my afro is tied into a puff and I'm a professional choreographer and I am one of the most trusted dance partners of the Kpop idol Hyunjin that he always chooses me to he his partner we do very risquΓ© dances and there seems to be sexual tension building but we just laugh it off and have fun one of the back up dancers ask if we're together and remind her that we can never be together a kpop idol with a girlfriend? let alone a black woman oh that is definitely not allowed,so Hyunjin and I dance alone in the studios and we dance close to one another our lips almost touching but I pull away and carry on dancing my afro bouncing with the rythm while Hyunjin just smirks its like the whole cycle is constantly flirting with one another,guiving suggestive looks to one another,dancing is almost our way of intimacy we like one another,but we'll never tell one another as we both know the netizens,the sasaengs or fans will never allow us to be together. I'd say this final dream was the least weird one and a very hm...insightful one too.

9 Feb 2024



Someone tried to burn a building store down and I told them stop and said undo . Thier was a huge party . My little brother looked like a fairy then turned to a idol . He then separated into 9 different colors and then disappeared. I heard some one say yay ima witch

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