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Dream Interpretation: Dentist 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Dentist? Discover the significance of seeing a Dentist in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Dentist appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a dentist can represent anxiety or fear of the unknown. It may also indicate a need for self-care or attention to your physical health. Alternatively, it could symbolize a need to confront a difficult situation or person in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if there are any health concerns you have been neglecting or if there is a situation or person in your life that you have been avoiding. It may be time to face these issues head-on and take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Don't be afraid to seek help or support if needed.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a dentist may evoke feelings of anxiety, fear, and vulnerability. It symbolizes a sense of unease or discomfort in facing a potentially painful or invasive situation. This dream may reflect concerns about one's physical or emotional well-being, as well as a fear of judgment or criticism. It could also suggest a need for self-care and attention to one's health. Overall, the dream about a dentist elicits emotions related to vulnerability and apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Dentist

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25 Jun 2024

Video Game


I was playing a virtual reality game, I was a tan girl with long brown hair Orange shirt and a long green winter coat in a dentist office. In there I was playing a video game called "533490" . With three older lady's. Then I asked them to write down the game title on a sticky note. One did and stick it to my chest. I busses fo Walmart to get it. These kids distracted the employees and I got the game and left. Then outside the store employees asked for my I'd and I gave them my wallet. Then i we t to buy smokes and couldn't find my debit card and they chased after me. One of the girls working hard a lisp .

24 Jun 2024



I was in a house with my mom and she broke my 65 inch tv. I forced her to buy me a new one. Then I told her I did not want to speak to her again and kicked her out of my house. My sister didn't want her daughter anymore, so I said I'd have her. I was in a hospital and my teeth had been filed down for veneers to be fitted. I pulled out a peice of tooth from my top front teeth and handed it to the dentist. I had to search for a dentist to finish my teeth as no one was coming to fit the veneers. I spoke to receptionist and she said that the dentists were in a meeting. I was really annoyed.

13 Jun 2024



So it starts out, I am in a doctors/dentist office waiting room. A receptionist comes out, a red head waitress I worked with. She just told me, “alright he is ready for you.” I got up to follow her to the 1st door on the right. As soon as im approaching the door, something I couldn’t pick up on changes, but I just got absolutely filled with the most fear and dread I have ever experienced in my life, and I knew for a fact, I was meeting the Devil. I walk into the room, and nothing, its just like a home bathroom with a shower toilet and sink counter. I just look into the mirror and catch a breath, when all a sudden I see him sitting right next to me, maybe sitting in the toilet, but sitting, waiting for me to achknowledge him. He appeared just as a regualr man in his early 30’s, good looking admittedly, and just a charming charesmatic guy. I felt instantly safe and fine around this guy, though I still understood he was the devil. I had a conversation with him about life, I remember absolutely none of the convo. But at the end he just evaporated into nothing and I left the bathroom room and I woke up. My friend thinks I made a deal with the devil. He is religious and my dream freaked him out a bit. I am not religious but I talked to whatever my interpretation of the devils presense is.

29 May 2024

Teeth falling out


I needed to get two of my teeth removed on each side of my face. I thought it was going to hurt but it didn't hurt at all. I only got one of my teeth out on my left side. I was nervous about getting it out because I thought my dentist was very attractive and I thought pulling out my tooth would be very intimate. I also went to an assembly and got road rage, and won, on the way there.

26 May 2024

Best Friend
Teeth falling out


I had A dream I went to the dentist twice and one of my teeth next to my canines on the bottom row fell out, I didn’t understand how or why but I was very upset and confused about it. Then my best friend Chris said he went to the same dentist and they had him taking some kind of medication that I felt was completely unnecessary.

15 May 2024

Teeth falling out


the dream was stressful and gross for me because i thought my teeth were loose and i was able to pull one tooth halfway off. when i went to the dentist, everything was suddenly normal, but when i left the place, my teeth got loose again. i woke up after that

9 May 2024



I was dreaming i ate popcorn and talked to a homeless woman, i ate popcorn and the shell was stuck on my tooth i pulled it out and my tooth fell out and i panicked and showed m mom and that i told her that i need to go to the dentist immediately

28 Apr 2024



had a dream, I was dating Jonathan Bailey (the guy from Bridgerton who is also GAY) He’s gay to the world but straight for me like he didn’t want anyone else but me, anyways I was still living in my student accomodation and it was fun. Anyways, Fast forward, I was trying to find an outfit to wear for my first day of university, i was looking for a particular pair of jeans that I know in the real world, i do not own. Anyways, I kept looking for an outfit, but my mum (whose dead) and my Grandma (whose alive) was sitting on my bed telling me to just wear the clothes I have already, funnily enough I found a good pair of jeans that I actually own and a really cute outfit, they kept giving me advice, i don’t remember what it was exactly, but they kept telling me about things. I was like “thanks guys” anyways, they needed to leave and they left, I took a shower in the dark of my bathroom, but leaving the door open so I had some light. I ended up going to my first day of university and it was fun, anyways after my day of university, my accomodation turned into a hybrid of a Dentist and my boyfriend “Jonathan Bailey” was the receptionist, we had made plans that would mean he would come to my room - he had one last customer who had an apparent tooth ache but had to tell the customer that he was out of service now and that he should go somewhere else, it was weird because just because HE the receptionist was leaving, doesn’t mean the clinic was closed, anyways. We went on the elevator to my room and laid in bed, with a pink light in my room, which by the way, i haven’t been able to turn on for months now because i lost the remote but when i woke up from the dream, it was on??? Anyways, back to the story, we were on my bed, kissing and cuddling and stuff and he was like saying “i’m only straight for you” blah blah, then out of nowhere my roommates come into my room for a movie session, i say i’m hungry and one of my actual roommates suggests a Chinese restaurant and i’m like “YES” because i love chinese - then i wake up.

6 Apr 2024

Teeth falling out


I had a dream I was with my wife at a party, she was cuddled up with another woman and I told her it was inappropriate and she completely ignored me so I left. I asked outside and was like in a mall with other clubs. I sat outside another club and just watched people come and go. When the clubs closed a man came out and was being very forward trying to hit on me and it was a little aggressive so I told his friends to get him and they did. I went back to a hotel room. My wife didn’t come back. Most of my front teeth fell out, I kept all my teeth and I had to find temporary dentures because the dentist wasn’t available for several days my wife came back the next day and we argued and separated and leaving the hotel I got into an accident

26 Mar 2024



I had a really vivid dream that something was in my teeth and I was trying to floss it, and it just made my teeth worse. They were all stuck together and wouldn’t floss and then one tooth became loose because I was trying to floss so I happened to work for a dentist and had him look at my teeth and he said my teeth were fine for some reason even though they were all loose which was annoying. And then I was talking to all my friends and they were like how weird that your teeth are loose and falling out and then my teeth started to fall out and the dentist still wasn’t listening to me then I figured it out that there is an evil witch that was trying to find a crystal that I happen to have so she had hexed me. I couldn’t give her the crystal. I couldn’t trust him or some of my friends. I could trust others and we all kept the crystal from her and it made her angry. She kept telling me that she would make my teeth normal if I gave her back the crystal, but I knew that giving her the crystal would be wrong. we had to hide and she chased us and my teeth just kept crumbling and falling out of my mouth. Then I found a spell to get out of the reality I was in. I had to clutch onto a lucky cat and fall asleep. When I woke up, I was in my own reality Where everything was normal and my teeth were fine and the doctor was nice and so were all my friends. Then all of a sudden the witch showed up again. She looked a little different, but it was still the same person and she was still looking for the crystal. So basically, she was an interdimensional witch, and found my dimension to come after me again. I had found a wood chip from her and took it to Burnett and the bathroom, because for some reason I knew it would defeat her, but she felt me burning it and came to find me and took it from me. I didn’t get to burn it all the way. Then I woke up.

23 Mar 2024



I have two best friends from childhood, and they are twins. This dream had both of them in it. I was searching with Allison (Twin 1) for her sister Ashley (Twin 2) for a long long time, and many people I know came in and out of the dream at some point. From what I remember, Allison and I were looking for Ashley and it had been a long time when we finally started looking in a warehouse or IKEA-like store where all the employees were really reluctant to help us or even be there. We looked and looked but Ashley was nowhere to be found. Eventually Allison was captured by one of the workers of the store and turned into a small fish, which was put in an aquarium on a wall of other tanks, similar to how pet stores display their fish for sale. I noticed this and got upset at the sight, but then, the worker put a large goldfish in her tank and the fish proceeded to eat her whole. I watched powerless as my best friend died in a second before I even knew what happened. I then freaked out and cried and cried and felt deep sorrow. Eventually I was forced to leave her behind to continue looking for my other friend, her twins eventually I found her in a Las Vegas style pool party with a bunch of random guys and hot young girls dancing in their laps and onstage. Ashley wasn’t participating but she was generally unfazed, just kind of weirded out, and she decided to go, so she left again. I noticed this and went looking for her again, and I ended up making friends with a guy who was a vampire who told me he could help me escape and help me find Ashley. The next thing I remember, we were in his car, a small one where even though I was in the back, he could easily reach out and touch me. He said, I’m not gonna make it with the windows down I’m gonna kill you” and I immediately rolled the windows down. I still wanted him to help me get out of where we were and liked him generally as a person but I was scared I was about to be attacked. Every time we rolled the windows up he got scary and threatening and then we would roll the window or windows down and it became bearable. Then I noticed my tooth was crumbling in my mouth and I picked a shard and then crumbles out of my mouth. Then another one did the same thing, and a little later, another tooth felt loose and I made a note to see a dentist ASAP because ei haven’t in a long time and the deteriorating teeth, especially so quickly, scared me very badly. I woke up soon after all this and don’t know what to make of it. I felt uneasy and disturbed on waking up.

12 Mar 2024



I had a dream i went to the dentist. The dentist told me that they had to rotate my teeth because the were not in the right position. I told them yes they can do so but i did not want to do it because i was afraid of the pain. The dentist rotated my teeth and it did not hurt. Afterwards i was waiting for them to come back to me and while i was waiting my bottom teeth started to fall out 1 by 1.

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