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Dream Interpretation: Giants ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Giants? Discover the significance of seeing a Giants in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Giants appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This is a symbol of control and domination. This suggests that there is something in your life that you need to take charge of. This could also be related to your own interactions with the power and authority of others around you or those areas of your life that you need to take greater control and domination.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


What areas of your life feel like they are controlling and dominating you? Learn to develop your own assertive, dominating power and personality by taking greater control and asserting dominance in those sections of your life that are yours to rule. This will help you find peace from the outside chaos.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of giants may evoke feelings of awe, insignificance, and vulnerability. The towering figures symbolize power and dominance, leaving the dreamer feeling small and powerless. This dream may also elicit a sense of fear or intimidation, as the giants represent an overwhelming force that cannot be easily overcome. The dreamer may experience a mix of curiosity and apprehension, as they navigate the unknown and uncertain presence of these colossal beings. Overall, the dream of giants can leave one with a sense of wonder, unease, and a reminder of their own limitations in the face of larger forces.





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7 Apr 2024



In a giant superstore, walking around with friends and a trolley to do shopping. However, it got sorta of glitchy and some of the other shoppers would lag or the cheese would glitch. It then went silent and empty. Completely dark with just me walking through the aisles before I started running until my legs gave out and I collapsed on floor, crying. Then everything was back to normal. The aisles full and people back to shopping.

7 Apr 2024



It started out has a Harry potter movie. Then we somehow were in the basement with pickaxes and Harry Potter was there. He took the elevator with Ron and another person, and I wanted to meet him and ask him what happened. I ran up stairs to catch the elevator and it lead to a cool beach house. Harry went upstairs and talked to someone in a business room. Then I teleported to a mountain. I saw this giant river and I saw an orb of thunder clouds pass through. I got a hoverboard and started hovering over to the storm. I got into it and it was a Ghost ship. I got onto it and saw everyone bracing themselfs.

5 Apr 2024



i was at some kind of house or hotel with a bunch of people i knew but donโ€™t recognize. for a while i was seeing through the eyes of one of the men i was with. he was standing outside by a very large pool with a lot of people around and was having a conversation with another man that i donโ€™t recognize. then the other man walked away. after a while of standing there he walked back inside past a lot of people walking outside. when he stepped inside, it was as if everyone disappeared. the inside looked like a large cafeteria with many tables that had been full of people before. but now it was completely empty and when he looked outside where he came from, there was nobody out there either. he looked around more and was very confused until suddenly a giant wave came crashing through the doors and windows from the direction of the pool. in this wave there were lot of people and the man got swept up in it. then somehow the wave dissipated and he was back on the ground and some other members of our group showed up. thatโ€™s when my perspective switched back to my own. we talked about what had just happened and some other stuff happened that i canโ€™t remember and then there was a demon chasing us. this demon walked on two legs and was able to speak to us. we all ran into an old quite large house and tried to find places to hide. i ran upstairs behind a few others and found a closet and hid in between some clothes. the demon saw me and was about to kill me but i held up my phone showing that my mcdonaldโ€™s order was ready to be picked up and everyone else in my group did the same and for some reason that stopped him for a while. we all ran downstairs to come up with a plan on how to stop the demon. we somehow figured out that he had possessed everyone in the world except for us, including jesus, so we knew it was up to us to stop him. we also figured out that if we were able to get him to strip down naked, he would die immediately. when the demon came back, he was no longer chasing us and we invited him to a game of strip poker. after a while of playing, everyone but the demon was completely naked and i woke up before i could see if we killed him.

5 Apr 2024



I felt like screaming but no voice came out of my mouth I was scared I was lying on the road near a giant building. The windows of the building were glowing in the color of pink. I felt like something was pressing on my chest and I felt like dying in my sleep

4 Apr 2024



Had a dream about itโ€™s confusing to explain but I was with a group of beings canโ€™t remember if they were all human or not but we were super small and the world was big I donโ€™t remember too much the landscape was buildings like in France or Italy and we were like in a residential area but there was destroyed cars and lots of places for his to hide as there was this certain building being guarded by what looks like the military but wearing odd clothing, some were in grey uniform and some in light blue all had those 1945 helmets from the war, a T-shirt some of them in their colours and holding rifles securing the place. I was with a team of 5 people and I could see our health bars and I noticed if we hugged togother we would be healing ourselves there was one member of the group that could barely move because she was so low on health we all hugged in a group and brought her back up to full health. We had to stealthy get on the 2nd floor of the building as we were waiting for our guy to come through idk who but that was the mission we had no business inside the building we just needed to get to the balcony without being seen so I moved swiftly and they followed behind me moving to car and covers to prevent us from being seen. We did this successfully because of our height difference they guys were basically giants and we were like the size of teddy bears so hiding wasnโ€™t a problem. We got there eventually but in my head my ex was in my head and it felt like I was calling to her or something or I was waiting for her. She was not in the group with me but it was very random. Felt like I was waiting for her but like usual she was a no show anyways our game came on a motorbike and he saw us and then thatโ€™s when I woke up I guess mission complete?

27 Mar 2024



I was in the gym of my old middle school, but it was slightly altered, and for some reason we were eat lunch in there. I had no where to sit so I sit by this one girl I know. Iโ€™m not sure how it started, or who initiated it, but a conversation was stricken. The belcher we were sitting was yellow and not may people were sitting on this side. Then I started to draw these two people from some type of magazine. I seemed to know them in the Dream. One was a woman with a short Afro and darker skin and the man had the same. The reference photo was kind worn out. Then i get these bag they both looked to full of food but when I look again itโ€™s full of paper, and the other is jsut full of foodโ€ฆthen this random bench just appears in the middle of the gym and kids are eating at it. I also failed to mention the gym was divided into these dividers. Back to the papers they all have my moms name on it and thatโ€™s where I found the picture of the man and the woman. Lastly I come home and oddly nothing in my home was altered in this dream besides the tv. And giant polar bear was in my room it disappeared, and I became frightened. My brother popped out of nowhere and helped me look, but we where just find other weird things like a monkey that also disappeared. I call me mom and she reminds me that she called the man and he supposed to bring them over. I got a picture in my head of what he looked like I think he was white, bald and had something around his wast. I remember having a negative feeling about him, and for some reason I tell myself that I knew this the hole time., that I knew he was going to bring wild animals to our home the hole time. I say oh and laugh then hang up. The last thing I remember is me turning on the tv and that think or something tlaking about the price of Netflix, but I guess dream me couldnโ€™t hear it because I was just was silent watching tv.

13 Mar 2024



in a hotel with my family and we were in one of the rooms and i saw the ghost of an old woman. I smiled and waved at her and she smiled and waved back, my mum could see her too but no one else could. Then the hotel started to break apart as therw was a giant storm.

9 Mar 2024



I invited may family to play the Michael Jackson experience dance game, so we can all reminisce about the old times and have fun dancing with eachother again. The game was set up in a classroom in an unknown school building. Once we arrived, before we can get to it, I had to be chased by a monster. I had to walk backwards and do a type of 1st person shooter to keep the monster at bay until we make it to the assigned classrooms. Once I made it to the classroom, most of my family were no where to be found and I couldn't find them. As I went to look for them, I somehow ended up getting lost and the school was bigger and more like an uncharted maze, Just like the backrooms creepy pasta concept. As I wondered further into the backrooms, a giant half spider half snake monster begun chasing me and I had to keep flashing a light in its eye to slow it down so I can try to escape. I met up with a random guy that was like a guide who gave me tips and valuable information about this place. He stayed by my side and helped to keep me alive the entire time. Throughout the rest of my dream, it consisted of me constantly being chased and trying to keep the monster from killing me.

6 Mar 2024

New Job


April and the kids had gone on ahead of me on a trip. I was sitting in the van in front of our house waiting for a package so I could make sure it was safely inside the house while we were away on our trip. There was a large vehicle blocking the middle of the street it's door was open blocking my view. It had been like this for quite some time. So I got out of the car and pulled the vehicle's door open a little wider to look inside. It was UPS. A man hands me a small package and I assume that is it. Then he corrects me and says there is a whole lot more. I look back at our house and see giant boxes stacked on the porch and all down the driveway, and he's not even done unloading yet. Helena's food and supplies must have come. The insurance company only pays for so new supplies once a month so theoretically it is wise to ask for as much as you can get, but we don't have a lot of space as it is to store things. I imagine myself struggling to find a place to put all this crap before I can leave. I resent the fact that I am all alone to deal with this.

5 Mar 2024



I was in a car with my best friend. An SUV and we were going to this party at our friends house. When we got thwre, the gate to a condo neighborhood was open but the people on these stairs told us to go up and the car took a right and drove up rhis narrow flight of stairs. At rhe top, there was a giant beach area but with no water. I got out of the car and my best friend drove it to the beach. Then i was sitting around a table looking at the beach listening to my other friend talk about sad things and i cant go out on the beach area because its all roped off. Then people come and tell us we have to move the car but now my friend does not want to drive it down the stairs

5 Mar 2024



I was at my Grandparents land in Mexico. There was this small glowing blue creek that went through the area. In the glowing water there was this glowing green and white big crystal points. When I looked up at the sky it was covered in giant bats circling above us. They would swoop down from the sky and fly around us causing this strong burst of wind. At my Grandparents house there was this cage filled with parakeets. My deceased father was there too. Since the cage was full and crowded he would hold one or two parakeets in his hand and release them. The parakeets would fly high into the blue sky until the disappeared. There were only two parakeets left in the cage. A bigger one with white and brown feathers, and a smaller one that was colorful rainbow colors. My Dad said we were going to keep those to breed. I said โ€œthe smaller one is a baby so we have to waitโ€

2 Mar 2024



I was living in a share house with 2 friends and a bunch of other random women. The share house was in the middle of a giant carpark I know from my waking life. I don't know the friends in real life. One of them was in labor but didn't have a boyfriend. I ran to the kitchen in the share house with 2 trays and put them on the bench and told the ladies in the share house that I would wash them after so leave them there because the girl was in labor. As I walked away I heard one of the ladies we lived with say "See she's fucking lazy I hate her so much." I walked away back to my friends and called emergency services but they didn't answer. I called a different number and was asked what type of help I need. I asked for ambulance and the woman replied "oh she's in labor now isn't she!?" I was left confused as this was the first time I called them. I said yes and told them where I was and they said the ambulance would be there soon and they then hung up. I went back to my friend who was in labor and I was holding her from behind and holding her hands and rocking with her and she was squeezing my hands and I was telling her it's okay sweetheart the ambulance is on the way. The other friend was taking photos of us. My friends water broke and the ambulance arrived.

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