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21 Feb 2024



I dreamed that I was in the clinic again with a friend and we all had to go to eat so I took the elevator down but the elevator crashed, I tried to ring the emergency bell but nothing happened so I fell and as soon as I could I laid on my back and crashed but after that the elevator just functioned normally again and drove me up where all the other people were. I tried to tell them that the elevator just crashed but nobody listened and nobody cared. I was feeling soo dizzy because I was so shocked and I fell on my head but I couldn’t do anything other than just eat because nobody was listening anyway




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

21 Feb 2024



I had a dream. I was in the house I grew up in when I was really young. It was three-storey and lots of rooms. In the dream, Paul was there, the kids, Abi was there, and I think I was trying to make sure everything was tidy. I think we were having people over and I was trying to get the kids to settle in the lounge while I went off and did things. Every time I went upstairs, the kids would follow me. I kept telling them to go back down. I was trying to help Abby sort out her room because her wardrobe seemed to keep falling over and I was stood there trying to hold the door shut with one hand so the kids couldn't come in and sort the wardrobe out with the other hand. Anyway, I told the kids to just leave us to tidy it up. There was a toilet on the first floor so the kids went off for the toilet and I sorted out the room. Then I went up to the top floor and Billy was up there. He was being good and we were sorting out his room and Paul was making the bed. He was trying to pull the sheet tight on it and we were just sorting it out. Then the kids came upstairs and said, no, go back down, we've got to finish it. So they went off and for some reason I got in the bed.

21 Feb 2024



I was in a car with tai and tionne, nala, dionne, takiya?, maybe gaga and there was apartment building surrounding us and I yelled we been blessed and almost all of us were excited, there was a large area to do barbecue with many tables and seats, it was under does things that block out sun, many cars parked everywhere and the apartment all had balconies with modern doors all of the apartment looked modern on the outside Me, tai, and tionne and nayla were upstairs in the apartment and I went in one room with nayla, there was a weird shelf that didn't have a bottom part and the ceiling above looked unfinished on that part but the rest of the ceiling in the room was fine, the room was about the size of the room I have now or a little smaller and there was a nice sized window above the twin bed that had a view of other apartments and parked cars, I went to the room tai and tionne were in which was way bigger and it had two beds in it, one was up against a wall when you walk in the room and the other was by a big window which filled the room with natural light, the room wasn't a simple square it had other parts to it, we all got excited again and I had asked how much the apartment cost and they said 14 hundred something then I asked what was the name if the apartments but then I woke up. I woke up sad

21 Feb 2024



I had a dream where a man was walking through the forest when it suddenly burst into flames and he had to run out. Alongside him, hundreds of squirrels were also running, with one in particular followed by a large shadow which I perceived to be smoke, however on closer inspection, was a mass of squirrel tails attached to a string, following the poor squirrel. At some point I start existing as a safety intern who has to monitor the fire suppression and end up in a construction site within a sandy part of the woods. I immediately become anxious due to not knowing the work hazards nor wearing a hard helmet, and attempt to make my way past the strip of construction work. Luckily, a helpful Latino tells a nearby worker to carry me on an electric platform across and past the site. That’s all I remember.

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