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21 Feb 2024



I dreamt I was playing sax in the streets and I don’t even own a saxophone or know how to play one.

21 Feb 2024



A neighbor broke into my house and stabbed my cat with a large needle causing him to bleed so I attacked the man and stabbed him as well until he bled out and left, then I dreamt I had a friend who killed a guy in the backrests of my car and I covered up for her and cleaned up the blood but then found out he was a brother to one of my co-workers and his other sister was a psychic and said she heard him in the back of my car and I panicked and told her maybe he left an item in the back of my car but I was so scared I would end up in jail for covering up a murder. Then I dreamt I had a baby girl and my mom and step-dad were taking us somewhere and I was trying to fix the baby's food and milk bottles while my mom was rushing me, I had to get my cat ready to go too.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

21 Feb 2024

Killing someone


I was in the marines serving and it was me and three other guys with one marine sergeant. I want to say we were a special task force or something but felt like regular soldiers. We went on a trip to a place and the governor of Kentucky asked me to kill someone and have someone as a witness. I took my marine buddy with me and a hand gun. When we got to the suite, the person was tied up and our eyes met and that person knew their fate. Also, there was a female black shepherd there with the person. I petted the dog and she was friendly. I didn’t want to hurt the dog and my marine buddy took her out the room. Afterwards, I cocked the gun back made sure the safety was off and shot the person 8 times in the face. The person smiled like they stop the bullet or something. Then the ninth shot claimed their life and their body fell over as the blood poured out from their head. I seen the view of the suite had over the place with skyscrapers, the bridges with water, and the sun shining so brightly. Then I laid their next to the person and got up off the ground after I heard that the government was sending in a team in fifteen minutes. An Asian woman walked in and I was French kissing her while grabbing her butt and smacking it. I told her that probably be the last time I see her if nothing else. Then I was trying to escape the hotel and these people with Japanese festive masks dressed purple and black attire came after me and I had to fight them.

21 Feb 2024



I was shopping with Mounya in an unknown city. It was a beautiful shopping street with large glass shop windows. At one point we were in our hotel and wanted to go to the city in the evening. We entered the tram. We had to keep going back to the hotel because she forgot things. First we were on the tram and after a few stops we had to get off and back because Mounya had forgotten her sweater. She did have a jacket on so I thought it was nonsense because we literally went to a restaurant or club where she didn't need it. But she still wanted to pick up her sweater. When we had picked it up and were back on the tram, Mounya had to pee. Then she wanted to go back to the hotel to pee which I found very annoying. Then we took the tram back a few stops. It also gave me a lot of stress at the time because we almost missed the last tram. Because I started to irritate Mounya, we still caught the tram and managed to get to the city.

21 Feb 2024



I dreamt that my sister and I were going to take a trip to Russia and Iceland. We took a plane to a drop off point but it was just a few minutes of a flight away. We get off the plane and start exploring. I’ve done this hike before. It’s icy and cold but sunny and there are patches of green. We have stopping points that we can hit for shelter and food, but we have to contend with the wildlife. We encounter a wolf dog at the first stopping point. This one means no harm but definitely wants to take our food from us. We find a huge stash and throw some food so the wolf leave us alone. Then we run into a bear. The bear starts coming at my sister and I distract it by pulling up a blanket and covering my sister. The bear comes at me and I remember that bears will be stunned if you punch them square in the face. So I do. I punch that bear right in between its eyes. It stops it from attscking but doesn’t do any damage . We start climbing up the shelves of this shelter until we find a door that we can shut behind us, locking the bear out. We sleep the night in the shelter. Then we continue on foot the next day and the bear is gone. We hit Iceland. I show my sister where we are compared to the map. I want to go to Iceland but my sister asks if it is worth it. I notice we would need to go through customs and that sounds too complicated we keep exploring Russia. We run into another bear on the way to finding society. I use the same blanket trick and we throw food at it and escape. We find a group of people who house us and then fly us back to where we came from. At the end of the dream I am looking down at the world, viewing the paths we took and am amused.

21 Feb 2024



i was at a family reunion with my family. i don’t know who this family is that we are visiting, but im going with my mom, brother, and dad. it was raining and i was trying not to get wet, so i run to the trees. there’s a long wrap around bridge with cool looking roofs like you’d see at the zoo. i start walking the bridge, and i see one of my friends with her sibling and parents. we both see each other and say “oh my god hey! you’re here too?!” and kept walking past each other. i make it to the other side of the bridge, and it’s just bleachers, everyone is there. everyone from my graduation class was there. i just kept walking down the middle of the two sides of bleachers until i just found a spot to sit down. a volleyball came over to my side, and someone a few rows up from behind me hits the ball to the other side. everyone there was playing volley ball. the ball eventually gets to me, and i get up and hit it with all my might. everyone starts wowing and clapping. i sit back down, and the ball comes to me again. i hit it once again. this goes on for what feels like a few minutes, and i get up and wander off somewhere else. i don’t remember what else happened cause i woke up from my alarm in the waking world.

21 Feb 2024

New Job


I dreamt a lot of things out of any real order last night. Here is what I remember. I dreamt I woke up and didn’t go to work because I had it in my head it was Friday and I already worked 32 hours but actually it’s Wednesday. I dreamt that I was talking to my dad about a time I took my daughter out to dinner here and what she ordered. Aged beef. I don’t eat meat. I dreamt about a momma cow chasing her calves down the road that were being taken away from her. I dreamt that I was a waitress taking orders in a restaurant and someone ordered something and I didn’t know the menu yet so I had to read the description to know what to ask them and they were irritated with me. I dreamt that Ivanka Trump announced that she has had it with her dad and with old men running the world and she was entering the presidential race as an independent. Conspiracy theories abounded. Here are some things happening in my real life right now: my kids are in college, my dads in Florida. There was an election yesterday but I didn’t vote because the primary is already decided and I’ve been so busy I didn’t know what else was on the ballot. I usually vote in every election. I didn’t see any “I voted” stickers on social media yesterday like I usually do. I’m pretty far in the interview process for a job in communications that is very different from my current job as a children’s librarian. I love working with the kids but financially I’m struggling and I can’t work two jobs anymore. I was victimized in an attempted carjacking in October and I am still suffering with physical and emotional pain.

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