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Dream Meanings – page 977

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15 Apr 2024

Video Game


I dreamed I was in a zombie apocalypse. Trying to stay away from the infected. There are cars but I can’t get into all of them. I was constantly surrounded my zombies or people who might become zombies. There was literally no escape. Then I figured I could pause my dream like it was a video game. So when I tried to quit or stop the game it felt like I was in I was stuck there and couldn’t make it stop.




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15 Apr 2024



This dream takes place at some kind of school. It looks like a combination between my middle and high school but I think it was meant to be my high school. Anyways, it was night time and I was driving back to the school because I left my bag there. For some reason, the parking lot was very crowded despite it being night time. Apparently, my mom had told me prior that my bag would be in one of the lockers and gave me the code for which one it was in. When I got to the school, I was walking really fast and I noticed there was a man walking beside me which creeped me out a bit. I got to the band room and noticed that it seemed like the end of practice as everyone was packing up. I get to the lockers and there is a teacher or staff member there for some reason helping people. I look at the number my mom gave me which is 0130 or 1139 something similar. I try opening a locker but it turns out the be the wrong one. I get excessively shamed by the teacher for it which makes me angry. I tell her that I have poor vision and simply misread the number. The teacher then looks at the number I have and tells me which locker it is. It ends up being correct and I get my bag. As I’m leaving, I try to find my car in the parking lot but it is very overwhelming and I’m unable to find it because of how crowded it is. My vision in the dream gets blurrier until it eventually ends.

15 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I was trying to open a door and that it wouldn’t open and then somebody behind me unlocked it so I could get in. When I went through the door I was in an old place of work that I recognised in a small familiar office the office was crowded so I left. Behind me was a young boy who I seemed to want to help. I sat at a computer and started to write a message to the boy but I remembered that I did not have the young boys address. I then saw the young boy walk away and I did not speak to him. I then heard two old friends voices telling me my friend needed help so I went to help him dismantle some large objects that did not look like but I knew were barbecues. I helped him. I knew I was still in the old place of work but it looked different and suddenly I wanted to buy a barbecue and there were many to choose from, only one was a barbecue others were different things that did not look like barbecues but I recognised them as barbecues, one has a silver week on it and one was a taxi. I then saw the barbecue I wanted to buy and it was in a box. I knew the box would be heavy but when I lifted it I found I could carry it quite easily. I asked the manager to buy the barbecue but I was not happy with the price. We eventually agreed on the price. I was then back in the office talking to a beautiful girl who I did not recognise, we were flirting together but I knew my wife was around and did not care. I was writing on some paper but I do not know what I was writing. I was attracted to the girl very much. In then left the office and my used a telephone to call my friend who i wanted some advice from. I knew it was him on the phone but his voice was different and it eventually changed to his normal voice. He talked to me about opening a hotel. I was then on a large inflatable bouncy castle and the sun was shining very much. The bouncy castle was hot but not too hot, there was a young boy who was warned not to jump too high because a tree root was going to piece then inflatable castle and break it. I went to the root and used my feet to break it. I did not kill it. I was with a family I was comfortable with but did not recognise. There was a young boy throwing oranges that although I didn’t touch I knew were squishy. I then saw another taxi that was old and I knew would not be able to drive.

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