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15 Apr 2024
I was in my high school strength training class. I saw a couple of friends from school in my class. Class was over, I went outside and was flying around and running very fast. My friend and I heard our mothers screaming for help. They both had a stroke, but we both had ignored our mother’s help.
I went to an all white mansion that used to be owned by P. Diddy. There were a bunch of people there who I’ve never seen before. One girl invited me to move in with her in her large room. Then the swat team and civilians showed up and broke down the front door. I don’t know what they were looking for but the civilians ended up being on our side and turned against the swat team.
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I was with my boyfriend but apparently I can't remember his face. It's like he didn't have a clear cut face. I don't know is it wishful thinking or what is it
I was in a very big posh kitchen with different work stations, sharing chocolate Easter eggs with two children I work with. After sharing the chocolate I go to tell my work colleague something about a dream I had
I dreamt I was in a towel having to bathe in an unfamiliar place and a group of people were trying to break in and get to me. They got through the door but I picked a very large and heavy deck broom to whoop them. I fended them off and then I dreamt of eating the pie that I was too full to eat the other night before I slept.
I kept going to work and doing housekeeping, then waking up and realizing I still had hours to go before I had to even think about work.
I had a dream of a pink white a gold castle like roomz and I had soft pink flowers on my head and I was wearing a white and soft pink dress with flowers on it and my hair was curly long which is my natural hair.
I was in my house, specifically in my room. I walked towards my front door and stepped onto the front porch. I looked to my right towards the end of my block. I saw the grim reaper knocking on every door. If someone answered, they were slashed by the Grim Reaper’s scythe, spilling blood onto the porch. I tried to close my front door as he came closer and closer to my house but it wouldn’t close. I kept trying until it was too late, he grabbed my face and lifted the scythe up, then I woke up
I had a dream that my cousin came to Virginia from Ohio with her family to pave my sidewalk with concrete. Then I dreamed a woman I didn't know wanted to teach me how to operate heavy equipment machine. Then my cousin cussed at a police officer and the woman cop was going to arrest my cousin but then I took the cop aside and asked her not to arrest my cousin if my cousin apologized so I told my cousin to apologize and my cousin fell on her knees and apologized to the cop and the cop excepted my cousins apology and took off the handcuffs then I woke up
I had a dream that i was a celebrity. It started out with me playing this cup game. But I was exceptionally bad at the game. So i quit. I had an instagram account. Apparently I was addicted to drugs. I seen myself. I looked ugly. I had low likes, low followers, and bad reviews. I was in a celebrity group and they wanted to kick me out so I would be alone. But Ive had a chance to try again. I took it, and rebranded myself. I created an account. I got so much fame. I looked way better. My reviews followers and likes are trane dously better. In the group, I felt that I was instantly the move maker. Someone to be talked about. It was confortable. I ate and my sandwhich fell apart and i got a mess. But everything ended up with me being told to sue fedex because of a laser in my eye. I told them it wasnt the job, it was just my old ADT job due to it being a technology job, so i sue then instead. Then I woke up
Faint memory but it was a nightmare bc of the way it felt. To keep it short I was getting chased by evil beings. They tried to kill me. I escaped but in the end they finally got me. My feelings were very intense, full of fear, hopelessness, and dispair. And then I woke up.
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