7 Apr 2024
why last night (in the process of writing about it right after it happened) in my dresm a lot of scary stuff happened like horrifying screamings and saying stuff like "yes the bombing happend then and then" while hurting me, but i also couldnt move and my eyes would close when it happened while the feelingof slowly zooming in i used to have dreams like this all the time like this when i was younger, (7-13) which made me grow to not be scared of it, bc the only way to get out of the dream is learn to not be afraid not be scaredwhen it happens which has been easy bc i know what to look for when i know its one of thosd demonic dreams, idk if this is a demon interfering with my dreams or something but when something like this happens it feels so real everything the pain, pitch screaming, zooming in feeling, fear, and esspasilly the bombing at my school, due to the dream started with the dsy of school with my brother saying "i heard there was gonna be a bombing today" even though the bombing didnt happen until after school with this women throwing them and hurt my friends bc the police wouldnt let us run as it was happening making me have fo trip and jump over prople to survive