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15 Apr 2024
I was having a house party in the winter don’t ask why and it was me and my hempfield friends and then this girl I used to be friends with in elementary school and her crazy ghetto friends bc she’s a like druggie partier now and there were like people from school like Sophia young and Becca and will and they all left out the basement door bc they didn’t like me and then I was like whatever it’s more fun without them so we were partying and then later idk how this is connected but I got a bridal shower invite for my cousins wedding and it was so trashy it was like a bachelorette invite but crazier and it was like giving us the dress code and the shade of pink was called orgasm like the nars blush
I dreamt I was running the marathon and took the bus
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Dreamed that I was driving into a storm
I drive a school bus for real and I have dreams about not being able to find my bus what does that mean
I went to my ex's small house. I was hoping it would be just the two of us. However, our old friends, whom we aren't friends with anymore, were there. I privately asked my ex to tell them to leave. He wouldn't do it. So I made a scene and left for my car but I couldn't find my car so I went back to my ex's house. I sulked in the corner and played a game on my phone but one of the guests messed up my game on purpose. So I told my ex to do something about it and he didn't help me. So I yelled at guests that annoyed me and ran off. My ex followed to have everyone come to give me a ride. During the ride they continued to annoy me
I had a dream within a dream. In the dream within the dream I was hanging upside down. I can't remember anything else. Then I thought I woke up, but I was still dreaming. I was in my childhood home. I hear someone opening the door and coming in hissing "wake up". As I'm in the room from my childhood I assume it's my mother wearing a dressing gown. But something is off and feels a bit spooky. The creature keeps hissing "wake up" and starts shaking me. I get annoyed and say "what is it?" and this time I wake up for real in my bed feeling confused, wondering who wants me to wake up so badly and why.
I was in a school full of demons where all the girls wore skirts and boys wore trousers but I’m a girl and wore trousers then suddenly a demon yelled “human!” At me and I yelled back saying I was a demon and not a human and my name wasn’t my real name my name in the dream was angel dust but angel for short and my friend from real life was a demon and brought me into the staff room while a teacher said “poor girl..” and me and my friend and a teacher had a chat then I woke up
What does it mean if I kiss another boy that’s not my boyfriend
I dream that l was in a room in an old l coat brick house or in the desert ll/ll with a group of other in people sitting in a prayer circle a bunch of other people. Apologize man , who s seemed to be the leader of group came into the room chanting something incoherent. We all began to get up from the sort floor and ran away from him, because he was speaking an evil unsettling prayer. This was a christian preist. I ran through the streets of the desert village to get away from this evil man.
I was in my room and I ended up ordering some of my favorite food and I went into the living room and found that my food was there and I had ordered it successfully after I had thought there was a problem with my order.. Then I realized my mom had gotten food for the family as well and it was some of my favorite food. But then, as I was trying to organize my food, I was in the kitchen with my mom, but it turned out that there was like, a food shop behind the kitchen? And I poured myself a glass of red wine while in the kitchen And I was really happy about having an abundance of food at home. And then, A woman and her child were in the shop behind the kitchen and the woman started to play a song of Élégua that I've been singing a lot recently. it was like she was trying to teach her child that song and the child was singing along to And I started to sing along and it was really nice. I was looking at my mom while I was singing and I felt really happy and comfortable.
I was at my parents house in the bedroom where my daughter was sleeping. My late brother-in-law came in and sat next to me, I didn’t think it was real so I grabbed his arm and said, “is it really you are you really here” with tears in my eyes. He said “yes I’m really here” I asked him where his next stop was and he said “Barnum”. And then my daughter woke up and he hurried out of the room while saying, “I have to go I don’t want to scare her.” After that my father-in-law came in and I asked him where Barnum was and if it meant anything to Steve. He said, “well yeah, he played football and won the playoffs there”. But Steve never played football and we don’t have a connection to Barnum.
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