16 Apr 2024
At the beginning of the dream, I’m in this bank that looks a lot like a mansion inside and I’m walking through these rooms where it looks like important people are having meetings with their clients. They may be bankers or maybe higher up people? But one of the men gave me a look like I wasn’t supposed to be in that area so I walked out. The bank is slowly morphing more into a mansion, and I come across this dog and it was friendly at first, but then when I was starting to play with it, it began to get really aggressive and was growling, and I was trying to hold it down so it wouldn’t bite me, but it kept getting agitated and almost bit me. And then there was a noise in one of the other rooms and it distracted the dog and the dog got up and went to go investigate it. As the dog was doing that, I’m looking outside the windows and there’s a cathedral right outside of one of them with stained glass windows brightly colored. There’s beautiful wood work around the windows that match the hardwood floors. I pull my phone out and wanna grab a picture but my hand is so shaky and I thought I heard footsteps and someone coming so I put my phone away. No one ends up coming just yet. The dog walks back out and is not aggressive with me anymore and there’s still noises coming from the room that it was in and it keeps staring at the room. I definitely feel a presence in this area. I am too afraid to see what’s going on. I’m getting concerned. I went to one of the bathrooms, which seems to be a reoccurring theme as well. I walk back out into the main area and then i hear footsteps again and see a shadow emerging from that room and an old man walks out of that room that the dog was looking at and this man is giving off creepy vibes. I don’t remember what he said to me, but I just remember feeling uncomfortable.