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27 Feb 2024



I had a dream that my aunt was my daughter's mom, and she was a lesbian, and she sat with my, this lady in a dress, wedding dress, and I was shocked because I didn't know she was getting married. She didn't tell me. Then all of a sudden she tells me that I have a niece and nephew that she's not going to tell about me to them and keep me a secret from them and it really upset me and made me want to punch her in the face and I don't know why I'd ever punch my aunt in the face. I love her so it was a really weird dream, nightmare, very intense, I woke up crying.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

27 Feb 2024



I was at school, but it was a different school. Large. Maze-like. I was in a classroom doing hard work when 4 people came into the classroom and gave the teacher a piece of paper. Then, the teacher looked down at the paper and told me and some other kids to go outside in the hallway to write sweet, kind things on the walls. We went out to write the things on the walls and I kept slipping and falling, making a fool of myself. One time when I fell, I started falling asleep, and I tried my best to stay awake, but I couldn’t and eventually fell into a deep sleep, still in the hallway. When I woke up, I was the only one there, but I felt someone’s hand on my shoulders and another person checking my pulse. When I looked up to see their faces, they were Felix and Bang Chan of Stray Kids. Then, I got up and walked with them to the exit of the school. Once we reached outside in the front of the entrance, my eyes started watering with tears and I saw Felix and Chan about to cry as well. I looked to my left and saw God looking at me with a reassuring smile. Chan and Felix wanted to hug me, but I felt hesitant because I thought I was imagining them with me, and if I tried to hug them, I would make a fool of myself in front of the students and teachers inside the building. When Chan and Felix saw how hesitant I was, they hugged me, and when I realized I wasn’t imagining it, I started crying and hugged them back tightly. After a few minutes, they pulled back from the hug and started crying as well. God wiped the tears off of our faces and hugged us all. After God pulled back from the hug, Chan and Felix looked at me with worried expressions and tears in their eyes, but their eyes looked at me with a look as if to say “You can do it.”. Then, they disappeared and I started crying. I looked to God, and he told me, “Just like Felix and Christopher meant to say, you can do it. In the end, it’s better for you, even through the pain and aches, depression, and anxiety. Some will try to stop you but don’t listen to them. Even your mind will try to make you give up, but keep going no matter what. I believe in you.” and then God also disappeared. I looked up at the sky, my eyes watery, sighed, and took a deep breath. Then, I walked back into the school and went up the stairs full of people bumping into me on purpose, and voices growing louder and louder, even though the people’s mouths were closed.

26 Feb 2024



My mom and dad were forcing me to go to a family reunion with my dads side of the family at his moms house. I don’t exactly have the closest relationship with my dad’s family. My parents are no longer together just co-parenting. I was in the car with my mom and dad complaining the whole ride there so I decided to zone out and put headphones on. When we got there I said hi to my family forcing a smile and a positive attitude. I only like my one girl cousin “Yabeth” who I ended up hanging out with. We played with our younger cousins. Even my girl best friends little brother was there and I played with him. My grandma wanted me to sing for everyone but I didn’t want to. I felt like they didn’t deserve it. I ran around the house looking for hair gel and a brush to fix my hair and put it into a tight bun. While looking around I wandered into my aunts room where I was startled by a raffle snake toy. She heard my scream and came in then laughed at me. I don’t really like her because she’s two faced. I left her room and bumped into a family member named Nova I’ve never seen before and she offered to bring me to the store with her to buy some gel. While we were driving we passed by a bunch of burning houses but nobody was outside. Nova mentioned how lots of houses have been burning down recently. We had smoked weed on the way there. After we finished smoking she told me I should go sleep over at her place to which I agreed to and realized I needed pajamas. When we got to the store I immediately felt dizzy when we walked in. I had to keep forcing myself to stay awake because I felt so off. It took forever just to find gel and some pjs. The pajamas she picked for me was a bralette that was white and cute shorts that were burgundy. After a while I realized that the people working at the store weren’t just nosy but began asking us some super strange questions. There was customer who wouldnt stop staring at me or Nova. He looked about 50 and had to be no taller than 5’8. Nova looked at him then back at me and said “don’t worry i got you if you got me.” I nodded and laughed quietly. To avoid conflict we bought what we needed and went to leave. Right as we opened the door to exit a very tall and handsome cop was waiting alongside a short ugly and overweight one. The cop stopped us outside the store and asked to check our bags because they were looking for someone. The ugly cop went inside to see if the person they were looking for was inside. I didn’t know why but as soon as we left the store my dizziness went away. After looking through Nova’s bag the cute cop gave her a smile and she went in the car to wait for me. The cop was tough with me at first but after realizing he found nothing in my bag he apologized and told me to watch out and protect Nova and myself. He gifted me a orange mini torch lighter in my hand. I giggled and thanked him then ran back to my cousins car where I found it empty. I only found a note saying to watch my back, drive home, and not to say a word. I turned back around to run towards the cops to let them know my cousin was gone but the whole store disappeared as if it was never there. I was so frightened I got in the car and drove back to my grandmas house. When I got there I noticed a house across the street from theirs was in flames. Everyone in the family was having a good time except for Yabeth who was staring at the burning home. I walked over to stand next to her. She looked at me smiling but with tears in her eyes. She said “these fires have become so normal no one pays attention to them. Who knows maybe our house is next.” Hearing her say that send a sharp feeling down my spine. I told Yabeth that I lost Nova and she looked at me confused. She said that we didn’t have a cousin named Nova which made me feel confused and weak. I began to start feeling dizzy again. Across the street next to the burning house was the 50 year old man from the store staring back at me with a grim smile. At this point things started to not feel real. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping everything would disappear like the store did, but it didn’t. The old man was the only thing that was gone. I heard my parents calling me over to them and they told me that we were staying the night at a hotel. I reminded them that they agreed I would be able to sleep over Nova’s place but they cut me off asking “Who’s Nova?” All of a sudden it was nighttime and me and my parents were in a hotel room. We all got ready for bed and I put on my white and burgundy pjs. I got in bed and closed my eyes. When I opened them I started feeling dizzy again. I looked over to check if my parents were asleep and they were. Then suddenly I heard Nova’s voice but I couldn’t see her. She said “I know you’re not going to understand but we’re connected. Just close your eyes and I’ll take care of whatever you need me to.” Then once again it was silent. My eyes grew wide and I gasped in fear after realizing that the old man was standing at the end of the bed pointing a gun at my parents. He told me that if I didn't wake up, he would kill them. I tried so hard to wake up but I couldn’t. I even squeezed my eyes shut but it didn’t work. I felt a huge weight on top of me. I started struggling to breathe so I shook my body as hard as I could but I was still asleep. Then I heard my phone ringing which woke me up.

26 Feb 2024



Dreamed I was at the airport with someone’s family and kids and the parents said we where running behind and might miss the plane so they left, that way they are on time and I was in charge of catching up and getting us there. I navigated through the airport and found our flight but then got off the plane because it was a two way plane flight and it took us to a mountain area with lots of steep slopes roads and it was also snowy and cold with a chilly breeze. I was confused because I was just trying to find the next plane to Hawaii but the parents texted me and said they stoped somewhere to get food and I said okay so I was trying to look for directions to find the lunch stop and I asked a woman that worked at the airport and she told me where to go I said thanks but then she said how I’m such a good older sister to take care of all these kids. I said thanks I do my best but I kept thinking these aren’t even my siblings I don’t even know why I’m doing this but whatever. I finally arrive to the food stop and then I woke up for work because of my alarm. But I’d assume I’d eventually get everyone to Hawaii because I met up with the parents finally.

26 Feb 2024

Make Out


In my dream I went to my school like normal days . I am in 8 grade and still in 8 in real life . Something was not right at school . I am not popular kid but now I was . I would always sit in the corners. As I walked in the hall way . I was greeted by everyone. By my friends I met couple months ago but couldn't Keep in touch because we are in different states regions . And my childhood friends that I left in 7 grade in a different country I was so shocked to see them in Germany . I greeted them first. And I saw her . My old best friend that I secretly liked long time ago . I didn't know why she was here and I didn't want her there . So just decided to let her . Something was wrong with her behaviour. She moaned sexually when I was with her . At this time we just make out . This dream gave me the disgusted because I am a Christian and I don't wanna be lesbian. 💀

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