Dream interpretation about Fear, Storm, Prayer
I had a terrible dream a friend and I were walking through some bushland and we could tell something terrible had happened it just felt so dark so I said let's do a karakia which is a māori prayer but something instilled so much fear in my friend....she wanted to stear clear and we left Afterwords we all went home and I was having these terrible headaches almost like seizures not that i would know....I was home alone during a storm and I just had the worst feeling like something bad was going to happen....or something was watching me or whatever I felt so bad I was trying to make something to eat and someone called the house (totally different house i sont recognise it) the dryer was going off the cat was being a nuisance and I kept dropping everything it was just a messy chaotic dream It was a stormy night and all I remember was someone trying to get ahold of me as if to warn me
Dream date:
14 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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