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Dream About News Studio

Dream interpretation about College, Teacher, Waking up

Dream About News Studio
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This dream was about

I had a dream where I was in my college news studio where I usually do the weekly news and I was delivering a news story. It was questions I had to answer as part of a news package we aired that I didn’t watch because I was turned around. I couldn’t answer the questions and as a result the segment was shortened and the teacher was not pleased when we had to cut to commercial. Then we had to get ready for another segment where one of my high school crushes showed up as my co-host. Before the next news segment I woke up

Dream date:

14 Apr 2024

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👨 men of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Pregnant by 88.7% less than 👧 women.

Emotional tone:

You felt stressed and anxious in the dream, likely due to the pressure of being unable to answer the questions and the subsequent disappointment of the teacher.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was moderately intense, with a sense of urgency and pressure to perform.


The dream took place in a familiar setting, your college news studio, and involved everyday activities like delivering a news story.


The dream was quite vivid, with clear and detailed imagery, including the appearance of your high school crush.


The dream had a somewhat coherent narrative, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, but there were some disjointed elements, such as the sudden appearance of your high school crush.

Dream symbols





Waking up

Waking up

AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Jozef, Your dream seems to revolve around feelings of inadequacy and anxiety in a performance-oriented setting, possibly related to your academic or professional life. The dream takes place in your college news studio, a place where you are expected to perform and deliver under pressure. You find yourself unprepared and unable to answer questions related to a news package you didn't watch, leading to a shortened segment and disappointment from your teacher. This suggests that you may be feeling anxious about your ability to meet expectations and deliver satisfactory results. The appearance of your high school crush as your co-host further highlights the theme of performance and social anxiety. Your crush may represent an idealized version of yourself or someone you admire, and their presence in the dream could indicate that you are comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate. Overall, your dream suggests that you may be experiencing some self-doubt and anxiety about your abilities and performance. It could be helpful to reflect on the situations in your waking life that trigger these feelings and consider strategies for managing them effectively. If you find yourself consistently struggling with these feelings, it may be beneficial to consider seeking support from a mental health professional.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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