9 Jan 2025
it started with me being near the ocean. i was laying somewhere and got pinched by a tiny crab. so i go to this man who i know was there and was someone i trusted. i found him at a table by the water he was talking to gabe, one of my old managers. i tried to wave at him but he didn’t even acknowledge me. so i got sad and the man saw that and gave me a hug. i noticed the water while hugging him, it was like a pale teal and it was kind of violent. he then offered to take me to get the pinch looked at. my siblings and my mom were at home and i left my phone there so i couldn’t tell them that i was leaving. the other thing is, there was this lady who was helping me with my shoes showing me all the different shoes she made. they were gorgeous. so the man takes me, he was older maybe late thirties blonde-ish hair. when he got in the car he was driving on the right side instead of the left and i had asked him if he missed europe, he turned around and smiled at me. then things start to get weird. he takes me to this place to meet this woman who was shorter than me, was a nun, had dark curly hair, and spoke italian. except he didnt really know what she was saying but i kinda did because i knew spanish. but then i was looking at something on like a device and it was about the woman. it was showing me the womans true intentions and she was going to hurt one of us if she reached the door. me and this older black woman both saw this and we prevented it from happening. he then turned around and was like starting making out with her and i turned around cus i had found some food and was like “im eating!” rolling my eyes. he then came over and sat with me for a little while. then this child came over trying to take my food and i was keeping him away with my leg and then tahj was walking by asking me a lot of questions about the situation. in my head i was thinking, you never talk to me anyway, why do you care? because in my waking life she stopped talking to me. then i was in this apartment that similarly resembles my bfs apartment but with a balcony that had a veiw of the beach. at this point im weirded out cus i think i keep seeing things so im trying to figure out how to leave. but then this guy starts tweaking saying that someone is there like trying to get him but me and this other dude dont see anybody. but then i start feeling the warp in energy. it was dark and heavy. thats when i started to see it and it was coming after me and i was about to hop off that balcony but something stopped me and i think thats when it started with people trying to wake me up. it then transitioned to me being at boys and girls club working and it was like some kind of pot luck and we were eating desserts. there were a lot of kids and adults there a few of which were kids with special needs. a lot is kinda blurry but i remember saying that i liked brownies with buttercream frosting and a lot of people disagreed. then one of the kids who look like a kid i work with in my waking life, said chocolate does something to “the beans in the back of your throat but only if you’re pregnant”. so that caught me off guard, and then im not entirely sure but there was a teacher in my dream who i think also said something about me waking up. i do know she asked about my shoes. i also somehow ripped my pants. then it moved into like me being on a grocery store but its like i was in danger as they were trying trying to capture me and i wasnt going for that. so of course i grab a knife and started threatening people eventually making it out of the store. (this where i became lucid) then i got outside and it was snowing and i was looking for another place to stay before i moved on, i was in this shopping district and i was running up this street covered in snow and it was surprisingly easy to run which doesn’t happen often. it was kinda peaceful though. until i started seeing like people that looked like silhouettes and black wolf dogs. i remember smiling running through the snow and kinda floating in the air but when i seen those it scared me a bit. i also saw evergreen trees on either side of me. the first silhouette i seen that tried to grabbed me i swerved and then the second one who was covered in snow said “i need to wake you up.” and i remember turning and looking at him and i dont know why but it clicked that time. trying to wake myself up though was difficult, it was like i was swimming but never breaking the surface but then i did and i woke up and forced myself to stay awake.