24 Nov 2024
Cold mountain like place flew out and entered this big building with a bus stop entrance. Once inside I started looking around and the building on the inside was like downtown or a mall and there was so many people out even though it was 1:30am I was thinking that I needed to tell mom about all this traffic as I flew past shops. some of the things I saw was someone feeling a lady up, multiple bars and restaurants, bookstores, hair salon, assistant for something, and even those vibrating chairs, there was also a few vender stalls as well. But eventually somehow I found mom and I started to convince her to leave with me. It was hailing outside the building so I was trying to get her to wear my jacket because it’s cold, she put on something else I think a tie that was given to her by a doorman before we waited under the outside overhead, it was still cold though and the hail still got to us slightly. There was a bunch of other people as well and we were all waiting till I saw a taxi coming down our right and someone asked me “have you ever called a taxi?” The taxi stopped and the driver quickly got out before entering another car with all the people that was waiting. I saw another car coming in the distance as we were left there but I decided to just take the car that was abandoned instead. So I got in with mom and started driving, as I was driving the road I was fiddling with my buckle trying to put it on while following the black car the taxi driver got in, it’s really hard though and I literally jumped 3 lanes just so I could turn as well after it, my subconscious told me not to follow it but I didn’t listen. We drove through this short tunnel and when we did I saw that the by road spiraled down. I quickly turned around to find that the tunnel shrank trapping us to our doom I started panicking saying it’s just a dream and trying to wake up. I blacked out and thought I was awake when I opened my eyes again but instead I just climbed out of the trap and was there on my hands and knees I saw the doorman and mom by the entrance again, I was panicking trying to wake up again the doorman said “isn’t she your friend?” Talking about mom and I packed saying “Yes, but I’m real she’s not!” And then I woke up.