25 Nov 2024
I was grieving the loss of my grandmother and I hopped on a stranger's boat to go get things as my grandpa was moving out and needed to sort out her stuff. I was heavily crying and was overwhelmed with sadness. The location we went to seemed to be a cliff wall with trinkets strung upon it and indents in the cliff, like shelves, housing pictures and books. There was a map of the world that didn't pertain to her but I remembered a fond memory of her teaching me about the map, and I cried again. I had to stand on the edge of the boat in order to grab said things. Each thing I touched I remembered a memory of it and why it was there and I kept uncontrollably crying while the stranger sat on the chair unmoving and unsupportive. I kept apologizing to them as it must've been an inconvenience to pick me up but there was no answer. Finally my grandpa appeared on the other side of the cliff and helped me up so we can go through the rest of her stuff. I thanked the stranger as they left. Then the dream turned into a wobbly mess. As I was descending the hill, it turned into a jungle gym. People had powers of bubblegum string coming out of their hands, and if used carefully, can be used to make terrain, such as a spiral 'staircase' (without stairs). I was on top of another hill, and there were two girls. One had pink sparkly makeup and the other had light yellow sparkly makeup, both of which matched, just different colors. I was speaking to someone off-screen, like a movie. I said "watch, they'll try to push you down the stairs. But you can counter by grabbing them and they'll tumble down with you." And that's exactly what happened. The yellow makeup girl giggled as she tried to forcefully push me but I grabbed her arm as we both tumbled down. At the bottom, she was furious, but I explained that this is the consequence of her action. She tried to get even but I said that I'm not looking for trouble and insisted she went back up the stairs to her friend. After a few moments of contemplating, she did just that. Then I went down some more complicated stairs, with gaps in them, to the bottom of the jungle gym. I was having fun the whole way, as if I've done this before. Then the area turned into a water slide for a bit going down another hill. As descending the water hill, there was a string of extension cords people were holding above the water, as to not get them wet. I followed the line of cords and it led back to my grandpa. Walking out of the water, I became extremely sad again. It was like I was reliving my grandma passing over and over again. I met up with my dad and aunt, and were about to go through her stuff once again, but I just couldn't stop crying. My vision was blurry and I was trying to hold the tears back but I couldn't. My grandpa came over to hug me, then I woke up. I awoke crying as well.