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29 Nov 2024
I’m sitting in my bed watching something on my phone or reading/listening to something and then I hear the sound of a toddler yelling and talking gibberish. And at first I thought it was coming from outside but I hear it again and this time it sounds louder and closer. I then hear a deep man’s voice. I walk outside of my room and a man is literally laying out in the hallway by the top of the stairs with a sleeping bag. His toddler is running around downstairs. I say “ uh hi? “ He starts saying something but I can’t recall what it was. I was so stunned that he was in here that I was going along with what he said. He walked downstairs to pick up his kid. He left and went through some kind of cubby or door through the ceiling of the bathroom or hallway. My mom comes over later and I’m telling her about what happened and she is in shock and then acts mad. As we’re talking I tell her I have to whisper because he might hear me. Because he might be up there in the ceiling. A few minutes later he comes through the cubby door and walks downstairs all nonchalantly and asks me “ is there anyway we can get that wood panel in the bathroom fixed? “ my mom looks angry and in disbelief. I say to him “ why are you in here?! What are you doing?! How did you even get in?!” He looks taken aback and starts trying to defend himself and looks apologetic. He explains how he’s been coming in. My mom shared a few words with him too. Basically, telling him that this is an issue and he needs to stop coming in here. He’s basically breaking in but he sees no issue with it. He acts like he’s entitled and that he owns the place. He’s invading my space and privacy. He’s intruding and thinks there’s no problem with it. He looks exactly like my neighbor in real life. He also has a toddler. They live two units down from me. I live in a small condo.
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Last night I dreamt that my best friend forgot everything about me. I felt hurt.
28 Nov 2024
My boyfriend and my friend got me a Halloween costume on my birthday and my bf got mad at me because i had a lot of stuff so he ends upleaving me and goes with my friend
I was dreaming I was at work I was at work and the area was dark it was really dark and it was Ishmael, John, me, Armando, Charles and John was arguing with Ishmael on working on the pump and Ishmael didn't want to work on the pump and John was complaining that you don't work hard, you don't work hard as you think you do and at the same time I was sad because of my mom passing for some reason I was sad and I was crying and there was somebody talking, there was somebody having a speech talking about their parents, it was in some type of auditorium and I was feeling sad and I was starting to cry in the dream because at first I was talking about their parents and I was talking about my mom and I started to cry in the dream.
I was with my friend (a person I’ve never met a day in my life) and my step cousin who invited me to their Catholic Church for the Christmas mass. Before the service I got my friend a fancy pen set for a gift for Christmas and I thought that there was no way she was going to like it but she loved it. In fact she went on and on about how it was the most perfect thing to gift to her. We sat for the service and I kept standing for things I was supposed to stay seated for and stayed seated for things I was supposed to stand for so the congregation of people watching got a little irked with me. Then the dream jumped to where I was with a group of people (again I’ve never met these people a day in my life) in the forest. They were being hunted by this organization of people who were more like monsters than people. I get caught up in it and these monsters start chasing after me too. At one point while I was running I came across a Santa Clause suit and I put it on thinking it would be a disguise. It was the real Santa’s suit and so then I had magical powers. I could go super super fast and fulfill people’s wishes. I didn’t have to guess what their wishes were because they’d pop up in mid air written on sticky notes that nobody else could see. So I’m running around snapping my fingers fulfilling people’s wishes. At one point I resurrected a cat. I did what I could to save the people who were being chased by the monster and I did enough that they stopped chasing them. So the monsters were chasing after just me as I continued to fulfill everyone’s wishes. There were so so many moving parts to the dream that I can’t remember them all. They were all so different and yet they were connected. With I wish power I somehow unlocked a secret passage that led to previously undiscovered catacombs under the Catholic Church. There was a big feast and then the magic from my suit started wearing off and the monsters caught up with me. They took my soul out and stuck me in a holding place where I could see everything that was happening and then ate my body. I was pounding on the barrier as I watched them hunched over my body and devouring it in a big bloody mess. Tearing off strips of flesh and one of them pulling out my guts and chewing on those. It went on for a while and after they were done and all that was left was my contorted face, some skin and my bones they turned to me in my holding and took my soul and placed it in one of their torture world. I went to two torture worlds. The first one I had to get on a raft with a group of people and float down this river and make it safely. But because of the turbulence of the water the raft kept flipping over and over. We got bitten by sharks that for some reason had venom. Some of us were fine but other had allergic reactions to the venom so while some we tried to keep from dying because of loosing blood from the shark bites, other we had to stop their allergic reaction. If anyone died we had to start over so we were stuck in a loop of trying not to die, a couple people dying horribly and then starting over. After we some how completed the river without dying we got separated and put in different torture world. The second torture world I was stuck in a loop of walking up to the Catholic Church from earlier in the dream and having to make it into the church. But when I was walking up someone would stop me and if they stopped me I was stuck there unable to move. Then someone had to take my place in the exact position I was in within a certain time limit or I’d die and have to start over. And I’d have to find someone to replace them before their time limit was up so that they could get stuck in the loop instead of me or I’d have to start all over again. I didn’t want anyone else to get stuck in the loop but in the end I was tired of dying and wanted it to end so I somehow successfully got a replacement for my replacement and got free of the loop. Before the monsters could put my soul in another torture loop I woke up.
I was on vacation but i don't remember the place and I saw a sign to go someone else on that vacation and it was $2,000. And I wanted to go bad but was reluctant to spend the money because I didn't have it.
I was in a gang house and I was with a guy that was protecting me and there was a woman that she went against the gang and told them where the spot was where the other gang was located and there was a little girl and the guy put the little girl in a box and I was outside exposed while bullets were being shot at us. I woke up before anyone was shot.
It was night and I ended up waking up in the middle of the night to get water, my dad woke up and saw that I was getting water and got mad, so he followed me up stairs with a chainsaw and threatened to cut out my doors. I didn't really fight back, and he hurt his finger by hitting it on the plastic of the chainsaw, and then the dream ended.
okay so basically I was in my room cleaning up when suddenly like I faint and then I hit my head really hard and my head starts bleeding and my nose starts bleeding and my teeth really hurt so I walk upstairs to my mom and I'm like mom something's wrong blah blah blah I'm bleeding everywhere like I'm bleeding a lot and she's just like oh clean up your blood so I'm like okay I guess so while I'm like stumbling like I'm really struggling to even keep my balance because obviously I have a concussion or something my mom's just like clean up the fucking blood you left on all over the place so I did that and then slowly all my teeth fell out that was fun
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