30 Apr 2024
I had a very strange and abstract dream. In my dream, I was playing a video game with the following story/plot.
- Children go to a dream or another reality. They can go there with the power of thought — their mother taught them this. However, they can't exit.
- Reality itself is strange, full of unusual creatures like flying jellyfish, and has many beautiful/strange locations. It's similar to Yume Nikki and Hollow Knight.
- In the end, it's revealed what happened to the children: The mother, saving the children from something, decided to risk it and say goodbye to them, while teaching them how to enter this another reality. She taught them how to navigate it and find their way out. To save themselves, they must find each other in it, and each of them must learn "special skills" of survival.
- This can be revealed if we find hidden points on the map. The truth is hidden under different carpets, and by collecting them, we collect the memory of how the mother and us dragged some carpet somewhere for some reason. Looking under different types of "carpets", we find mini-passages underground. We have to piece them together to create a corridor to the ending.
- Everywhere, there is the presence of a "monster" that has existed here for many cycles and generations. Each generation signified an epoch in this reality. It was indicated by a colored cube. Then was the white cube. In this generation, the deity is depicted as a black cube — an invisible, inanimate being, a manipulator of reality.
- The mother gave the children an instruction: To be able to fight the "monster", they need to get together (each of them represents a colored cube), and each of them needs to develop their "special skills" (white and black cubes).
- Then there was a complex, open to interpretation ending where they overcome layer after layer to reach the lower plasma. They had to go stealth through the cube's henchman monsters chasing them.
- I was switching between the player's perspective (2D platformer), and the children's vision (3D reality). Then, it turned out that henchmen monsters are able to see through multiple realities. Basically, at one point there was the following: I was seeing the world from a character's perspective (3D). But since we are in a computer game, and the monster seemed to be aware of that, he started talking to me in a distorted computer voice. I suddenly saw cubes around me turn white, forming a cloud with white text "for the player"; it's as if the monster was showing me that my reality is actually 2D.
- The plasma was in the lower layer of the world. The children must get to it and destroy it in order to destroy the cube and bring harmony to reality. But if we fail, we will be destroyed ourselves.
- In my dream, I failed stealth and fell into the plasma, but I remember thinking that I have another attempt (since it's a video game).
- As a player, I remember knowing that I was an author of that video game. I also remember watching YouTube videos of people discussing the game, trying to understand its philosophical meaning and interpret it.