23 Apr 2024
I was at a university and had a class. It was just a class but it was like a graduation because my family was there and Tenisha and Brenden were there too. After class I was going to have dinner at a restaurant at the university with Tenisha and Brenden. But when the class was over I twisted my left arm in a weird way and then it felt broken. My upper arm was crooked and I could no longer move it. There was some kind of hospital on campus where I wanted to go to get it checked out. I then went by the restaurant first to tell Tenisha and Brenden that I had to see the doctor first because I thought my arm was broken. They were very shocked and were like 'no, that's a cunt'. Then I went to the doctor, and there I was with my father, Brenda, Karel, Guda, Richard and Linda. And a friend of Linda was also with us. I walked into the doctor's office and the doctor was VonnekeBonneke. She saw my arm and was shocked and said 'it is definitely very broken with 100% certainty'. Richard suddenly turned out to have autism and had to go to the doctor with headphones on because the noise was too much for him. Then they started taking pictures and you indeed saw a big crack. I was then given a cast, and the doctor told me that after the cast I would have to wear a brace that tied my arm behind my back, and that that position would hurt a lot. When I left the doctor I had to walk down a very large and wide staircase, this one looking like an auditorium. An empty pack of cigarettes then fell out of my pocket and a woman said to me 'you have to put that away, you can't leave it behind'. But I couldn't pick it up because my arm was broken. So I said that and then she picked it up for me and gave it to me. Then that woman and I saw swallows in the ceiling together so we went to look at them. Then I walked down the hall towards the restaurant with Tenisha and Brenden. On the way I came across a stall in the hallway where a classmate of mine, Alice, and someone else worked. It was a stall about college food. There was also a stall with Korean food. That woman I was with earlier suddenly stole a piece of chicken and quickly walked away. Tenisha had already ordered some food for me because she heard from Lucy that my arm was broken. So she had already ordered three omelettes with mozzarella and pesto for me. Then we started ordering more and eating delicious food. Then I suddenly remembered that I was going to have dinner with Po later and he told me to dress very nicely. I suddenly felt very ashamed of the idea that I would be sitting in a nice restaurant with a plaster cast on. And I didn't know how to tell Po that I had a cast and I thought he wouldn't believe me that my arm was broken.