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9 Mar 2024

Ex-friend / Ex best friend


i was with my ex-friend sierra and we were going to the woods near a store to see nash and surprise him but he seemed like he really didn’t wanna see me. so i just kept being funny and being myself and he seemed kinda annoyed and he was also with his friends. he was wearing bright red and white shorts and a black shirt too. we just were walking together and almost got caught sneaking into a nearby store so we went back to the woods and he still didn’t seem like he wanted me there. so basically i went to him when we were alone and vented to him about my feelings for him and how much i’ve been thinking about him recently and he motioned me to sit on his lap and he hugged me and apologized for abandoning me. after we had our lil moment i turned to face him sitting on his lap still with each leg on top of his and i started laughing and being my weird self. we talked for a bit and then he started kissing me. he put his hands around my waist and kept kissing me and then he stopped. i started LITERALLY dry humping him while sitting on his lap and i remember looking down at his boner in his lil white and red basketball shorts and i looked up at him with his mouth open literally moaning. then we jumped up fast as fuck because we heard sierra and his friend come to the woods and i went to help sierra come up the hill that goes to the woods and she fell and started freaking out and saying we’re gonna get caught. everyone just started talking about dumb shit and laughing and all that shit and i finally felt like he was glad i was there and he wanted me to be there.

9 Mar 2024



I saw a huge mirror in the midst of a forest, turns out I was camping with a group of several people and was playing with ball with two people near camp. One was a tall Asian man perhaps a Korean I guess named hijesama and another was a girl whose legs seemed very weak so she was using a pair of crutches. While we were playing due to a hard throw suddenly the ball goes abit far from the camp so I decide to go there to bring the ball back. When I found the ball i noticed that I was experiencing some weird vibrations but I thought it's just because of a sunny day and due to tiredness that my ear might be ringing. As I was lost into my thoughts hijesama and the girl with weak legs reached me from behind and surprised me, they asked me why I was taking so long to bring the ball, I said I don't know I just started feeling weird so they started looking around and as hijesama was a very tall person compared to me and the girl with weak legs he said he could see something in a distant area but he couldn't exactly identify what it is. So three of us decide to go towards it. On the way I took the phone out of my pocket and noticed it wasn't working so well and started lagging. I thought it's just usual problem that I have with my phone so we kept going on. As we got near hijesama could see that it's a very big object so he started walking faster in curiosity, as we got more near me and the girl with weak legs could also see it. It was beside a small uphill so we approached it from side rather than top. We were surprised to see that it was very big mirror with golden frame which was rectangular but curvy at the top, as we approached it from side we weren't exactly infront of it. Suddenly I remember and tell hijesama that I have seen something like a video in internet long time ago about such big mirrors in random places but I don't remember the details. Then hijesama expresses that he knows about the video too. And then we decide to search up about it internet so I open my phone just to notice that it's brightness was at it's lowest and was almost impossible to see especially as it was a sunny day. So I tried to slowly increase the brightness but in shock noticed that it was decreasing back to low automatically, even after several attempts the phone was acting same and even started lagging. All three of us were shocked by seeing this, so the girl with weak legs says that we should head back to camp and come here with the entire group later. I agree with her and tell hijesama let's go back this place doesn't seems right. The vibrations started increasing and all three of us could clearly experience it, I keep saying hijesama let's get out of here..! But he kind of wasn't responding like he was just froze in the moment and can't stop glaring at the mirror even if we were not infront of it. Suddenly I see that the girl with weak legs starts panting and running as fast as she can even with her weak legs. So I pull hijesama once but he doesn't responds so I start running too, and I hear a creepy voice saying the boy will be with me. I was so panicked that I didn't even look back or anywhere, i just kept running until I reached camp in a completely sweaty state. My body was burning hot so I grabbed a water bottle and completely finished it then I started looking for the girl with weak legs in camp tents but she was nowhere to be seen, i understood that she fell somewhere by probably tripping over by a rock or something. But I didn't have enough guts to go looking for her alone. Then i scream everyone to gather together but very less people notice and respond. Then i started looking for a alarm which we had for emergencies, turns out it was buried in soil so I grabbed a shovel and started digging just to see that it's not there. A guy chilling on a chair nearby told that it has already been extracted from the soil but not used yet and tells about the guy who has it i quickly grab it from the guy and press it, this time everyone looks towards me as it was a very loud noise so everyone started gathering. We decide sitting in a large king size tent and held a meeting. I was telling everyone what happened and I got snapped out of my dream. After waking up i noticed I was actually in a sweaty state and was panting.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

9 Mar 2024



I just had the strangest dream, and I don’t even really quite know how to interpret it or explain it. I was in the basement of some house in a bed with a man and it seems like we are trying to sleep, but I am trying to wake him up Sexually like I’m trying to instigate him into having sex. since he is sleeping he startles awake and he is mad and upset with me for trying to wake him up and I guess I’m insulted because he doesn’t want to have sex with me so I get up out of the bed, grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to get dressed. as I’m doing this, a cat comes down the basement stairs and into the room that we were in and like sprays projectile pee all over the room. It hits the walls, It hits the bed, it hits him, it hits me it’s absolutely disgusting. after all this happens, some other guy, that I don’t know, comes down and grabs me from behind, around the neck and kind of whispers into my ear. Are you sure you want to go home and then I wake up?

8 Mar 2024



I was in the house i lived in throughout middle and high school, but it was two-story instead of single. I was deep into a zombie apocalypse. I had my whole ground level of the house boarded and barricaded off so that hopefully, I wouldnt get overrun. But in my bedroom I had a window that opened over the roof of the garage, so if I ever needed to escape that would be my way out. I was in the middle of cooking some kind of delicious soup. I could smell it. It smelled like Pozole the Mexican soup dish. Then I heard a massive smash coming from the other side of my house. I grabbed my sword I had set down next to me and quickly went to see what in the hell had happened. Some how one of my barricades had broken away, and the zombies quickly began flooding in. I ran back across the house to peek out of the crack in a window and I was completely surrounded by zombies. Luckily, like I said, I had an escape. I grabbed my already packed emergency escape bag, a tupperware container that I filled with my half-done soup and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I shut the door quietly behind me. None of the zombies had made their way upstairs yet so If they didnt hear me they couldnt locate me. I sat there for awhile just staring at my soup and salivating at the smell. As I reached for it, there was a bang at the door. It just kept getting louder and louder. I could see it starting to lose its strength so I made my way to the escape window and tried to open it. It was stuck. I couldnt open it at all. I grabbed a heavy object in the room and broke the glass away. As I began to climb through the window there was a shard of glass still sticking out that I missed and it cut my arm, very deeply. The pain vibrated all through my body. All I see is blood flowing out all over me. I tore off my shirt, wrapped it around my arm and held it there as hard as i could. I turned back to look inside and thr zombies had just broken through. When I woke up I had this massive dark bruise in the exact same spot where I had cut my arm in the dream. But I sleep in the middle of my bed with a pillow on each side of me. How on earth did I get the bruise?

8 Mar 2024



I was on holiday, my mum and took a walk to the sea. The sand was very muddy and made it difficult to get into the sea, but we made it and had a paddle the sea was quite rough. The dream then jumped back to a hotel. I started looking around the other rooms and started watching the tv then someone came out the of the room I didn’t know her but felt like I did she reminded me of a character from a tv series, she came back to my room then started to be unwell so we went to the reception to call for an ambulance, she said her heart felt like it was racing. The ambulance called the receptionist for her to do a blood pressure which was normal. The ambulance arrived the crew were all very young. Then out of nowhere an older doctor was there and operating on her brain, I asked where the ambulance crew were he’d sent them away and asked for a better crew! I started to ask what he was doing he started to show me and explain, it was like her brain was outside not hurting her when he was showing this. He was was showing me all this black liquid that came out and how a certain part wasn’t working, but now is. This lady then needed my help to the bathroom she want me to help her walk as her legs wouldn’t work properly so I helped her to the toilet and back to reception. The doctor was there and he had to go now , but the ambulance was still on the way. Then I woke up

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