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5 May 2024



I had a dream I seen a girl in a chair getting instant locks , and then I was next to get them

5 May 2024



I don’t really remember the details but I think I have had this dream twice, so it’s about I think five puppies and I guess I was dog sitting and I kept losing them everywhere I go until I went to this frappuccino shop and made myself red velvet frappuccino and so when I returned I went home and changed the cars and then I placed them in and then I parked somewhere and went inside a building I realized one of them was missing and then all the puppies ran from their car to retrieve their siblings who looked so weak when they returned and then I got home, went inside and came outside something happened I don’t remember but I saw the mailman who looked very creepy ( not to judge), the puppies ran everywhere and I was searching for them and then I woke up I feel like I found them in the dream but another part of me feels incomplete and empty like I lost something




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5 May 2024



I had three dreams last night because I kept waking up and falling back asleep. 1st Dream: It started off at my grandparents house. The characters from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” were there. They were all talking about stuff until my mom comes into the room and tells them that she’s going to the store and that I’m going with her. I can’t remember what happened at the store, all I remember is that the walk back to our car was long. After that, we went to my house and put the groceries away. Then, I went to the upstairs bathroom because I had to use it. After using the toilet, I noticed a small hole in the bathtub. In that hole was a giant spider with wings. It looked directly at me before it started flying around the bathroom. I started freaking out and screaming and tried to keep the thing away from me. Eventually, I open the bathroom door and leave the bathroom. I take a moment to calm down before realizing that I’m in a completely different place, and that I’ve taken the form of one of the cartoon characters from earlier. Sokka to be exact. Anyways, I start exploring this canyon-like pit that is in front of me, when I hear a noise. I quickly find something to hide behind before spotting what made the noise I heard. It was a giant version of the spider I heard earlier. They looked almost identical to each other, the only difference was that the giant one had the face of a bat. As I stare at the creature for a moment before another one crawls out of a cave and walks up to it. For some reason, I decide to take a picture of these things, and it caused me to get spotted by them. I start running away and they chase after me. As I’m running, I pull out this teleporter device and use it. Then, I appear back at my grandparents house and tell everyone what happened. 2nd Dream: This dream was all about getting ready for the mall. I was practically ready almost instantly. All I needed to do was put my shoes on. My mom however, took literal hours to get ready. While she was getting ready, I went to see what her bathroom looked like and saw that the toilet had been moved and that her bathroom had no water at all. Anyway, after my mom was ready, I got in the car and saw that my sister had been waiting for us in there. My mom then gives us this old ID cards that our old babysitter gave us and started driving. While driving, my sister told my mom that someone was following us. So, my mom drove off the road to lose them. After that, we started walking along this hiking trail. When we came across the hilly part of the path, a black sink came out of nowhere and knocked my sister over. Then, the ground started moving, and everyone was quickly brought up to the top of the hill where we met the protector of the forest. He asked what we were doing there, and we explained everything that happened to him. After that, he gave us the okay to continue along the path. 3rd Dream: This dream started off at school. A very small class was having a pizza party small room. One of the students got confused and asked if some slices of pizza were older than other slices. Before she got her answer though, the school’s principal came in and started talking to them. The conversation started out nice, but soon the principal got mad and insulted everyone and their hobbies. After that, he left. Then, the students left and went home. One of the students, a black haired female, went to a park with her brother and her mother. Her brother was messing around and having fun, but then, he tried to pee on a tree and it got him in trouble. Then the dream takes a dark turn. The boy get tied up and covered in blue paint before getting beat up by adults. His sister comes over to save him, but he gets kidnapped shortly afterwards. The girl then sets up a search party, but the boy’s kidnapper comes back and gives the boy back. The boy’s sister examines her brother and saw that both of his legs had been broken. The people in the search party then grabbed baseball bats and threatened the kidnapper. The kidnapper plays along and admits that he’s a horrible person before throwing a smoke bomb on the ground. After the smoke clears, all of the world’s colors get over-saturated and everything becomes super colorful. The search party looks for the kidnapper and finds his house. They try to get in but fail. After that, they decide to take the boy to the hospital and to call the police. I don’t know what happened after that because that’s when I woke up.

5 May 2024

Mom dying


My dreams keep getting more upsetting. Last nights dream was about my friends, my mom, and my boyfriend Nick. I’m not sure about the order of sequence, but here we go: in my waking life my relationship with my mother is estranged. In my dream, I think I was looking for my mom. I remember going to an event where I knew all my friends would be. (In my waking life I haven’t spoken to these friends in about eight months.) I was very nervous to see them. I was also supposed to meet my boyfriend there. When I arrived, my boyfriend was nowhere to be found. I asked his probation officer where he was. He laughed but wouldn’t tell me where to find him or how to get ahold of him. I felt a familiar pit form in my stomach. I knew something bad had happened. I started making my rounds around the room, saying hi to people I have not seen in quite some time. I was being happy and bubbly on the outside, even though I was falling apart internally. I saw Beau, who I’ve been friends with for over two decades and who used to be my best friend in waking life. He lives across the country so I wasn’t expecting to see him but was very excited. I ran up to him and jumped on him to give him a hug, and he hugged me back but wasn’t as enthusiastic as I was. Next I started seeing Alysha, Katie, Whitney, Kelly and amber. Whitney was the first one I spoke to. I was expecting more emotion and more questions as to why I’ve been MIA for so long. But it was more like just small talk. Then when I saw Amber, she pretended like she didn’t even see me and gave me the cold shoulder. I brushed it off, and continued socializing with other old acquaintances. I could tell by the way she looked at me with a look of annoyance that she was mad, so I decided to give her space and not go up to her. At some point I acquired a phone and was talking to my boyfriend Nick. He said “it went really, really wrong” and I could hear the distress and pain in his voice. “They gave me ten years.” Then the line was cut off, so I didn’t get any more of an explanation than that. I think he had gone to talk to his probation officer about something, and somehow he ended up getting thrown in prison and was going to be there for ten years, leaving me seven months pregnant with our two other children to fend for ourselves. As I’m going around the room talking to people I haven’t seen in a while, I’m trying to open up and tell them how I’ve been sober for over a year now, but I didn’t receive that “congratulations, good for you” that I was expecting. At the end of the dream I was speaking to someone, trying to find my mom. They asked me a question about her, and I can’t remember all the details but it was as if i needed a certain piece of information that I didn’t actually have, and if I didn’t have that information it was either going to prevent me from searching for her further, or actually get myself into some kind of legal trouble. The answer I gave them was a guess, and the person got up to go check the information, and basically said it would be good enough. But that’s when my daughter in waking life woke me up from my dream.

5 May 2024



I was at a Halloween party? Or we were monsters at a reunion or something… I’m not sure. But there were definitely two pregnant women. But the weirdest thing was.. someone was talking about a door.. if you go through it, find riches and be blessed with magic or some shit. But it was protected by a wizard and his lion. I remember trying to tell someone, almost warn someone, that someone else found the door. Then I recognized myself having almost like a vision through this dudes eyes. Opening the door, and finding a small wizard with no face just sharp teeth in a smile. Almost elf like. With a lion the size of a big dog. I saw the lion pounce at me, and then I was back in the party talking to the pregnant girls. The guy I thought was attacked was almost like manic trying to get ready for a drag show but just frantically painting himself blue…. And just got up and walked away. The weirdest part. It was almost like someone was searching for someone who would dream of or see the elf like creature and the lion. I found myself in a room where there was this old lady or man, I’m not sure, but they were talking about seeing them, and who ever was interrogating them hooked their eyelids to, well what I could only recognize as jumper cables. Some how, I think found myself in a crab shack… trying desperately to find a bathroom because I was afraid I was going to let something out of me. Like something was trying to crawl out of me.

5 May 2024



I dreamt that I was working at the market in my hometown, cleaning out the display freezers while looking for a gold ring that had been lost in there. I was finding various other pieces of jewelry, but none of them were the missing pieces to the gold and ruby ring had partially found, but was still looking for. At some point, a group of six boys walked in and sat at a table. I went to take their order, starting with the youngerst one who looked to be about 12 and a few years younger than the rest. He ordered a PB&J, and one by ine, each of the other boys ordered the same. I got back to the youngest boy and asked him what he would like as a side. He said potato wedges and I continued asking the other boys what they would like, each of them saying the same. I got to the fourth boy, and he seemed to be in a bad mood. He angrily told me he didn’t want a side and stormed off, away from the table. I went to find bread for the sandwiches and came across an old woman, eating bread from the dumpster. I knew I couldn’t use the bread I had found there, and went to look for more in the market when I came upon the boys’ mother and her two young daughters. She looked frightened and told me that I should come to church with them sometime. I asked he were they went to church, and she couldn’t tell me. She then proceeded to mutter something into a book which I recognized. I noticed the illustration on the page she was muttering to, which was Posiden with his trident, standing on top of the sea as he commanded a storm. I mentioned that I had the same book, and she snapped back that her book was different. When she had finished muttering to the book, she began to tear strips from it, starting at the top of the book. She began to leave in a rushed manner, and I thanked her for caring about my soul. The boys all followed her and the two little girls out of the store, and I realized I had encountered them before, I just hadn’t recognized them this time because a long time had passed since they were last in. I skipped to a large house, built on the face of a cliff. The wind began ti pick up to an alarming rate and the house began swaying. I understood that the woman must have foreseen this, and quickly began gathering my most cherished belongings. As the house began to topple over, I quickly opened the door and my cats both ran outside. My dog, Marley, was afraid and didn’t want to go, so I grabbed her by the collar and forced her outside to safety. I dropped th bag of items I had and saw that the house still wasn’t completely gone, so I ran back inside to get some more of my things, among them, my drills and some other tools of my trade. This time as I ran from upstairs, the house began to tip so badly that it started to break apart. I slid down the tilted wall and escaped the house in the knick of time. I was outside now with my pets, and a flood began. I understood that this must have been what the woman at the market had been afraid of and was trying to save me from, so I got my animals and a bag of my things that included drinking water and began to move them to higher ground. Water was cascading all around us as we walked uphill, and that’s when I woke up.

5 May 2024



my dream started from me waking up in my bed looking outside the window there was a cop car pushing a wall towards my bedroom window to make space for construction that was happening outside. The road next to my house was all under construction, it was a huge construction site with mountains in the background and water rushing through the muddy street like a big river. Even though there was a lot of water going through the construction site, cars were still trying to get through the construction site and I marveled at the fact that people were driving through rushing water. I then got up from my bed and walked into the next room To see my dad there by the front door animated to see me telling me about all these stories and Just in a good mood It made me happy to see him wanting to talk to me and putting in effort to talk to me. I then went into my yoga room to do a little bit of yoga and Notice that outside Was rainy, but it was nice and relaxing to see the rain with me inside I went to a Child's pose To try to cure my stomach that has been hurting me and I felt a little tension there Afterwards, I went outside and it was nice weather. I got to see my cousin Alex outside and we were playing with two squishy balls. When I was up dancing, I noticed that there was mystical Indian music playing behind the trees where the swimming pool was and the mystical music along with the beautiful soothing sound really resonated with me and I felt it in my body. the last part of my dream was me walking down the street of Brazil and I went to a supermarket for me to sell two silver rings that were on my leather necklace that I was wearing and they said that they wouldn't be able to give me a price there but if you go down the street there's a shop called once upon a time and at that shop they can give you the price I was excited for the adventure to go to the shop and the dream ended.

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