18 May 2024
Train trip to Hakone
Somehow it’s very cloudy
Everyone on board(and by everyone i mean like five ppl whose foci of this story is on) this one mysterious boy
He looks like a girl and a boy, is a femme fatale of sorts to them
Of five, three-four die (indirectly) owing to him/them
He basically spends time with all of them Kaze to Ki no Uta style(destructive short-lived rendezvous/encounter with the Fatal Beauty that turns into a gothic chase through the mists through the nights in the mansion in the woods that prompts them to go insane style)
They’re recounting their encounters on their way back home(all of them are from the foreign lands I think, most from Europe)
This is like the mid-70’s, 80’s ish so there’s that Tama district-like hazy and idyllic feel to everything
They’re talking abt the war and how it/teh rapid westernization that happened in the region/the increased contact with the ppl caused white ppl in general to see the Asiatic ppls(mainly Filipinos, Central Asians and some Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc.) as an exotic subject of their fantasies and ‘art’
In the idyllic sceneries of the rural Tama district where laundries, banners and the forest canopies coexist they keep recounting shit on the rooftop floor of the tram train and now we’re at a part where they talk abt how the ppl who got their psyches messed up by the boy from earlier
Apparently they were all writers/artists/intellectuals who promised to reunite together and start an intelligentsia club for some idealistic goals of enlightenment or just. This vague idea of ‘the better future’ and the revolution of the world for the democratic world or whatever
in the recluse area/Villa(think Lion’s club but for less ppl combined with those modern-traditional Japanese architectures mixed together for those inns) of Hakone
But then this boy happened and now everyone got done messed up to a degree so we gotta head back
One of them, a woman from Swiss/Italy who writes novels had to go back to her country because of that
Psychosis and clinical depression, on her way to recovery apparently
Is much more mellow and less cheery/sweet than before
Other are brothers; they’re much worse ‘cause they’re still recovering in some mental hospitals
Dark dingy mansion like the Miyagino Heights
Almost a murder-suicide cuz one of them just so happens to have been a tad more disturbed and had their psyche done messed up by the boy and the other was a lil possessive of his ‘crush’ oop🫢
Other is fairly well-off but now done got Serge Battour’d(aw hell nah he plagued by occasional bouts of mild melancholia and an undying unconditional love for de boy now😭bro’s only source of somewhat mild episode of melancholy is a bpd pussy nahhhh💀); still alive and well enough to talk and has retained his fair and kind disposition so all is well; rip to yo mayfly-December lover the whole chat loves yo ass
Now onto the more violently affected one
He done got fucked UPPP cause like after meeting him he had flashbacks of the war
And his experience as an ex-legendary merc in hiding/retirement fucked him up so good he jumped into the river with his whole body bloody and gone
What rly happened was that he got haunted and taken over by the ghosts from the past and this indescribable sense of imminent dread and doom
And started chasing the ‘demons’ down to the river(this is like a mix of the Yumoto river and some fuckass river in the deep deep forests of Denmark or whatever after he went back home)
He’s running and parkouring on the rusting metal bridges(thin bridges for those electrical cables and the ropeways and stuff)
Basically his opps(his past enemies as the ghosts he hallucinates(or did he???)) got him verbally cornered and stuff by looming over and haunting and shit as The Voices™️
He evades the bullets by the hair’s breadth till certain points but eventually his limit comes and he gets blasted through his spines and shit by the shotgun shells
He falls either into the nearby woods or has his body blasted into a bloody put by the opps and falls into the river/riverside
All of this are speculations recounted by the living friends of his but their tones make it sound like a solemn narration in those gothic thriller novels more than anything so likely they knew what went down
Another case of this and here’s the thing
These two cases resembles what went down in a novel written about a decade back that became a bit of a sensation in Europe
this whole thing reeks of deja vu basically
Or prophetic dreams
Thr train goes through like, everywhere(Hakone, the more city-sided parts with laundries hanging out, the Todoroki gorge area, the parts with the forest canopis and laundries hanging out together, and such/bed-town like parts of Tama district…)
When the stories are done the peeps start getting off the trains on each stops(Hakone, Futago Tmaagawa, etc…) Galactic Express style
Once there’s only a few(out of already few left) left on board and on the train’s remaining stops, I ask Hayao Miyazaki-mixed-with-Serge-Battour’d-person if I can hang out w him
He says yes in this pleasantly joking, old-mannish manner
After I wake up the first song that came to me was ‘And now I know how Joan of Arc felt’ song
I think the boy who mesmerized the whole team was like, a ghost of a lonely who just sort of wanted company and was trying to reminisce his days with his own Serge Battour
Love-starved boy, Gilbert Cocteau
Who braved through the sea of prejudice in his passionate, vulnerable manner