6 May 2024
My dad sister and I were out drinking at night which we never do and after a drink we decided to walk back home to our Airbnb. It had rained a little earlier so we were laughing as we were jumping around puddles as we walked past trees. On the way a big delivery truck stopped as we were walking by, and it was one of my friend's parents. It was great to see him again, and he was reading A Course in Miracles, a book that I'm currently reading, and he mentioned how much he loved it. as we were leaving this girl and her brother who I've never met before started talking to me she said that she was from Argentina the city Cordoba and wanted to hang out more but my dad and sister said that we gotta go and that you shouldn't be talking to her because she’s got bad intentions. After that, we finally got back to our Airbnb. When we got back to the AirBnB, we had some trouble with the key, but eventually we were able to get in. The door lock ended up coming out, and I had to work to put the lock back together and open the door.