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8 Apr 2024

Dead body
New Job


I was in the car with my fiance. We were going down a road we've never been on. I said something about wanting to get a dog. He said that there would be a dog for me on the next road. There was this man walking a big great Dane. I could hear the great Dane talking. I don't remember what he said. I got out of the car to see the next dog. It was a little light brown bulldog. He ran up to me and said "I love you! Are you my new mom?". I said "yes I am, now let's go for a walk up this mountain ". I look down and I made a leash appear. We start walking up the mountain and I start getting an uneasy feeling. The mountain is steep and I keep looking over at the man with the great Dane. I heard the big dog say that he thought me and my dog were competition. He starts running faster, but his owners hold on his leash stopped him from running. I look at the owners face and notice his eyes change from red to black. I look down and were almost past the steep part of the walk. I notice holes in the ground. I can see inside and see this really big machine. I ask the man with the dog what is down there. He said "there's lots of dead bodies down there. Keep walking so you don't fall through.". We finally get to the top of the mountain. There's this store, and I go in. Instead of the normal conveyer belt at the cashier, there's cups. If your items didn't fit in your cup, then you couldn't buy it. I look around and see a lady who was meant to be a manager. I heard her thoughts. She was thinking about my performance as a shopper. I notice a paper in her hand, grading every worker and shoppers performance. If you didn't get a high enough score, then she fired you, even if you were just a shopper. I walk out and I'm in someone's house. I look around and think I'm supposed to be decorating. I'm at the kitchen sink and I look at the table. There's 3 unlit candles. I look back and notice the kitchen got messy in that time I took to look at the table. I look back again and notice the candles are lit now. I look back at the counter again and I saw sparks flying. The cabinet caught on fire. I use the hose setting on the sink to put out the flames. I'm trying to call the owner of the house, but I keep getting voice mails. I look around and notice the 3 candles turned into 3 people sitting at the table. I decide to join the conversation so I sit down. (I recognize one woman from other dreams I've had. I don't know this woman in real life, but I know her name is kelsey). A man was talking about how your eyes can change colors, so you can tell what psychic powers they have. I ask him about the man with red and black eyes. He said "that means fire powers. He also has super strength". Kelsey asks "My eyes are normally green but sometimes they change to blue and purple, what does that mean?" The man said "this means you can communicate with the earth and earth's materials like gems, metal, plants". I notice I appear at the kitchen sink again, so now there is 2 of me. The me at the kitchen sink says "well mine are normally green, but they change to a bone color. Almost white". The guy laughed and said "that's nothing. You don't have any ability". Then me at the table says "well we know white is the color of light when all the colors come together, like a prism. So would it be possible that she has every ability?". The guy said "you know what, I think you're right." He turns around to correct himself, then the me that was at the kitchen sink dissappears. I get up to find a bathroom and I notice that the shower is above the toilet. I decide to get a shower. As I'm getting a shower, I notice the drain looked like the holes in the ground I saw earlier, with the machine and dead bodies.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

8 Apr 2024



I do not really remember what the beginning of the dream was about but all I know was I was in a totally different town. It felt like it was a medium sized town maybe a little bit smaller than a big city, but it also felt like it was in the Pacific Northwest , also I was driving and I pulled into a gas station a Circle K gas station to be exact. I pull up next to this other vehicle itโ€™s also a truck I go to the person driving it and itโ€™s my brother but I donโ€™t have a brother in the real world but apparently in my dream I do we talk for a second and then he starts to mess with something in the backseat of his truck I stand next to him and pull out a binder apparently earlier that day I found this binder and it had evidence of my wife cheating on me with him. in real life I donโ€™t have a wife Iโ€™m single but anyways, as soon as I bring attention to the evidence of the cheating I get hit in the back of the head and faults to the ground unconscious. At this point I have a out of body experience in the dream where my body is unconscious, but I can kind of see whatโ€™s going on around me from a third person perspective my brother then takes my truck and leaves. I tried to wake up and follow him, but I couldnโ€™t. Then I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off.

8 Apr 2024



Last night I had a dream that somebody I knew named Heather and another person I knew named JR were helping me with a bunch of art projects in a school cafeteria with a bunch of kids and they decided to take off on me but I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know how to handle the kids. Well the kids thought I was upset and they asked me if I was upset. I said no, I'm not upset. As they were leaving, JR wrapped his arm around Heather and it clearly made me upset because the other person that was there helping me was asking me what was going on as I was wiping down the tables because there was water everywhere and I could see the children's paintings and I was fixing up their paintings and you could just tell that there was something going on between Heather and JR although Heather wasn't Heather, she was an older woman. From the cafeteria I entered into another room where there was a bunch of like sea life and one of them was a betta fish that kept jumping out of the water and I couldn't figure out why it was jumping out of the water so we decided to dump out its aquarium to figure out what was going on and there was a hog nose being eaten by a bunch of mealworms and when I looked up to retrieve it out, my kid's dad was standing there instead of my kid.

8 Apr 2024



The world worked as it does now the only difference is that there were dinosaur like monsters that roamed the world. Their vision was based on human movement, if you were inside a car they would not chase you. Me and my friends were on a journey to Mecxa, a reactor that could end all of these monsters life. No lives were lost along this journey but there were a lot of close calls. We made it to Mecxa just to find that it had been destroyed and the journey was for nothing. The group was decided weather to go back or to try and fix the reactor. The group was split and a verbal fight had broken loose alerting the monsters in the area. We took cover and the monsters broke through the windows on the roof and the blast doors, after that I donโ€™t remember much.

8 Apr 2024



In my dream , First I was at my aunties house getting a takeaway with my friend Leah. Meanwhile my boyfriend was at a party which I didnโ€™t mind. Then me and Leah got a phone call from my boyfriend letting us know the host of the party said we could also go. So then me and Leah set off to the party and as we got halfway there I called my boyfriend to make sure that everyone definitely knew we were going. He picked up the phone but it was not him , two girls said hello to me through his phone. I proceeded to calmly ask where my boyfriend was and they hung up on me. We got to the party and two girls were at the reception asking to make sure they didnโ€™t let us in . I then calmly had a conversation with the reception explained the situation and ensured if we got asked to leave by anyone at the party , we would. As we started to look around , I realised my boyfriend was in a room with his friend and two girls. I then just left the room and stayed quiet. I then called my boyfriend again as he hadnโ€™t noticed I was at the party and he picked up , I could hear him talking to my sister. My sister was asking him who the girls were and why he was with them and not me and he proceeded to make jokes out of the situation making it seem and claiming it was not a big deal. I then completely left the party without saying anything and I then woke up.

8 Apr 2024



I'm in my childhood home and playing the Sims computer game in the dark. I needed to shower but I felt that getting in a shower would be too much work so I just lather myself with soap and clean up using the sink. Everything is in the dark except I have a little light coming from a wall plug in. While I'm washing up, my brother and dad are downstairs watching tv. As soon as I finish washing my face, I go to my bedroom to dry off and get changed. I hear a lot of commotion downstairs and outside. So I go to my window to see that the local university is having a victory parade on the street and people are having a good time but some are starting to run but I can't see why, so I go to the top of the stairs to look down into the family living room and I found my dad and brother scrambling around with the couch up on its side and it appears that a leg on the couch is broken. I asked what happened and they said that some kids stole a gun out of my dad's truck and they tried to chase them so now they barricaded themselves in the house in case they tried to come in and started shooting. So I come downstairs to try and help and I asked them what the person looked like and they just said tall with wings. So I go outside because I don't care what happens to me. And I try to see if I can spot the person or people they are talking about and it is still chaotic out in the street. I end up finding them and it's a group of teens or younger adults that were traveling together by holding onto each other's legs and cartwheeling. They each also had wings and could fly. I attracted them to come back to the house by throwing 2 liters of sodas. They come back and I confronted them about stealing guns (which is highly unusual because I do not like guns and I do not like conflict or confrontation) and then I found the one that had the gun that my dad and brother described. He turned around to fly away from me. I said something else and he landed and then pointed the gun towards me and I woke up in a panic.

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