20 May 2024
I had a dream that I was in high school, and it was so much fun, and all the boys were chasing me, and I was very happy, and I didn't know who to choose to be my boyfriend
My mom was in my dream. Throughout the dream she was just loving me. I was doing a lot of activities. I was very, very busy and I was doing very good. I remember seeing a turtle. A big, big, big turtle.. And I went on a jet ski in the ocean and it was a lot of fun. I was just having a good time and I remember that a lot of different boys wanted me and they didn't know who to choose to be with me, who to be my boyfriend. And I was also visiting Israel. I remember maybe I was in Israel, actually I probably was in Israel when I think about it because I was a teenager. I remember seeing my high school and my mom.